The Parks
Bradshaw Park
Work is on-going. The signs have not yet been erected or replaced. A new gate is required.
Braeside Park
The Dingley Drain is being monitored by the Braeside staff. The management of the Park is also supervising the red gum stand in the Woodlands Industrial Estate. MBCL will write to Mr Leigh in support of Friends of Braeside Park’s request that the Haines property be purchased to become part of the Park wetlands.
Heritage Listing of Beaumaris
Lisa Milley, City of Bayside Environment Officer, has confirmed that she has nominated the entire cliff section from Ricketts Point to Cliff Grove for Heritage Listing.
Bangholme Cemetery
A visit to the manager of the cemetery in November resulted in information about. the difficulties experienced by the management in attempting to establish a cemetery in swamp area with a high water table.
Re-Afforestation of Attenborough Park
Negotiations are continuing with Council re the location. and planting of young cypresses in order to retain the historical aspect of the approach to Chelsea. The DVCAC are also planning to seal the car park and re-vegetate with native species.
Zeroing in on Waste EPA Review of the Waste Management Strategy
The EPA is reviewing their waste management strategy. It is planned to dispose of some toxic and medical waste in the Dandenong Offensive Industrial Zone and some in landfill sites in the Heatherton Dingley area. Enquiries to both the EPA and Melbourne Water whilst compiling the submission revealed that neither of these authorities monitor the major drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek, both claiming to be short of funds.
The Agnew Report
Glen has compiled a most informative video of Mordialloc Creek from the head waters to the mouth of the creek as it enters Port Phillip Bay. This material will be invaluable in helping to fully appreciate the magnitude of the problems occurring in the catchment which impacts on the creek downstream. It is hoped that the video will be on display at the wetland seminar. Thank you, Glen!
Dates to Remember!
Thursday 6 February 7-9pm Forum on the Draft Coastal Strategy at the Kingston Arts Centre The Draft Coastal Strategy has serious implications for the coastline in the City of Kingston.
Saturday 8 February 9am Wetlands Seminar at the Chelsea Town Hall (See enclosed leaflet for further info)
Sunday 23rd March Kingston Kaper’s Festival Day provides an excellent opportunity to promote environmental groups.
City of Kingston Council Elections will be held in March. The Bayside Coalition is well organised and has found a number of candidates to stand. They are interested to hear of any candidates who may be standing in the City of Kingston with a view to offering support on environmental issues.
See you at the Seminar!!