Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th November 1996


R.Pearson tables a letter written to Jeff Floyd re the development of a petrol station on the corner of Springvale and Governor Roads fearing that this will set a precedent for further development on the Haines land south of Governor Road & north of Mordialloc Main Drain. Letter requests that Melbourne Water purchase this land to extend Braeside Park and include wetlands which will filter drainage before it enters Mordialloc Creek. A letter was also sent to Graeme Calder, Commissioner City of Kingston.

Bradshaw Park

A meeting is still to be arranged with Warren Ashdown to discuss the placement of signs at the drive-in and walk-in entrances to the Park. A new entrance gate is required to replace the dilapidated gate.

Karkarook Park

Negotiations appear to be at a stalemate between the sand mining company and Melbourne Water re the development of the park.

Braeside Park

Thousands of people attended a Cup Day picnic at the Park. Entertainment included sweeps, sausage sizzle, bush bands and an historical display. Braeside Park manager has been transferred to Kew whilst the new manager will have the added responsibility of Coolart, Devil’s Bend, Reservoir, etc!

Green Wedge

Units to house Crown Casino Golf Course patrons are likely to go ahead prior to the consultants report being finalised on the study of the South East Non- Urban Area. There is a proposal to have residential development on the Haines land.


Following complaints from residents about the lack of grass cutting in the City Serco has been forced to hire more workers bringing the number back to 57 – the number of people on the Parks & Gardens staff before they were sacked by Council! Although Malcolm McKenzie claims these people are employed on a seasonal or temporary basis it is unlikely that standards of maintenance will be maintained if the workforce is once again reduced.

The Agnew Report

Glen attended a meeting in Dandenong where environmental groups hope to form a coalition similar to that of KCEC. Glen also attends meetings to discuss the proposed Scoresby By-pass which will cut through the Green Wedge north of Pillars Crossing and through wetlands. Cost cutting by amalgamated councils has resulted in reduction of services such as collecting grass clippings and leaves which a are swept into gutters and stormwater drains and increase pollution problems for the Creek and Bay. Marine Science Meeting this body objects to the Pacific Oysters being introduced to Victorian coastal waters but Glen claims that there is a need to develop a mariculture industry to alleviate a world wide shortage of fish stock for food. PPCC meeting was also attended. The proposal to make the Cerebus a tourist attraction appears dubious especially during storm periods.

Bangholme Cemetery

This facility has been built in part of the Green Wedge next to the South East Treatment Plant. The land is part of the Carrum Carrum swamp land and therefore has a high water table. A meeting was arranged to visit the cemetery.

Re-Afforestation of Attenborough Park

Mara has very kindly donated trees which will be planted by Parks & Gardens staff in an appropriate location in Attenborough Park. Thank you, Mara!

A Merry Christmas…to you.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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