Bradshaw Park
Monthly Saturday morning plantings are continuing at Bradshaw Park but some Friends members are discouraged at Council’s attitude at present which appears to lack positive input.
Braeside Park / Woodlands Industrial Estate
The land proposed for further development on Governor Road is being withheld from sale at present. (Stage 6)
A three lake system is being considered to treat leachates flowing into the Dingley Drain and then into the Braeside wetlands. The three lakes will include the existing clay quarry. It is hoped that run-off will be filtered through the lake system and then be released into Mordialloc Creek in a less polluted state. Studies of the river red gum site and quarry have been completed but not yet released.
Dingley Drain in Braeside Park was reported to be filled with black ooze and bubbling with methane gas. Samples have been sent to U.S to detect contaminants.
The Agnew Report
Glen reports that the artificial tyre reef off Carrum is disintegrating and causing amateur fishermen concern. Fish life in the area is minimal. The EPA is not happy about “junk” being dumped in the Bay.
There has been gross change in the weed growth at the Cerebus site.
Glen attended a meeting of BRASCA who were preparing a Bayside environmental strategy plan and encouraged the group to co-operate with MBCL and other bodies in areas of the coast where interests overlap.
Mordialloc Creek / Revegetation
Colin McIntosh of the EPA advises that Wells Rd, Dingley Drain, Dunlops Drain and Centre Swamp Drain are regularly checked.
Chris, who is MBCL delegate to the Mordialloc Creek Monitoring Committee, reports that sediment control on drains entering the creek is a high priority for MWC. Greening Australia has contacted MBCL to check if there is conservation work available for their Green Task Force in our area. They have been referred to David Digby re this issue. The LEAP contingent are now attempting to clear weeds from the Heatherton Drain section of the Creek. The completion of the viewing platforms is being held up because the supply of timber has been delayed by the timber workers blockade in Canberra according to David!
Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition
Cuthbertson has presented “Suggestions for a Kingston Corporate Plan Environment” to be the preamble for the 16 points which will form the basis of the Coalition’s Ecological Sustainable Development Strategy.
Chain of Parks
J.Welch outlined the need for urgent action to prevent sand mining commencing in the site on Warrigal Road. J.Welch and M.Rimington have had a meeting with the City of Moorabbin engineer regarding this matter and will meet with Geoff Leigh MLA to present the case for retaining the disputed area as parkland.
Other Business
MBCL to consider a walkathon along the foreshore and investigate the possibility of corporate Sponsorship for the league.
Meeting closed; 10pm