Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th September 1995


Incoming: Newsletters (various)

Outgoing: Letter supporting the campaign to prevent the Barnbam Swamp being re-zoned residential
Letter to City of Kingston Commissioners requesting the MBCL be involved in plans for developments on the foreshore i.e The car park at the Spunner Pavilion, the Scullin Oval, Mordialloc.

Bradshaw Park

Work proceeding. There are plans to conduct a “burn” to destroy weeds. This can now be carried out under the new by-laws. LEAP people have assisted with plantings. Friends of Bradshaw Park would like to have the use of the igloo, formerly the property of Mordialloc Council, to propagate plants under their propagation programme. Negotiations are continuing.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

The official opening of the Industrial estate was performed by Phil Gude Minister in the Kennet Government, 1-9-95. Special features of the development were said to be the 16 hectares of Murray River red gums and the proposal to include three lakes to filter drainage water before it flows into Mordialloc Creek.
R.Pearson asked the consultant to consider leaving land on Governor road out of future development plans and include it in the environmental section of the park. Filling would be required if the this area was used for development.

Mordialloc Tennis Club Relocation

The City of Kingston plans to spend $10,000 to “develop a master plan for the entire area” of Mordialloc Foreshore (Mordialloc Chelsea News 30-8-95) These plans may include land available after the proposed re-location of the tennis club. MBCL have written to the Chief Commissioner requesting that there be consultation and active involvement with conservation groups on planning matters on the foreshore as stated in the Corporate Plan (p.21)

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

A sub-committee of the KCEC met to discuss a submission to the City of Kingston for funding to establish an environmental resource centre and to produce a bi-monthly newsletter.

The Agnew Report

Glen has supplied MBCL with hard copy of environmental material to be found when surfing the Internet. This will be added to MBCL considerable files and will be available to anyone interested in such matters.
Glen has also generously offered to bring his computer to the League meetings to demonstrate the high tech possibilities of this medium in researching environmental issues. His offer has been enthusiastically received by members. Watch this space!

Planning our Future Together

The Banksia Environmental Foundation is organising a seminar entitled Managing our Parks & Open Space 24th October 1995 at The Garden Room, Leonda. 2 Wallen Road, Hawthorn, Contact No. 9428 5567.

At our meeting Tuesday 3-10-95 Glen will be demonstrating how computers may be used to research environmental issues. All welcome to participate in introduction to the internet.

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