Kingston Festival Community 24th March
Suggestions??? Assistance??? Ideas??? Offers of Items for Sale???
Braeside Park / Woodlands Industrial Estate
Ranger Mark Mooney is now Environmental Officer. Resources are spread thin since it is now necessary for staff to assist in the development of Karkarook Park. Deep holes are still being dug in the southern section of Woodlands Industrial Estate as soil is removed to fill industrial sites in the estate. Will these holes be too deep to perform satisfactorily as “wetlands”?
Development on Governor Road
The proposed restaurant and car park development on the north western corner of Governor Road has caused concern since it may set a precedent for development south of Governor Road where it is planned to locate linear wetlands. Jack will prepare a submission to be presented to City of Kingston Commissioners.
Bradshaw Park
Trial burns have been successfully conducted in the park. An Open Day is planned for March 16th. Since the introduction of CCT staff numbers in the Parks & Gardens areas have been savagely cut resulting in fewer staff working in a greatly increased area of parkland. This has resulted in less time spent maintaining foreshore reserves and, sadly, may also mean less time available to be devoted to specialised parks such as Bradshaw Park.
Windows on the Bay
The Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources has asked for information concerning costing, building design and rationale for the massive extension of the restaurant. Over 60 objections have been submitted to Council. Letters to the Editor and public opinion indicates that there is widespread objection to the proposed extension.
Mordialloc Creek / DVA Catchment Action Plan
Chris reports that the Mordialloc Committee has been subsumed into a larger catchment committee the Port Phillip Catchment. There is a need to draw this committee’s attention to the need to install wet bottom retarding basins to restrict drainage entering Port Phillip Bay as it does now through a myriad of suburban drains. Will Melbourne Parks & Waterways be given responsibility for Mordialloc Main Drain? Will this be a good move?
Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition
Meetings are continuing to try and persuade the commissioners of the importance of the Agenda 21 scenario. It is felt that they see the Village Committees fulfilling this role. They appear to be afraid of an influential environmental lobby group which could restrict their pro-development agenda for the city. The KCEC newsletter will be important in communicating with groups and the commissioners.
The Agnew Report
Glen is back on deck (and under the decks)! and is producing valuable information concerning trouble spots on the eastern side of Port Phillip Bay. These include:- Siltation problems especially in Beaumaris Bay and on Parkdale Reef, loss of seagrass, the appearance of red algal bloom loose on the sea floor.
Glenn has been attending meetings around the Bays and contacting the media which has given great coverage.
Heritage Listing Beaumaris Cliffs
Glenn and Chris are co-operating on the Heritage Listing proposal. Unfortunately City of Bayside appear to be only nominating the fossil site behind Keefers rather than the whole cliff section.
Bicycle Strategy City of Kingston
Unfortunately MBCL wasn’t included in the Steering Committee working on this strategy despite having asked to involved. However I was invited by the consultants to make a submission and have done so.