Watch for information about the 3rd National Mainstreet Conference. Securing the future Mainstreet Streetlife 18-21-April 1999
Australia Day Stall
Sincere thanks to all those who assisted at our display and stall on Australia Day on Mordialloc Foreshore. Thanks to F.Rimingtons initiative we had a great position right in front of the main marquee. Our display and petition urging Council and State Govt to protect the Green Wedge attracted enormous support. Many people asked for and took away petition forms to gather further names. Councillors and State politicians take note.
Kingston Lodge Development L33
Despite widespread local opposition to this development in the Green Wedge, and scientific evidence concerning building on a flood plain when climate change and storm surges are becoming more frequent, McLellan has approved the 700 house residential development.
Epsom Racecourse Development L38
The Urban Land Authority has purchased the former racecourse and plans to construct 400- 500 houses on the site which is also flood prone. This land & parts of Mordialloc were flooded to a depth of two metres in 1932 and 1954. Melbourne Water will require 10 ha for a flood control basin on the site. This will also serve as the required “open space” for the development.
Acid Sulphate Soil at Braeside
Although Leightons were required by the EPA to remove the toxic material that they had dumped at Braeside, Transurban have not been told to remove the acid sulphate soil. The EPA plans to reclassify toxic soil and permit it to be dumped in suburban landfills. The Government is anxious for highly dangerous contaminated soil to be removed from the Docklands site to allow development to proceed. Instead of treating the toxic soil on site as was done on the Sydney Olympic site, the EPA plans to “relocate” the soil to municipal tips. The “seriously toxic” material will be placed in Lyndhurst and Tulla tips. The EPA is calling for submissions into the Management of Acid Sulphate Soils due April.
Council Maintenance Contracts
Council is asking for public comment prior to the preparation of new maintenance contracts. Our interest will be in the Natural Resource Areas, excessive beach cleaning which damages the dune vegetation and signage on the foreshore. Forms can be obtained from Council for comments.
Kingston Foreshore Strategy The Municipal Strategic Statement
The MSS has been completed and is available to the public. It should be studied carefully with regard to medium density to high rise residential development, traffic and tourism. The Foreshore Strategy will cover similar areas. At present this document is still in draft form. McLellan’s document recommending high rise development in Port Melbourne and St Kilda surely sets a precedent for height limits to be lifted all around Port Phillip Bay.
Parkdale Lifesaving Club / Beach Road Safety Measures / Bicycle Path
These three issues are inter-related with car parking required for the cafe/kiosk PLSC development impacting on the proposed bicycle path on the verge of Beach Road. It is unclear what safety measures are planned by Council for Beach Road and how this will affect the other proposals! MBCL has attempted to have Michael Mack organise an information meeting so that KCEC, MBCL and the Bicycles Users Groups find out what is happening far without success. There appears to be a lack of communication between various Council Departments let alone with environment groups seeking information!
Environment Reform (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1998
The date of the Senate Enquiry has been altered to March 18 at 181 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda. MBC1 has been allocated 20 mins to speak between 2.30-3.30pm. The topic will be Climate Change effects on the foreshore within the City of Kingston. Anyone interested is welcome to attend-all day if one so desires!