Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 1995


Outgoing John Standish re Shell Oil Pipeline, David Hodge re Kingston Bicycle Strategy Geoff Leigh re Parcel Dispatch from Mordialloc station, Foreshore Vegetation, KLSP, John Bayley re KLSP
Geoff Goode re “Windows” Michael Lee & Rod Atkinson re Optus Cables.
Incoming Community Festival Day Sunday 24th March 1996, Lyn Allison re Port Melbourne Tower Block. City of Kingston Grant Information, Clean up Australia Information.

Community Festival Day 24th March

Suggestions and assistance would be very much appreciated!

Braeside Park / Sandbelt Park

Progress has been slowed down at Braeside due to rain. Planting in Karkarook Park is being carried out by Braeside Park rangers and volunteers.

Kingston Bicycle Strategy

Due to Council amalgamations there has been numerous changes of staff handling the bicycle planning. David Hodge, the person now in charge of the strategy, assured the League that we would be included in working party discussions and that our 1992 proposals for a path along the Mordialloc Main Drain would be considered. However, it appears that a steering Committee consisting of cyclists and schools have been meeting for some time! A meeting with the consultants, Loder & Bayley, recently is reassuring in that the consultant is familiar with our proposals and welcomes our submission.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris Cliffs

Glen will contact Chris and, Council re the listing. The Bayside Times reports on the nomination of the Beaumaris fossil site for National Estate listing. It is hoped that the listing will include the cliffs from Keefers to the Charman Road corner.

Moorabbin Airport Lease

Mara has written to Hon Rod Atkinson asking that the airport become an open space forested area to possibly compensate for the loss of open space when the Green Wedge is lost to development at Keysborough.

Chicquita Park

The KCEC will write to Hon. Simon Crean asking that the Federally owned park be retained as parkland.

Keysbough Local Strategy Plan

MBCL supports the KCEC submission re the Green Wedge. The submission supports the Greater City of Dandenong proposal that 50% of land be retained as Public Open Space. This would enable the DVA wetlands plan to be carried out.

Agnew Report

Charts of the sea floor from Mordialloc to Carrum have been provided by Glen.

ESSO Pipe Line

A notice in the Age late in 1995 appeared to suggest that the Shell oil company intended to use the Ethane pipe line across the Bay to pump oil to Altona. As a result of a letter to the local paper from a local resident, Shell wrote to the correspondent apologising for the misleading notice in the paper and stating that the land pipe line corridor would be used not the ethane gas pipe line across the Bay! Great news!

Village Committees

The Commissioners are strongly promoting Village Committees as a means encouraging community involvement in communication between Council and the community. Therefore it is essential that environmental groups are represented on these committees at least at the outset. At present consultation with Council on environmental issues is unsatisfactory as it seems to consist mainly of rubber stamping plans without there having been input from conservationists.

Windows on the Bay Extension on the Foreshore

The proposed extension of the restaurant on the foreshore will be a massive over- development of the site increasing the seating from 100 to 320 seats. A mediation meeting with Richard Franke was arranged by John McLean on Dec 18, 1995. As there could be no agreement to the extension MBCL and many others have objected.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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