Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Newsletter – November 2020

Mordialloc Creek Master Plan Update

The 2004 Master Plan was last updated in September 2012. Much of the original upgrading has been completed. In this 2012 version retention of boating and fishing activity on and around the Pompei landing is emphasised. The proposed unit development on the site is not mentioned and will add to a demand for parking. The suggestion is that Attenborough Park be used for boat owner’s parking. An item of concern is the proposal to plant an avenue of Canary Island Palms around the Hazel Pierce Reserve on Beach Road. If anyone is concerned about this please start making enquiries. This was tried once before but the four palms were removed from the site!!

Protection of Westernport Bay

Victorian National Parks Association is appealing for funds for legal and scientific expertise to challenge the weakness of AGL’s claims for a floating gas import facility in the middle of protected wetlands at Crib Point .The entire Westernport Bay is a Ramsar listed wetland. The north arm of the Bay attracts 50,000 waterbirds and this is where AGL is proposing to discharge 47 kilograms of chlorine into the bay each day, if it is not stopped. Even AGL admits that this will exceed safe levels for marine life.

Oysters on the Pier

It seems the experiment to create artificial reefs around Port Phillip Bay to encourage oysters to grow for non-commercial purposes is successful. A recent report mentioned oysters are growing on Mordialloc Pier and on the existing reef to the south of the pier. Will the oysters be affected by the contamination coming out of Mordialloc Creek? Should there be a sign at the mouth of the creek warning the fishermen on the pier not eat the fish or oysters???

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th September 2018

Dent’s Paddock

Following a Panel Hearing at Kingston Council the Minister for Planning has approved a stay of vegetation removal on the site until January 2019. Some excellent presentations were made by MBCL members and especially a local resident whose family originally owned the land when he was a boy. He was able to give an account of the original vegetation on the site.

Regent’s Park

One brave resident was prepared to go to VCAT on his own in an attempt to prevent this Memorial indigenous garden being destroyed to make way for two netball courts. Some MBCL members felt so strongly about this issue that it was decided to give support. VCAT has permitted a number of people to be joined with the original appellant and will be allowed to speak at the forthcoming VCAT Hearing.

Bay Trail

Still awaiting the result of the VCAT hearing initiated by opposition parties to the Council approved plan for the bike path.

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