As a result of much correspondence incoming requesting assistance, the question was asked “How do other groups support MBCL?” Do we need to use the media more to inform the public of issues? How effectively do we network? There appears to be a need to use local papers to publicise issues and to recruit if possible, potential councillors with an understanding of the importance of environmental issues.
Council elections will be held in March 2000. Any volunteers?
Letter from J.Eggleston to Kingston Traffic Officer concerning traffic / parking problems in Como Pde/Alameda Street, Parkdale.
A submission has been sent to the EPA who requested information about, amongst other issues, groundwater in the Dandenong CIC.
The Parks
At Braeside Park there is increasing emphasis on volunteer involvement. For example Parks Management prepares submissions for the Friends Groups to obtain funding to carry out projects. e.g. $5000 for protection of plants, $20,000 from Federation Grants to build a Heritage trail. Leisure Action has received a Grant to provide easier access for disabled persons. A grant is available for a picnic area in the Western section. A letter was received from Vic Roads informing Parks Management that the Mornington Peninsula Freeway is unlikely to be built for ten years. Parks staff may continue to use the red brick building on the site.
Park Rangers have to provide Volunteer Activity Reviews each year. Streamwatch is to standardise water tests carried out by volunteers on Dunlops Drain in the Park. Sunday 8th November at 2pm a Spring Heathland Walk with Leon Costermans.
Planting is continuing at Karkarook Park. Open Day Sunday 5th November.
Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition
The Flora and Fauna Seminar has been broadened to include the geological sandstone areas in Kingston and adjoining Councils in the sandstone region because of similar plant species. KCEC have applied for a Federal Grant of $20,000 to pay lecturers and publication of proceedings of the seminar. Next meeting 3rd December at Moorabbin 7.30pm
Kingston Lodge Development L33
The Report of the Panel Hearing Amendment L33 into the Kingston Lodge Residential Development has been released and justifies the concerns of those opposing the overdevelopment of the site. The Panel Members are quite scathing about the Hains claim that the development will be “leading edge environmental living”. The Panel states that there is nothing special about this style of housing, in fact it is simply an “urban conversion”. They state that “Amendment L33 to the Kingston Planning Scheme not be approved at this time” They recommend further work be done to clarify the green wedge boundaries and ensure that they are sustainable plus other issues. Once this has been done “Amendment L33 may be reconsidered.” Kingston Council has already gone to the Dept. of Infrastructure to have the ruling overturned and continue to request that the green wedge boundary be moved to Springvale Road to enable this development to proceed! Panel refused a controversial development at Cranbourne. J.Cuthbertson was influential!
Epsom Race Course Development L38
Potential developers of the race course prefer to have residential only development of the site. There are major concerns about flooding and the need for more open space since the only open space will be a 9 hectare drainage basin at the southern end of the course. Is it too late for ideas for development other than housing or at least low residential environmental living rather than approx. 600 houses on a flood plain?? MBCL have been consulted about this issue and will have a further meeting with M.Woodland
Kingston Residential Strategy
Further Worksops Worksops are being held to discuss issues related to residential development in Kingston. Be vigilant and have your say. Chelsea Hall 1-12-98. Moorabbin 3-12-98.
Traffic Study Draft Report for White Street / Governor Road, Mordialloc
Results of the study have been disappointing so far because the Mordialloc Chamber of Commerce have objected to most of the Steering Committees suggestions. fearing that people will shop elsewhere thus residents living on these roads will have little relief. Of concern are options to build new roads either north or south of the Mordialloc Creek through the wetlands, Long Beach bike trail or Mordialloc Creek Reserve. The Steering Committee asked that these options be removed from the draft plans since they would be environmentally damaging and add to traffic through Mordialloc shopping centre.
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Congratulations to Stephen Calvert-Smith who is now a member of the PPCC Committee.