It is encouraging to hear that our President, Jack Cuthbertson is making progress and will be coming home at the weekend to continue with his recovery from a very serious episode.
The Parks
Braeside Park
A dead red gum tree removed by Vic Roads for a freeway extension at Cranbourne has been accepted by Braeside Park for decoration and a bird roost at a cost of $3000. A wetland development will created around the tree in the western car park. An explosive method of dealing with rabbits has been disapproved of!
A day of family entertainment is planned 2nd April to celebrate the Park’s opening 10 years ago. A “special dinner” for Friends is planned a barbecue in the picnic area. A $5000 grant has been received for fencing to prevent cattle eating trees.
A project for disabled is to be incorporated into Park activities. This will take the form of potting in the nursery. A grant application has been made to Kingston Council. The bird population is becoming very diverse with the arrival of a magpie goose.
Karkarook Park
A Friends group has been formed. The Park may host the Green Link nursery.
Bradshaw Park
A coast wattle has been removed from the north east corner of Bradshaw Park.
Parkdale Lifesaving Club / Bicycle Path / Beach Road Safety Plan
The proposed meeting to discuss the three inter-related issues has been held over due to the delay in the finalisation of the consultants report. We are assured that the meeting will take place when the report is received.
Kingston Foreshore Strategy
The Strategy has been released for the Steering Committees comments. It is pleasing to note that the environment objectives and principles attracted the highest level of support in the 72 response sheets/ submissions received. Protecting remnant vegetation is a high priority. Re-vegetation throughout the foreshore with indigenous vegetation is recommended.
Dangers associated with climate change and storm surges have now been acknowledged by the consultants and now appear in the draft document, for example warnings about beach erosion and destruction of buildings in front of the sand dunes.
Of concern are the suggestions that the “height limits of new buildings in the Activity Node (Mordialloc) may provide opportunities for a more flexible approach”.
Municipal Strategic Statement
The MSS covers much of the same material as the Foreshore Strategy and Traffic Study. An area of concern is the proposed “missing link” from Wells Road to Nepean Highway in Traffic section of the MSS. The “missing link” proposal was strenuously opposed by the members of the Traffic Steering Committee.
Dandenong Draft Catchment Action Program
The Dandenong Draft Catchment Action Program is almost ready for publication. MBCL and KCEC are both represented on the committee. The Action program outlines work to improve water quality in the Dandenong Catchment and Mordialloc Creek.
Melbourne Water is launching their Healthy Bay Initiative at Doyles Hotel March 17. Lunch will be followed by a bus tour of the catchment to inspect Melbourne Water’s catchment management methods.
Port Phillip Conservation Council
PPCC are launching their Aerial Photographic Record of the Port Phillip Coastline March 10 at the new Hampton LSC at 5.30pm. Colour prints are available for purchase. The Hon. Marie Tehan will launch the exhibit. MBCL has been invited to attend.
Mordialloc Mordigras
MBCL is sharing a tent with the Friends of Bradshaw Park on March 20 at the Warren Road Community Centre. The usual display of environmental material will be available..
Welcome to new member, Ken Sinclair.