Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th December 1996

The Parks

Bradshaw Park
Work is on-going. The signs have not yet been erected or replaced. A new gate is required.

Braeside Park
The Dingley Drain is being monitored by the Braeside staff. The management of the Park is also supervising the red gum stand in the Woodlands Industrial Estate. MBCL will write to Mr Leigh in support of Friends of Braeside Park’s request that the Haines property be purchased to become part of the Park wetlands.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris

Lisa Milley, City of Bayside Environment Officer, has confirmed that she has nominated the entire cliff section from Ricketts Point to Cliff Grove for Heritage Listing.

Bangholme Cemetery

A visit to the manager of the cemetery in November resulted in information about. the difficulties experienced by the management in attempting to establish a cemetery in swamp area with a high water table.

Re-Afforestation of Attenborough Park

Negotiations are continuing with Council re the location. and planting of young cypresses in order to retain the historical aspect of the approach to Chelsea. The DVCAC are also planning to seal the car park and re-vegetate with native species.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th November 1996


R.Pearson tables a letter written to Jeff Floyd re the development of a petrol station on the corner of Springvale and Governor Roads fearing that this will set a precedent for further development on the Haines land south of Governor Road & north of Mordialloc Main Drain. Letter requests that Melbourne Water purchase this land to extend Braeside Park and include wetlands which will filter drainage before it enters Mordialloc Creek. A letter was also sent to Graeme Calder, Commissioner City of Kingston.

Bradshaw Park

A meeting is still to be arranged with Warren Ashdown to discuss the placement of signs at the drive-in and walk-in entrances to the Park. A new entrance gate is required to replace the dilapidated gate.

Karkarook Park

Negotiations appear to be at a stalemate between the sand mining company and Melbourne Water re the development of the park.

Braeside Park

Thousands of people attended a Cup Day picnic at the Park. Entertainment included sweeps, sausage sizzle, bush bands and an historical display. Braeside Park manager has been transferred to Kew whilst the new manager will have the added responsibility of Coolart, Devil’s Bend, Reservoir, etc!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd October 1996

Bradshaw Park

Council Staff are still trying to find the wooden routed sign which was removed without permission by the contractors from the Park. There is criticism of the new design of signs for the Natural Resources Areas.


The cost of replacing signs throughout the City of Kingston is as follows:-

  • Signs with the Kingston Logo on a white background in shopping centres and parks $48,000
  • Boundary signs $17,000
  • Dog signs $10,000
  • Logo $4,000
  • Installation costs $50,000

Braeside Park

Rangers are monitoring the Dingley drain which flows through the Park and carries leachates from the landfill sites in Spring Road. October 20th a walk was organised by Friends of the Park.

Karkarook Park on Warrigal Road

Planting continues. The trees at the moment are very small.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd September 1996

Bradshaw Park

The Friends Group is becoming Incorporated. A routed wooden sign especially designed for the Park was removed and destroyed by contractors employed by the City of Kingston to change signs throughout the City. A consultant was engaged to design the new signs but there was no consultation with Friends Groups re their preference for signs for the parks.

Braeside Park

AGM was held in August with 30 persons present. The speaker was from the Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources. Dingley Village Historical Society is interested in saving the old Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works pumps. The Red Gum Woodland is being re-planted by Braeside staff. Eric Mitchell spoke to the Mordialloc Historical Society about the history of the Park. An Open Day was held 11th August with 2000 people attending. 275,000 visitors came to the park last year. October 20th A walk is being organised by Friends of the Park. An Environmental Planning Management Workshop was held during August. Weeds, rabbits and foxes will be removed by contracted experts.

Karkarook Park

Still awaiting the appointment of the new tenderer.

Green Wedge

A survey is being carried out by consultants. Five Councils are involved in the study.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th August 1996

Sincere thanks to our hard working committee members who have loyally supported MBCL activities over the years. Whilst many of the gains made are now in the process of being eroded by the pro-development mentality of “responsible” authorities, we expect the wheel to turn.

Bradshaw Park

There are now 8-10 people in the Bradshaw Park Friends group who come along to sausage sizzles. It is not yet clear what is expected of this group now that 56 Council Parks & Gardens staff have gone. 27 staff have been engaged by SERCO but only 2-4 staff will be involved in maintenance and re-vegetation of the entire foreshore, parks and creek banks. Those re-employed suffered a cut of between $3000-$4000 in their wages. At present the gates to Bradshaw Park are left open.

Braeside Park

The Braeside Nursery has been supplying the City of Kingston with 2000 plants. A Grant of $2000 has been received to double the size of the nursery, the expanded plant nursery facilities will be able to supply the whole of the City’s Parks with 40,000 plants annually if required to do so. Buildings on the Woodlands Industrial estate have been built right on the boundary of the proposed freeway reservation thus precluding any change to the route of the freeway in the future. At present the freeway route curves towards the East, towards Braeside Park’s western boundary. Mark Birrell, when Shadow Minister for Conservation, promised to examine the route to see if this quite unnecessary curve could be removed by straightening the route or curving it towards the Woodland Industrial estate. The reason for making this request was to increase the size of this important and popular park. Not surprisingly no change to the route has occurred.

Green Wedge / KLSP

McLellan reversed his decision of the 25-2-96 and has now allowed the Cranbourne/ Sandhurst development to proceed. Consultants have been engaged by the City of Kingston to hear submissions re the Heatherton Dingley Non-Urban Area/ KLSP and southern sections of the Green Wedge.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th May 1996


Incoming Scoresby Transport Corridor EES, Braeside Park News, Greg Wilton MHR, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Kingston Transport Strategy Study Forum.
Outgoing City of Kingston re CCT Parks, Hon Marie Tehan re Spider wire, City of Kingston re Ward Boundaries, City of Kingston re Woodlands Industrial Estate, City of Kingston re Chemical weed spraying, Leader Newspaper re misleading report on size of Windows on the Bay.

The Agnew Report

G.Agnew attended the following meetings:- Scoresby Transport Bypass, KCEC Transport Study, Port Phillip Conservation Council meeting as Vice President & MBCL Rep.
PPCC Report:- Re-location of Chemical storage to Pt Lillias still a major issue, Pt Wilson also a major concern, Hampton beach re-nourishment, Cerebus tourist development discussed. An embayment has formed on Sorrento beach which has trapped septic tank outflow from the Birrell approved restaurant on the foreshore. Main cause for concern at present is the introduction of spider wire to the marine environment. Spider wire is invisible and indestructible and therefore a danger to divers and marine life. A letter has been sent to Hon Marie Tehan re this matter. There will be a story on the ABC 7.30pm Report this week. Watch for it!

Heritage Listing Beaumaris Cliffs

There has been no response from the City of Bayside re including the (former) Mordialloc section of cliffs in the Heritage listing. Glen will follow up this matter.

The Parks

Bradshaw Park
Following an earlier successful planting day there will be another on the 18th May.

Braeside Park
A bicycle path is being installed in the park. The Friends group has written to Melbourne Parks & Waterways complaining about the environmental impact which the Woodlands Industrial Estate is having on the Park. Floodlighting is shining into the park and multi-coloured containers are littering the industrial estate. City of Kingston is responsible for landscaping the estate to shield Braeside from the visual pollution of the site. The Haines property issue is unresolved. Power lines will not be built across Braeside for 10-20 years (Never hopefully!) The seed smoke day was successful with 25-30 people attending. 5 Aborigines identified scar trees in the park. A wetland and bird habitat has been constructed behind Garden World and another wetland is being designed to attempt to further reduce and filter pollution entering the Dingley Drain which flows through the park.

Karkarook Park
M.P.& W are attempting to tighten specifications before sand mining companies tender for sand extraction & undertake restoration work when mining is completed.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd April 1996

City of Kingston Signage Policy

A submission has been sent to Peter Conroy and Warren Ashdown expressing our concern at the number of signs in foreshore carparks. One suggestion is to have information regarding ticket machines (e.g Fee Payable) painted on the parking bays. We will be advised when this matter will be discussed in Council.

Piers and Jetties

Melbourne Parks and Waterways has undertaken to arrange a meeting at Mordialloc possibly May 20th to inform interested parties of their proposals/intentions for piers and jetties around Port Phillip Bay. Conservationists and boat owners may like to attend.

The Parks

Bradshaw Park
A tree planting day was held on April 21st. People who attended the barbecue were invited. The Open day went well. The Friends group has received a seeding grant of $500.00 which will enable them to become incorporated.

Braeside Park
The Friends group has applied for a grant from Greening Australia. A bicycle path has been istalled in the Park. Braeside Park management has opposed the service station/convenience store application on the coner of Governor/Springvale road.

Karkarook Park
A ranger has been appointed full time. $150,000 has been allocated for the construction of paths and tree planting in the embryo park.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th March 1996

Kingston Community Day

An enormous Thank You to members who attended and assisted on the day at the Gerry Green reserve. The display Park Action created great interest especially the large photo suppled by our President of the open space in front of Windows which graphically demonstrated the amount of Crown Land lost if the extension is approved by the Commissioners.

Windows on the Bay

There has been no decision as yet on the proposed extension of the restaurant. A visit to the EDO to seek advice was worthwhile. There have been several offers from objectors to act as witnesses if the need arises. These offers are greatly appreciated.

Braeside Park

Friends of Braeside Park are building a second greenhouse which will eventually propagate from 20,000 to 40,000 plants per year. The Friends have applied for a grant from Melbourne Parks & Waterways.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

Large holes are still being dug at the southern section of the estate. Factories are being built close to the proposed freeway reservation on the eastern side of the industrial estate & also close to the boundary of Braeside Park.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th February 1996

Kingston Festival Community 24th March

Suggestions??? Assistance??? Ideas??? Offers of Items for Sale???

Braeside Park / Woodlands Industrial Estate

Ranger Mark Mooney is now Environmental Officer. Resources are spread thin since it is now necessary for staff to assist in the development of Karkarook Park. Deep holes are still being dug in the southern section of Woodlands Industrial Estate as soil is removed to fill industrial sites in the estate. Will these holes be too deep to perform satisfactorily as “wetlands”?

Development on Governor Road

The proposed restaurant and car park development on the north western corner of Governor Road has caused concern since it may set a precedent for development south of Governor Road where it is planned to locate linear wetlands. Jack will prepare a submission to be presented to City of Kingston Commissioners.

Bradshaw Park

Trial burns have been successfully conducted in the park. An Open Day is planned for March 16th. Since the introduction of CCT staff numbers in the Parks & Gardens areas have been savagely cut resulting in fewer staff working in a greatly increased area of parkland. This has resulted in less time spent maintaining foreshore reserves and, sadly, may also mean less time available to be devoted to specialised parks such as Bradshaw Park.

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