The Parks
Braeside Park Friends Group is being asked to conduct tours of the Park formerly undertaken by Park Staff. In times such as these with downsized staff more is expected of volunteer groups it seems.
Governor Road widening to four lanes will mean loss of parkland on the southern section of Braeside Park. The undeveloped Kingston Lodge land will remain intact!
Karkarook Park Friends Group will be established to work with Braeside Friends Group in volunteer work in the park.
The Sandbelt Parklands Advisory Committee will widen the committee to attract people with a wide range of interests.
Kingston Lodge Panel Hearing
Conservation/environment groups appeared at the Panel hearings at Moorabbin Council Offices on the 11/12 August. J. Cuthbertson presented a most detailed and comprehensive submission to the Panel. Friends of Braeside Park, Friends of Edithvale Seaford Wetlands and Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League all spoke in support of their submissions. It was disappointing to hear Parks Victoria and DNRE supporting the development – even to the extent, in Parks Victoria’s case, supporting Kingston Council’s recommendation that the Green Wedge boundary should be moved to Springvale Road to allow the 700 house development to proceed. Kingston Council had a lawyer to support their case in favour of the development.
Mordialloc Local Area Traffic Study
Surveys have been sent to some residents in the study area – not all residents received them. The Mordialloc traders want the Moorabbin Transit bus moved to the other side of the railway line to allow for more car park spaces, however this will disadvantage public transport users especially the elderly who will have to negotiate the steep railway underpass. Residents in Montgomery Street will also be disadvantaged by the traders demand for a car park on the corner of Owen Street and Montgomery Street. Residents have asked that the Owen Street end of Montgomery Street be closed to stop through traffic. The next Steering Committee meeting will address the White street, Governor Road traffic problems.
Kingston Foreshore Strategy
Community consultation is about to commence on the Kingston Foreshore Strategy. Please make a brief comment on Council’s plans for the Mordialloc foreshore especially where some councillors appear to feel that the grass is not being sufficiently utilised! The tennis courts will be moved shortly. The space is supposed to become a car park with the road in from Pier road becoming parkland as a trade off. Council gave a commitment that there would be no increase in parking on the foreshore. They need to be held to that commitment.
Serco’s Foreshore Vegetation Management
SERCO “outsourced trimming” of vegetation at Mundy Street car park, Mentone, with calamitous results. Mature tea trees have been completely cut down. The trimming was supposed to prevent “unacceptable behaviour” occurring in the bushes! We have been assured that there will be better communication and supervision of SERCO in future.
Woodlands Industrial Estate Wetlands
A sub-committee has been formed to work with Melbourne Water in the development of the three wetland/flood control basins in the industrial estate.
Dumping of Acid Sulphate Soil at Braeside
Acid sulphate soil from City Link tunnels was dumped at Braeside Nov.1997 and at other sites around Melbourne. This matter has been kept very quiet by Kingston Council, the EPA and local politicians who all claim that they have known about Transfield Obayashi’s activities.