Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th July 2000


Letter from RP. re Kingston’s Street Tree Strategy (for MBCL file), Port Phillip Regional Catchment re weed & rabbit action plans, VLGA Constitutional reform document, DOI re changes to Commonwealth Assessment & approval development projects when the EPBC comes into operation, Offor Sharp re Woodlands Wetlands, EPA re Ballast Water & Hull Fouling, John Thwaites re Grand Prix and review of land use on Crown Land.

Photopoint Monitoring

Tony Collins (Excel) advises that the sites have been marked along the creek and foreshore and photographing can commence late August and then every three months thereafter. Tony will attend 5th August meeting to finalise details.

The Parks

The feral fence has been commenced at The Grange. Unfortunately there has been an out- break of vandalism causing considerable damage. Rob Jones has been replaced by Emily while he is on leave. 800 grasses have been planted at Bradshaw Park. S.C-S waters the yellow box eucalypts. Heaths are growing well in the control burn areas of the Rowan Woodlands. The Southern Golf Club ‘lake’ on the boundary of Braeside Park has gone ahead but a Parks Victoria officer is meeting with the Friends group to discuss the issue. Friends wonder whether the SGC should pay for the groundwater used in the ‘lake’. A request was made to BIOSIS for payment for the potting mix used in the rescue of plants from Epsom. Some difficulty arousing interest in the Federation Trail proposal and payment to the artist involved. Two foxes were found dead in the Park as a result of the poisoning program. A cat ban has been successfully introduced to Hains development south of Braeside Park. Well done our new Councillors!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th November 1998


As a result of much correspondence incoming requesting assistance, the question was asked “How do other groups support MBCL?” Do we need to use the media more to inform the public of issues? How effectively do we network? There appears to be a need to use local papers to publicise issues and to recruit if possible, potential councillors with an understanding of the importance of environmental issues.
Council elections will be held in March 2000. Any volunteers?
Letter from J.Eggleston to Kingston Traffic Officer concerning traffic / parking problems in Como Pde/Alameda Street, Parkdale.
A submission has been sent to the EPA who requested information about, amongst other issues, groundwater in the Dandenong CIC.

The Parks

At Braeside Park there is increasing emphasis on volunteer involvement. For example Parks Management prepares submissions for the Friends Groups to obtain funding to carry out projects. e.g. $5000 for protection of plants, $20,000 from Federation Grants to build a Heritage trail. Leisure Action has received a Grant to provide easier access for disabled persons. A grant is available for a picnic area in the Western section. A letter was received from Vic Roads informing Parks Management that the Mornington Peninsula Freeway is unlikely to be built for ten years. Parks staff may continue to use the red brick building on the site.
Park Rangers have to provide Volunteer Activity Reviews each year. Streamwatch is to standardise water tests carried out by volunteers on Dunlops Drain in the Park. Sunday 8th November at 2pm a Spring Heathland Walk with Leon Costermans.
Planting is continuing at Karkarook Park. Open Day Sunday 5th November.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

The Flora and Fauna Seminar has been broadened to include the geological sandstone areas in Kingston and adjoining Councils in the sandstone region because of similar plant species. KCEC have applied for a Federal Grant of $20,000 to pay lecturers and publication of proceedings of the seminar. Next meeting 3rd December at Moorabbin 7.30pm

Kingston Lodge Development L33

The Report of the Panel Hearing Amendment L33 into the Kingston Lodge Residential Development has been released and justifies the concerns of those opposing the overdevelopment of the site. The Panel Members are quite scathing about the Hains claim that the development will be “leading edge environmental living”. The Panel states that there is nothing special about this style of housing, in fact it is simply an “urban conversion”. They state that “Amendment L33 to the Kingston Planning Scheme not be approved at this time” They recommend further work be done to clarify the green wedge boundaries and ensure that they are sustainable plus other issues. Once this has been done “Amendment L33 may be reconsidered.” Kingston Council has already gone to the Dept. of Infrastructure to have the ruling overturned and continue to request that the green wedge boundary be moved to Springvale Road to enable this development to proceed! Panel refused a controversial development at Cranbourne. J.Cuthbertson was influential!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd September 1998

We welcome new members David & Joan Eggleston.


Submissions have been sent to the Federal Government’s ANZEC Enquiry, the Scoresby Freeway EES (Paul Mees of the PTUA will attend the panel on behalf of environment groups). We were asked by Kingston Council’s Planning Officer, Mark Woodland to comment on L38, Council’s plans for Epsom Race Course. All submissions are available if members are interested in checking them.
J. Cuthbertson will write to Dr Miles Lewis (TCPA) re the Hains property development.

Mordialloc Local Area Traffic Study

Concern was expressed that intense development in some sections of the municipality will intensify traffic and parking problems for residents. e.g. a proposed development on the corner of Alameda Street, Parkdale and Como Parade. There are reports of similar over- developments at Aspendale.
Recommendation:- That Parkdale Mentone Village Committee form a sub-committee to examine the development applications to Kingston Council and make comment.
The ARUP traffic report and summary are available for comment.

The Parks

Friends of Bradshaw Park have received a grant of $300.00 for signs to be placed on the fence. The signs would contain information about the flora and fauna within the park. It was suggested that the money might be better spent on an entrance designed to attract attention from passing traffic. Signs often add to the clutter along roads and highways.
A Braeside Park volunteer has nobly commenced analysis of the water in Dingley Drain which flows through Braeside Park. In the last three months 5000 plants have been planted in the new parking area. Jewish school children were given a grant to plant 1000 trees in the Park! Melbourne Water owns the Mornington Peninsula Freeway reservation and brick building used by Parks staff. Vic Roads wants to buy the reservation from Melbourne Water and use the brick building for their own staff.
The front part of Karkarook Park may be handed over to the public in November.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition

Regular meetings are being held by a KCEC committee to plan a Flora & Fauna Seminar to be held in March 1999. Kingston Council is supporting a Federal Grant application of $20.000 for the seminar.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th August 1998

The Parks

Braeside Park Friends Group is being asked to conduct tours of the Park formerly undertaken by Park Staff. In times such as these with downsized staff more is expected of volunteer groups it seems.
Governor Road widening to four lanes will mean loss of parkland on the southern section of Braeside Park. The undeveloped Kingston Lodge land will remain intact!
Karkarook Park Friends Group will be established to work with Braeside Friends Group in volunteer work in the park.
The Sandbelt Parklands Advisory Committee will widen the committee to attract people with a wide range of interests.

Kingston Lodge Panel Hearing

Conservation/environment groups appeared at the Panel hearings at Moorabbin Council Offices on the 11/12 August. J. Cuthbertson presented a most detailed and comprehensive submission to the Panel. Friends of Braeside Park, Friends of Edithvale Seaford Wetlands and Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League all spoke in support of their submissions. It was disappointing to hear Parks Victoria and DNRE supporting the development – even to the extent, in Parks Victoria’s case, supporting Kingston Council’s recommendation that the Green Wedge boundary should be moved to Springvale Road to allow the 700 house development to proceed. Kingston Council had a lawyer to support their case in favour of the development.

Mordialloc Local Area Traffic Study

Surveys have been sent to some residents in the study area – not all residents received them. The Mordialloc traders want the Moorabbin Transit bus moved to the other side of the railway line to allow for more car park spaces, however this will disadvantage public transport users especially the elderly who will have to negotiate the steep railway underpass. Residents in Montgomery Street will also be disadvantaged by the traders demand for a car park on the corner of Owen Street and Montgomery Street. Residents have asked that the Owen Street end of Montgomery Street be closed to stop through traffic. The next Steering Committee meeting will address the White street, Governor Road traffic problems.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st July 1998

Kingston Lodge Wetlands Development

The Panel Hearings into the proposed 700 house residential development and wetlands on the Hains property, Kingston Lodge, has commenced at Moorabbin Council Chambers. MBCL, KCEC, Friends of Braeside Park, Edithvale Wetlands and other community groups will appear on August 11/12. The hearings are open to the public. Six of the seven Kingston councillors have voted in favour of the development.

The Park

Bradshaw Park is being subjected to a radical removal of tea-trees. According to SERCO the aim is to convert the park into a grassy woodland. Tea-trees a certain number of metres from the coast are considered to be weeds!! The removal of healthy mature trees from this park, the foreshore and the creek reserve is causing considerable angst.Are there not more important tasks to be undertaken?
Braeside Park staff organised an excellent tour of Karkarook Park and work in progress there followed by a barbecue at Braeside Park. There is some suggestion of negotiations underway between Melbourne Water and Vic Roads over the ownership of the Mornington Freeway Reservation.
Karkarook Park is taking shape although mining continues in the largest hole which will eventually become a lake suitable for some boating. The park is essentially a flood control basin to treat stormwater especially Heatherton drain flow before it enters Mordialloc Creek.

Acidic Soil Dumping Melways 93 Al

Last November 1997 acid sulphate soil was dumped on industrial land south of Governor Road abutting Dunlops Drain. The soil came from City Link tunnels and Webb Dock and is prescribed contaminated soil. It has not been removed but covered with clean fill, however the EPA advises that in the long term there will be leaching into the groundwater. These oxidation products are highly toxic to aquatic organisms and if exposed to the air can also corrode steel and concrete engineering products.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th May 1998

Woodlands Industrial Estate

As stated above, consultants Offor Sharp & Associates have organised community consultation about Melbourne Waters plans to create a series of wetlands in the southern section of the industrial estate abutting Governor Road. The large holes created in this area, as fill was removed for the northern section of the estate, have left water filled craters. It is planned to use the holes for stormwater treatment before drainage water enters the creek and Bay. Environment groups want vacant land on the southeast corner of the estate be added to Braeside Park as a wild life corridor. MBCL has been invited to attend these meetings so please come along June 3rd at 7pm. Braeside Park Visitors Centre.

The Parks

Bradshaw Park tea-tree and coast wattle have been subjected to a clearance program by SERCO who didn’t consult with the Friends group prior to the work commencing. Is there a need for discussion with SERCO re their management plans for the Park? There has been some vandalism in the park with attacks on one particular species of plant.
Braeside Park is now on the Webb site thanks to Ron Pearson’s proficiency with the intricacy of the internet. Fortunately the proposal to convert the Visitor’s Centre into tea rooms is not going ahead. A rabbit fence has been built around purple orchids at a cost of $1100.00 The Friends group have planned a planting day for Arbour Week. They have also applied to Kingston Council for a grant. Braeside Park management has now been moved to another area which extends as far as Healesville. The Head Office of this region is Berwick instead of Dromana!. Friends Group member is prepared to monitor the Dingley Drain in Braeside Park each month as part of the Streamwatch program. It will involve five hours work to complete the tests.
Work is continuing at Karkarook Park to create a lake system in the sand quarry. The system is designed to treat stormwater before it enters Heatherton Drain and Mordialloc Creek.

Height Limits – City of Kingston

Mr Geoffrey Leigh, M.P. organised a meeting with MBCL members and Kingston Officers and Councillors to discuss height limits in the Mordialloc Activity Node and foreshore. Although the Kingston MSS stipulates a two storey height limit along the foreshore, a letter from Mr Maclellan states that “State Planning Policy does not generally support absolute height limits in planning schemes as desirable height and other urban elements should be expressed by way of planning policy.” This appears to leave the way open for a developer to appeal a council decision if a multi-storey development permit is refused.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd December 1997


Reports Received:

  • Regulations for Personal Water Craft (Jet Skis)
  • Kingston Environmental Report
  • Transport of Industrial Waste. Prescribed Waste Transport Regulations Soon to be released: Marine & Coastal Study (Areas to be nominated for marine parks and aquaculture in Port Phillip Bay.)
  • ARUP Transport Study.

Wetlands Hain’s Property

John Phillips, Group Property Manager, Portland House, reports a slight modification to their plan for residential development of rural land in the Green Wedge, the so called Hains property. Housing will occupy 38% of the site. This will permit a slight increase in the buffer zone. The complete wetland will cost $7 million to construct before the 600-800 residential estate goes ahead. 2 million cubic metres of earth will have to be moved to provide fill for the residential section of the site. The resultant hole will become a”lake”with a clay lined bottom to prevent the upwell of saline groundwater. Some experts claim that a clay lining will not prevent the intrusion of saline groundwater. Such questions need to be addressed before Council gives approval for this controversial development.

Mordialloc Creek

As part of the Hains wetland development Melbourne Water announced that as of Xmas 1997, there would be 2:1 split in water flow between Patterson River and Mordialloc Creek. Patterson River will receive 2/3 of the flow: Mordialloc Creek 1/3. MW claims that because Mordialloc Creek is a tidal estuary boating will not be affected! Consultants reports also raises questions about the effectiveness of the proposed wetland system in treating both high and low flow stormwater run-off. The report goes on public exhibition in February.

Activity Node Mordialloc Foreshore

The Victorian Coastal Strategy was released in December. Mordialloc is one of the Bayside sites classified as an Activity Node. An Activity Node is designated to be the area where there will be a concentration of recreational, boating and commercial activities. Food outlets will be encouraged as will developments by private firms such as Mirvac! Kingston Council has engaged consultants to prepare a Foreshore Strategy for Mordialloc. This is another development to be watched lest we lose our limited public open space on the foreshore to commercial development.

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