Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)
Bushland and Foreshore
- Finalising recruitment for
- Team leader role, whilst former leader acts in another Council role.
- My backfill whilst I take some long service leave,
- Fulltime Foreshore Coordinator
- We are still on schedule to roll the Draft Biodiversity Strategy out for community consultation in May.
- We have locked in 4 x Free Plant give away dates in May. These will be released publicly shortly.
Conservation Projects Update:
- New Conservation e-newsletter about to launch which will cover upcoming events, highlights, stories and information on all things conservation and environment in Kingston.
Please keep an eye out for the subscription link arriving in in your inbox in the next few days. Link also in my signature below. - Media posts on Bradshaw habitat project with wildlife photos is Kingston most viewed post. Had over 1000 views on the first day. The attached 3 photos are hot of the press.
The rest of our wildlife cameras will now be redistributed to each of our crews to use across all conservation reserves to collect data on local fauna species.
On 3rd March, Clean Up Australia Day council hosted 3 events across bushland and foreshore:
- 1 at Mordialloc Creek had 20 volunteers.
- 1 on the foreshore north that had a dozen volunteers, including Mayor Davey-Burns
- 1 on the foreshore south for the Sant Nirankari Mission who teamed up with the Aspendale Beach Patrol totalling 140 volunteers.
- A combined total of approx. 100 kg of litter.
Representative to attend quarterly.
Mordialloc Railway precinct
This was on the Agenda at the Environment and Open Spaces Strategic Advisory Committee meeting.
Questions were asked regarding the effects on Groves Reserve Aspendale.
Draft Plans for Heatherton Stabling Yard have been released. Council not impressed by plans
Aquatic Centre
Plans have been passed for this development.
Council/ Meetings
Local government changes re corruption.
Climate and Ecological Emergency Plan Update. Please have a look.
Bushland and Foreshore contract has been renewed
Hutchins Close Mordialloc shared path reconstruction – Travis to investigate extension of walking track from Jack Holt Way to Governor Rd.
Foreshore waste collection. More bins (35) on laneways from beach
Reports from Groups
Green Wedge Coalition
Hoping to get a meeting with Danny Pearson (Transport & Infrastructure Minister).
A number of people have a briefing with State Government representatives on Planning for Melbourne’s Green Wedge and Agricultural land.
Need improved constraints on uses in the Green Wedge (eg schools and places of worship).
MBCL to pay membership to Green Wedge Coalition
Environment and Open Spaces Strategic Advisory Committee
See under Mordialloc Railway precinct heading
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Negotiating with Jenny Warfe regarding meetings
Mordialloc Creek Community
Design for new wetlands out in 6 months (between Boundary Rd and Waterways)
Replacement of decking around Bridge Hotel.
The Grange
No White Butterflies? Mystery
Mick Connelly and another have been photographing birdlife. Plan to do the same with insects
Other Business
Mary shared her maps of Creeks – 1970 MMBW and 1886 DVA