Letter to DNRE re the lopping of the four banksias in front of Windows on the Bay. Letter to PPCC re the banksia lopping (as above)
Letter to Rob Jones, SERCO re continued meetings with Friends Groups & MBCL.
The Parks
Photoposts have been placed in Bradshaw Park to provide a progressive record of plant growth.
Friends of Braeside Park have written to the local member, Geoffrey Leigh MP, requesting funds for a filter on Dingley Drain. $1000 was received but Melbourne Water advises that $40,000 is required for a filter. The red brick building used as a Ranger’s office has been bought by Melbourne Water and leased to Braeside Park Admin.
Kingston Lodge Development L33
Kingston Council have applied to have the green wedge boundary moved from the freeway reservation to Springvale Road to facilitate the proposed residential development in the green wedge. The Aspendale Gardens group are opposed to the 700 house residential development on the Hains property in the green wedge. KCEC members have discussed this matter with DNRE. Letters from KCEC have been sent to a number of responsible authorities and environmental groups re this blatant “urban incision” (the Panel’s words) of part of the green wedge.
Acid Sulphate Soil
In addition to the 24,000 c/m of acid sulphate soil from the City Link tunnels dumped at Braeside by Transfield Obayashi, potential acid sulphate soil has been found on the Kingston Lodge site. The EPA will require an Environment Management Plan to be carried out before this soil can be used for fill for the proposed residential development on the Hains land. Transfields consultants have claimed that the acid sulphate soil can be covered and left at the Braeside site however if the owner of the land wants to build factories on the land he will have to bear the cost of treating the land. The EPA haven’t insisted on monitoring the Braeside land to check if there is any leaching of acid sulphate into the drains or groundwater.
Parkdale Lifesaving Club Development
Kingston Council are planning to lease the PLSC building to D.& S.Jones, the present lessees of the Rickett Point Teahouse. The idea is that the building will become a kiosk/cafe serving light meals to pedestrians and cyclists. D. & S. Jones have requested 20 car spaces to cater for the 60 customers. MBCL has objected to the proposal on the grounds that there is insufficient room for car parking at this site and that any car parking proposed for the area will reduce the options for a bicycle path (recreational) on the verge of Beach Road. The Council has engaged consultants to report on a bike path route along Beach Road and is also examining proposals to reduce Beach Road to two lanes with safety refuges in the centre of the road, presumably with VIC Roads consent!
Marine & Coastal Study
MBCL was invited to attend a seminar/ briefing on the present state of the seven year long Marine and Coastal Study at Frankston on the 22nd January. In addition to the four submissions already presented by MBCL(at the request of ACF) environmental groups are invited to submit yet another sub. in April! The emphasis appears to be on aqua- culture and fish farms mostly on the western side of Port Phillip Bay! Suggestions will be welcome!
Environment Reform (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998
MBCL has been invited to present our submission at Parliament House (Spring Street) on March 18. Once again our submission was the result of an urgent appeal from the ACF for submissions because of their concern at the Federal Conservation Minister, Robert Hill’s decision to return environmental “protection” to the State Governments. Of particular concern is forest management- lack of it and this will be the major theme of our submission. Once again ideas will be welcome.