Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th May 1999


Submission to the Hazardous Waste Consultative Committee at the request of the Niddrie Quarry Action Committee. Due 28-5-99

The Parks

A regeneration burn has been carried out at Bradshaw Park. Braeside Park has received orders for 1000 indigenous species from the developers of Palm Cove development on Wells Road, Aspendale. Karkarook Park will be handed over to Parks Victoria in early June with a second Opening Ceremony predicted. Braeside Park celebrated its 10th Anniversary in April with slide presentations, theatre productions and numerous family activities organised by the hard working Friends Group and Parks staff.
Kingston’s Draft Open Space Strategy has been released for comment. It is important to stress in making a submission, that passive open space is more popular with the community than active sport requiring expensive facilities usually built on our limited parkland. Eco-tourism, walking, cycling and nature walks are especially popular according to the Sandbelt Open Space Plan. 1992.

Epsom Racecourse Flora and Fauna

MBCL members were asked to attend an inspection of the significant indigenous species on the Epsom Training Track with ULC operatives, Council officers and Native Resource staff. Approx 52 species have been identified in the centre of the course. The ULC have been requested to re-configure their residential plans for the 428 housing development to ensure that the plants can remain in-situ since they won’t survive transplanting. Surrounding industries are objecting to the close proximity of proposed housing claiming that residents will object to noise leading to factories possibly being forced to re-locate.
Brian volunteered to write to ALP candidate, local MP and DNRE re the importance of the species. Brian will also contact the factory owners.

Parkdale Lifesaving Club Cafe / Kiosk Proposal

Kingston Council has approved a cafe/ kiosk proposal for the PLSC despite a severe lack of car parking at the site and the possibility that the development may impinge on plans for bicycle track on the verge of Beach Road – an extension of the track constructed through the City of Bayside – a most successful initiative. It is understood that the outdoor toilets, shelter and barbecue facilities will still be available for use by the public.

Kingston Foreshore Strategy

The Strategy is now available for public comment. Please make a submission stressing the importance of maintaining height limits and ensuring that any proposed foreshore developments preserve the amenity of the local community. Whilst the Strategy doesn’t specifically mention it, certain local politicians are planning to move the sea scouts and motor yacht club from the island in the creek to make way for yet another restaurant!!! Who will this benefit? The local youth and boating fraternity or the cafe latte crowd from out of town?

Port Phillip Conservation Council Report

Sheryl Garbutt, Shadow Conservation Minister, attended the General Meeting of the PPCC at which reports from all bayside conservation groups were received. Brighton Resident Action Group is concerned about the noise and frequency of beach cleaning as are many Kingston residents. PPCC has formulated policies on car parking which they claim should be on the landward side of Beach Road. Parking fees should be used to buy properties on Beach Road for parking – an idea that Kingston could well copy.

Jeff Kennett’s Visit to Aspendale

A well attended meeting of approx. 500 people heard the Premier announce that the Park’s levy won’t be removed, there is a global perspective for Victoria??, and that the City of Kingston is a “$60 million business”. A “sometimes controversial Village Committee member” asked if there was a future for local government given that so many people have lost confidence in local councillors. This comment resulted in Kennett ringing the CEO of Kingston the next morning. Could have been an interesting conversation

Brochure and Website for MBCL

We are extremely grateful to Johanna for revising the MBCL brochure and vaulting us into the 21st century by putting information about us on the web site. I believe we can also be found on the PPCC site and on the Braeside site as part of the excellent networking of conservation groups throughout Victoria.

Mayfield and Communication Tower at Former Mordialloc Hospital

As stated last week an interim order has been placed on Mayfield to prevent demolition to allow a road to be built. Unfortunately an inspection of the site revealed that some magnificent cypresses were cut down just prior to the visit. The builders of Mayfield were the original owners of land which is now Woodlands Golf Club and Epsom race course. Anyone making nominations to Kingston’s Heritage Study should place Mayfield on the list.

Communications Tower

A tower is proposed for the Mordialloc Hospital site to facilitate communication between Council Offices and the hospital site when it becomes a health centre. Nearby residents are concerned about the affects on health of the tower studies in South Australia are continuing into this issue.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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