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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd August 2023


In – Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islands Voice, Australian Conservation Foundation, Bushtracks
Out – To Councillors regarding the Heritage Overlay on Ornond St and further heritage houses to be assessed.

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Not much to report on this month:

  • Brad will finishing acting Public Places Team Leader at the end of this week and returning to the Bushland and Foreshore Team Leader position.
  • Adrian has resigned and is going to Mornington Pen Council in their Coastal Planning Team in the coming weeks.
  • Still awaiting responses for Mentone Life Saving Club and Peter Scullin planting plans.
  • The plant that browns off during winter at Epsom is Bolboschoenus caldwellii Marsh Club-rush.

Kingston Housing Strategy

Mordialloc Heritage Overlay. What does it protect? Building Facades only?
Generally there is a push for more development. Need to push for no more development in Carrum Carrum Swamp. Needs to stay Neighbourhood Residential Zone  and given an overlay to prevent subdivision of blocks.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th July 2023


Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Report Booklet
Newspaper article (CMM News). Council address effects of rising sea levels.
MBCL letter to Council stating we want 3 for 1 replacement of trees removed.

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Bushland & Foreshore Team:

  •  19 Tarella Rd – permit has been granted, neighbour fencing has been completed, house demolition will commence on the week of 11th July and all things going well the park fencing will be installed early August. The Bushland crew will also be out in force in the coming weeks to start works on the path network and preparing the site for opening.
  • Wilson Grove Bioswale on the Aspendale foreshore has been completed, with the foreshore crew erecting two new fenced walkways and planting 2300 plants to start dune stabilisation.
  • The free tree giveaway was a fantastic success with just under 5000 tube stock collected by Kingston residents.
  • The western boardwalk through the Epsom Grasslands which was scheduled for removal in May/June has been delayed due to wet weather, but will get underway as soon as the ground dries up a little bit.
  • The foreshore crew is set to expand in the coming months with the addition of two crew members. This will allow two teams to operate along the foreshore and increase focus on conservation works in priority sites.

Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

LXRP have heard our concerns about flora, fauna and works in meetings and emails:

  • BBR itself is unlikely to be impacted by works;
  • landscaping species will be consistent with BBR vegetation types (from viewing them and lists);
  • rail corridor flora identified and rescued;
  • significant trees north of BBR to remain;
  • will coordinate with BBR on fauna habitat boxes;
  • shared path on west side of railway (avoid remnant vegetation beside BBR on eastern side), to continue across the railway to White St;
  • have met twice with the Construction Liaison Community Group on equipment storage, works, water table unaffected, grounding of cables, etc.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th June 2023


Australian Conservation Foundation, Wilderness Society, Bushtracks, Stop Rogue Logging,
Stop the Great Wall of Frankston, Sustainable Population Australia, Kingston Your City, Beacon, Birdlife Australia

Heritage Council have determined that the Mordialloc Water Tower be on the Heritage list.
Port Phillip CC – August 16th at Convention Centre. Forum held by DEECA to showcase the activities delivered under the Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017 -2027 and projects being funded through the Port Phillip Bay Fund. J Warfe will send link to book.
Wayne Imlach reported that the area around Sailing Club had been cleaned up around the lone Casuarina at their working bee.

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Brad Lewis has taken over Emily Boucher’s role temporarily. Lee James will take over in the mean time.
Planting on the northern side at the mouth of the creek was done by Council. Yet to know who will be planting on the southern side.
There will be an update on the 2018 Biodiversity Strategy.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd May 2023

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Coastal Management Plan has been endorsed.


Great work being done to remove Marram grass thanks to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action grant for weed removal.
Mentone Life Saving Club open. Still landscaping and drainage work to be completed. Midden is protected.
Kilbreda College students have been active in weed control.
Carrum Life Saving Club. Sand has shifted and accumulated. Grass planting to stabilize.
End of Mordialloc Pier. Work completed. Council will be replanting.
Kingston Heath. Successful native plant give away.
Wayne Imlach asked about planting and the treated pine posts near Mordialloc Sailing Club.


Bradshaw Bushland Reserve. Breeding boxes for birds and bats to be installed.
Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways Program. Grant to clean up south side of creek on south side between Mordialloc SC and Wells Rd bridge and other sites in Kingston.
New Conservation Manager – Tania Calder (check). Plans to reinvigorate the Friends Groups. Planning on holding 6 activities this year.
Kingston Your City – article on Foreshore vandalism.
There will be an upcoming new policy regarding dogs on/off leash.


George Woods Reserve where the path and vegetated areas are eroding and tree roots exposed after widening of the path and spraying of lawn edges followed by excessive foot and wheeled traffic wearing the path and vegetated beds away.
Peter Scullin Playspace. Brad to check out concerns.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th April 2023


Playspace – Peter Scullin Res
The Great Wall of Frankston
Vic National parks – Western Port
Wetland Warbler
Age 25/3 Council address effects of rising sea levels
Kingston Info Bulletin – new footpaths
The Beacon

MBCL Website

Minutes of meetings are on the web site, but only issues discussed. No Treasurers report.

Kingston Housing Strategy

Judy and Rosemary have presented. Nina tomorrow (Environment & amenity impacts, heritage)
All those who have presented will have the opportunity to make recommendations to Council. It can still be amended before it goes to State Government. Well done ladies!
Discussion on Bridge Hotel’s plans to expand.
Decided to write a letter to Federal Govt re Population sustainability and Housing density.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st March 2023


Letter on ‘ Incremental creep’ to Councillors
Letters to Council regarding foreshore planting

Kingston Residents Association

Zoom Meeting tonight. Topic – Urban Forest Strategy. Submissions due this Friday.

Replacement of Foreshore Banksias

There will be only 4 Banksias planted at Parkdale Yacht Club not 12. The remainder to be planted elsewhere, but not on Foreshore.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 23rd February 2023

Kingston Council Update

Dents Paddock

Waiting for options about renaming of park. Lee James will be starting a Friends Group

Groves Reserve (SCOPE)

Regarding the large scale removal of trees from the site. Adrian Hyland looked into it. This is Crown Land under lease. Council will be issuing an infringement notice as no permit was given for removal of trees. Will they be required to replace 3 for each one lost?

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th December 2022

Kingston Council Update

Key points

  • Launch of ‘Talking Kingston’  – a year-round consultation that invites the community to provide feedback and ideas on projects and initiatives to feed into future Council budgets. Talking Kingston will provide the community with early input and a greater level of influence over Council decisions. It will also promote increased transparency, with Council regularly reporting back to the community on where their feedback has impacted key outcomes.  Access Talking Kingston via the Your Kingston Your Say Page
  • ‘Integrated Water Strategy adopted’ – Conserving drinking water, increasing the use of alternative water, improving our flood management (including prevention and response) and improving the quality of stormwater runoff that flows into our watercourses and into Port Phillip Bay are the major objectives of Kingston’s new Integrated Water Strategy. The strategy and supporting documents received strong support during public consultation held across July, August and September this year and will guide our water management for the next decade
  • Community consultation on Urban Forest Strategy – Consultation is set to kick off on the draft Urban Forest Strategy. Kingston’s canopy cover is currently low at just 12.3% and projections show that without intervention, it will decrease by 2030. The strategy establishes the direction and actions to increase canopy cover across Kingston to 20% by 2050
  • Peri-urban Weed Management Partnership funding from DELWP. Council, in partnership with the Bunurong Land Council are successful in obtaining $400K funding over 4 years to set up an indigenous ranger team and work on weeds and ‘return to country’ projects.

Updates for bushland team

  • Recruiting for two new rangers now and an apprentice early in new year.
  • Update on weed contract,  Seeds are doing a good job during a very wet spring.
  • Habitat hectare assessment being undertaken by Practical Ecology, council is meeting up with consultant prior to Christmas break to review how they are tracking. Report due March next year.
  • National Standards – Council staff undertook some training recently and will be incorporating the National Standards principles into maintenance programs early in new year.
  • Bradshaw Victorian Environment Friends Network grant. Lee met with fauna consultant to look at appropriate species habitat boxes and their monitoring. Awaiting quote.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd November 2022


Wayne Imlach, Member of Mordialloc Creek community and author of Mordialloc Creek to Lambert Island. Wayne gave an interesting talk about his history and his work monitoring the Creek.
He donated five books to MBCL, which will be on sale for $15.
Wayne has offered to have a meeting at his home in 2023, where he would be happy to share a digital presentation of the Creek.

Kingston Heath Reserve

No outcomes since submissions, re synthetic hockey pitch.

State Elections

Kingston Residents Association and Move The Train Yard are holding an Election Forum and have invited candidates to speak.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th October 2022


Adrian from Kingston Council
Grange newsletter
Mordialloc Creek Community update
Dredging of Creek is being called for

Bradshaw Bushland Reserve

Meeting with Level Crossing Removal Project for Parkdale in October.

Dents Reserve

Park naming postponed.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Concerns over Jet skis.
Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 17th at 7pm at the Chelsea Community Centre. Kathleen McKinnis will speak on Port Phillip tidal movements and erosion.

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