Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 10th October 2007

Forthcoming Events

Public information session will be held at Clarinda Community Centre on Thursday November 8th from 7pm to give landowners, residents and community groups the opportunity to learn more about the importance of the Green Wedge and retention of open space- especially the Chain of Parks concept. Submissions due Nov.30th.

Candidates Forum in the Seat of ISAACS

Greens and Democrat candidates are available to discuss their parties policies at the Parkdale Uniting Church Hall, Parkers Road, 15th November at 7.30 pm. The minor parties may play an important role whichever party wins the forthcoming election.

Channel Deeping Panel Report

Channel Deeping Panel Report was finally released this week. No surprises! The Panel relied on POMC’s expert witnesses and the Independent Expert Group’s submissions to approve deepening the shipping channels .Cross examination of witnesses was not permitted at the hearing which limited information available to the Panel.The Chairman, Alan Hawke commented on this flaw, unusual in hearings of this type and recommended this procedure was not used in future hearings.Tide levels will be higher than originally stated, the Entrance will be dredged to a greater depth of possibly 22 metres allowing for an increased flow into the Bay.
If the Minister for Roads and Ports decides to proceed with the proposal, the Port of Melbourne Corporation will apply to the Victorian Minister for the Environment, for his approval under Coastal Management Act 1995.
The assessment will also be provided to the Federal Minister for Environment, for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Copies of the Minister for Planning’s Assessment can be found at

Another Bike Path ??

Why not a path along the south levee bank of the creek to Springvale Road to connect with the Dandenong Trail, the proposed Keysborough supermarket on Hutton Road and through the Waterways to Braeside? Apparently it is a good idea to build a path on a levee bank above flood level and also because it helps to compress the levee bank.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th October 1998

For Sale! For Sale! For Sale!

Original watercolour cards with envelopes. Local Scenes. Great for OS friends.
All proceeds to MBCL.

The Parks

Further to last months minutes referring to proposed signs at Bradshaw Park we have been advised that the signs will be metal, 6ft long and approx. 3ft wide. The signs will be pictorial only with outlines of animals which children/students can colour in. The signs will be sealed to weather proof them. It is proposed to place the signs along both the Nepean Hwy and railway fences. Council is prepared to construct an improved entrance when the Friends have decided on the design.
Water analysis is continuing at Braeside Park. We will be interested to hear the results when they are available. Sunday 8th November at 2pm a Spring Heathland Walk with Leon Costermans.
Planting is continuing at Karkarook Park.

Sercos’s Foreshore Management

A bi-monthly meeting with Serco, MBCL and KCEC members took place 8-9-98. Issues discussed were a proposed ecological burn at the Mundy Street, Mentone site to encourage regeneration of indigenous plants. There is no official plan for foreshore management. The Kingston Foreshore Strategy Plan will become the official plan when the study is completed by the consultants. There are opportunities for Friends Groups to be involved in decision making if they contact Council when new specifications are being prepared. We reported that beach cleaning machinery was damaging spinifex which is spreading onto the beach and stabilising the sand and dunes.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition Annual General Meeting

A Public Transport Users Association representative attended this meeting and asked for submissions opposing the Scoresby Freeway. Paul Mees of the PTUA will represent MBCL at the Panel hearing as well as the many other environment groups who are objecting to the proposed freeway which will encroach into the green wedge and encourage more development in the wedge.
KCEC have applied for a $20,000 Federation Grant to assist with the planned two day Flora and Fauna Seminar on biodiversity in the sandstone areas in Kingston and adjoining suburbs.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd April 1996

City of Kingston Signage Policy

A submission has been sent to Peter Conroy and Warren Ashdown expressing our concern at the number of signs in foreshore carparks. One suggestion is to have information regarding ticket machines (e.g Fee Payable) painted on the parking bays. We will be advised when this matter will be discussed in Council.

Piers and Jetties

Melbourne Parks and Waterways has undertaken to arrange a meeting at Mordialloc possibly May 20th to inform interested parties of their proposals/intentions for piers and jetties around Port Phillip Bay. Conservationists and boat owners may like to attend.

The Parks

Bradshaw Park
A tree planting day was held on April 21st. People who attended the barbecue were invited. The Open day went well. The Friends group has received a seeding grant of $500.00 which will enable them to become incorporated.

Braeside Park
The Friends group has applied for a grant from Greening Australia. A bicycle path has been istalled in the Park. Braeside Park management has opposed the service station/convenience store application on the coner of Governor/Springvale road.

Karkarook Park
A ranger has been appointed full time. $150,000 has been allocated for the construction of paths and tree planting in the embryo park.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th March 1996

Kingston Community Day

An enormous Thank You to members who attended and assisted on the day at the Gerry Green reserve. The display Park Action created great interest especially the large photo suppled by our President of the open space in front of Windows which graphically demonstrated the amount of Crown Land lost if the extension is approved by the Commissioners.

Windows on the Bay

There has been no decision as yet on the proposed extension of the restaurant. A visit to the EDO to seek advice was worthwhile. There have been several offers from objectors to act as witnesses if the need arises. These offers are greatly appreciated.

Braeside Park

Friends of Braeside Park are building a second greenhouse which will eventually propagate from 20,000 to 40,000 plants per year. The Friends have applied for a grant from Melbourne Parks & Waterways.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Large holes are still being dug at the southern section of the estate. Factories are being built close to the proposed freeway reservation on the eastern side of the industrial estate & also close to the boundary of Braeside Park.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th February 1996

Kingston Festival Community 24th March

Suggestions??? Assistance??? Ideas??? Offers of Items for Sale???

Braeside Park / Woodlands Industrial Estate

Ranger Mark Mooney is now Environmental Officer. Resources are spread thin since it is now necessary for staff to assist in the development of Karkarook Park. Deep holes are still being dug in the southern section of Woodlands Industrial Estate as soil is removed to fill industrial sites in the estate. Will these holes be too deep to perform satisfactorily as “wetlands”?

Development on Governor Road

The proposed restaurant and car park development on the north western corner of Governor Road has caused concern since it may set a precedent for development south of Governor Road where it is planned to locate linear wetlands. Jack will prepare a submission to be presented to City of Kingston Commissioners.

Bradshaw Park

Trial burns have been successfully conducted in the park. An Open Day is planned for March 16th. Since the introduction of CCT staff numbers in the Parks & Gardens areas have been savagely cut resulting in fewer staff working in a greatly increased area of parkland. This has resulted in less time spent maintaining foreshore reserves and, sadly, may also mean less time available to be devoted to specialised parks such as Bradshaw Park.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 1995


Outgoing John Standish re Shell Oil Pipeline, David Hodge re Kingston Bicycle Strategy Geoff Leigh re Parcel Dispatch from Mordialloc station, Foreshore Vegetation, KLSP, John Bayley re KLSP
Geoff Goode re “Windows” Michael Lee & Rod Atkinson re Optus Cables.
Incoming Community Festival Day Sunday 24th March 1996, Lyn Allison re Port Melbourne Tower Block. City of Kingston Grant Information, Clean up Australia Information.

Community Festival Day 24th March

Suggestions and assistance would be very much appreciated!

Braeside Park / Sandbelt Park

Progress has been slowed down at Braeside due to rain. Planting in Karkarook Park is being carried out by Braeside Park rangers and volunteers.

Kingston Bicycle Strategy

Due to Council amalgamations there has been numerous changes of staff handling the bicycle planning. David Hodge, the person now in charge of the strategy, assured the League that we would be included in working party discussions and that our 1992 proposals for a path along the Mordialloc Main Drain would be considered. However, it appears that a steering Committee consisting of cyclists and schools have been meeting for some time! A meeting with the consultants, Loder & Bayley, recently is reassuring in that the consultant is familiar with our proposals and welcomes our submission.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris Cliffs

Glen will contact Chris and, Council re the listing. The Bayside Times reports on the nomination of the Beaumaris fossil site for National Estate listing. It is hoped that the listing will include the cliffs from Keefers to the Charman Road corner.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th July 1995

Braeside Park

An Open Day will be held July 27 from 11-4pm at Braeside Park
The 16 hectare stand of Red Gums on the Woodlands Industrial Estate has been passed over to Melbourne Parks & Waterways, for management. Melbourne Water has funded the fencing. There is no indication as yet of development proposals for the east side of the stand of Red Gums. An Aboriginal Cultural Centre is being established in Braeside Park by Tracks, Australia – a Koori Company. Members of the Wurrundjeri tribe are claiming to be the legal custodians of the park.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

CMPS Consultant’s report on the three lakes wetlands system for the Woodlands Industrial Estate contains hydrological reports and permeability and bore tests. Melbourne Water who are involved in this project have formed a company- Assett Solutions.

Mentone Car Park (At The Spunner Pavilion).

R.Pearson, J. Cuthbertson, S. Calvert-Smith and M.Rimington attended an on-site inspection with the Kingston Environment & Infrastructure Manager, Warren Ashdown July 7, to discuss the proposals for the “rationalisation” of the car park above the Spunner Pavilion, Mentone Foreshore. As a result of the inspection MBCL has indicated that there will be no objection to the plan provided that there is no expansion of the car park.

Mentone Parade Stormwater Drain

The large stormwater drain will be installed but two other drains will be removed from the beach. This will still leave 14 drains flowing into the Bay between Mordialloc Creek and Charman Road, Mentone.

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