Incoming Scoresby Transport Corridor EES, Braeside Park News, Greg Wilton MHR, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Kingston Transport Strategy Study Forum.
Outgoing City of Kingston re CCT Parks, Hon Marie Tehan re Spider wire, City of Kingston re Ward Boundaries, City of Kingston re Woodlands Industrial Estate, City of Kingston re Chemical weed spraying, Leader Newspaper re misleading report on size of Windows on the Bay.
The Agnew Report
G.Agnew attended the following meetings:- Scoresby Transport Bypass, KCEC Transport Study, Port Phillip Conservation Council meeting as Vice President & MBCL Rep.
PPCC Report:- Re-location of Chemical storage to Pt Lillias still a major issue, Pt Wilson also a major concern, Hampton beach re-nourishment, Cerebus tourist development discussed. An embayment has formed on Sorrento beach which has trapped septic tank outflow from the Birrell approved restaurant on the foreshore. Main cause for concern at present is the introduction of spider wire to the marine environment. Spider wire is invisible and indestructible and therefore a danger to divers and marine life. A letter has been sent to Hon Marie Tehan re this matter. There will be a story on the ABC 7.30pm Report this week. Watch for it!
Heritage Listing Beaumaris Cliffs
There has been no response from the City of Bayside re including the (former) Mordialloc section of cliffs in the Heritage listing. Glen will follow up this matter.
The Parks
Bradshaw Park
Following an earlier successful planting day there will be another on the 18th May.
Braeside Park
A bicycle path is being installed in the park. The Friends group has written to Melbourne Parks & Waterways complaining about the environmental impact which the Woodlands Industrial Estate is having on the Park. Floodlighting is shining into the park and multi-coloured containers are littering the industrial estate. City of Kingston is responsible for landscaping the estate to shield Braeside from the visual pollution of the site. The Haines property issue is unresolved. Power lines will not be built across Braeside for 10-20 years (Never hopefully!) The seed smoke day was successful with 25-30 people attending. 5 Aborigines identified scar trees in the park. A wetland and bird habitat has been constructed behind Garden World and another wetland is being designed to attempt to further reduce and filter pollution entering the Dingley Drain which flows through the park.
Karkarook Park
M.P.& W are attempting to tighten specifications before sand mining companies tender for sand extraction & undertake restoration work when mining is completed.
Mordialloc Creek
No report on the DV Catchment Committee. MBCL has been invited to attend meetings regarding the Scoresby By-pass Route and its effect on the Creek at Pillars crossing and the proposed wetlands.
Ward Boundaries
MBCL submission re Ward boundaries expressed concerns with names suggested by Commissioners and also the number of Councillors. MBCL would prefer 12 councillors and four wards therefore 3 councillors per ward. Wards to be called North, South, East and West.
Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition Wetland Seminar
Planning is commencing for the seminar on Wetlands to held in June. It is hoped to attract a panel of speakers on the importance of wetlands.
Other Business
Two members have noticed chemical weed spraying by City Kingston contractors and evidence of grass clippings left in gutters also by Council staff. Letter sent to Council pointing out that chemicals used on gutter edges plus litter will add to Bay and creek pollution problems.
Bicycle Path Strategy Plan
The Bicycle Plan is still to be finalised by the consultants, Loder & Bayley. It will be sent to Council for consideration in about three weeks time.
Relocation of Mordialloc Tennis to Denyer Reserve
A meeting of tennis club members voted to accept the proposal to re-locate to the Denyer Reserve subject to certain conditions. Although Council and the Dept. of Conservation & Natural resources have stipulated that there is to be NO increase in car parking on the foreshore this will need to be closely monitored to ensure that, with the proposed increase in seating in the Blot on the Landscape Cafe, that these provisos are not ignored just as the previous ruling by the former City of Mordialloc and Departmental directives have been ignored by Commissioners.
Melbourne Parks & Waterways Management Plans
Liaison between M.P & W and MBCL resulted in a successful meeting at the Allan McLean Hall 23 May. Boat owners, conservationists, fishermen, historians and lifesavers attended and heard Geoff Bray and Janine McNeilly-Brown outline M.P.& W proposed management plans for Port Phillip Bay but in particular, Mordialloc foreshore and Creek. The speakers welcome public input and have promised to consult widely with the community before projects are initiated.
Tendering of Physical Services (eg Parks)
City of Kingston proposes tendering out Parks and Gardens services. Plans are being drawn up for the tendering process. Although the League was invited to comment on the proposal to tender out these services, environmental groups were not given the opportunity to submit ideas prior to the documents being drawn up. Whilst conservation groups would not expect that their ideas concerning the foreshore necessarily be included, it might at least have been politic to have had some discussion especially as it is expected that Friends groups will be encouraged to take an active role in whatever Friends groups do.. in parks and reserves.
Denyer Reserve
A news item in the Mordialloc Chelsea News May 22nd concerning the above mentioned Reserve will stir the memory of a couple of members of MBCL who will recall a certain meeting when a certain person stormed out of the meeting after being asked questions pertinent to the above mentioned Reserve development!!!
Well, that’s all folks. Your secretary will be in dear old Blighty for the next five weeks cruising around parks and gardens in (I hope) the Northern summer!