Letter from RP. re Kingston’s Street Tree Strategy (for MBCL file), Port Phillip Regional Catchment re weed & rabbit action plans, VLGA Constitutional reform document, DOI re changes to Commonwealth Assessment & approval development projects when the EPBC comes into operation, Offor Sharp re Woodlands Wetlands, EPA re Ballast Water & Hull Fouling, John Thwaites re Grand Prix and review of land use on Crown Land.
Photopoint Monitoring
Tony Collins (Excel) advises that the sites have been marked along the creek and foreshore and photographing can commence late August and then every three months thereafter. Tony will attend 5th August meeting to finalise details.
The Parks
The feral fence has been commenced at The Grange. Unfortunately there has been an out- break of vandalism causing considerable damage. Rob Jones has been replaced by Emily while he is on leave. 800 grasses have been planted at Bradshaw Park. S.C-S waters the yellow box eucalypts. Heaths are growing well in the control burn areas of the Rowan Woodlands. The Southern Golf Club ‘lake’ on the boundary of Braeside Park has gone ahead but a Parks Victoria officer is meeting with the Friends group to discuss the issue. Friends wonder whether the SGC should pay for the groundwater used in the ‘lake’. A request was made to BIOSIS for payment for the potting mix used in the rescue of plants from Epsom. Some difficulty arousing interest in the Federation Trail proposal and payment to the artist involved. Two foxes were found dead in the Park as a result of the poisoning program. A cat ban has been successfully introduced to Hains development south of Braeside Park. Well done our new Councillors!
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Port Phillip Conservation Council has objected to a request by Sam Newman’s restaurant for extra car parking on the foreshore. If approved this would set a precedent for extra foreshore parking at other sites around the Bay. The Safety Beach Marina will not go ahead this year due to lack of finance.
Woodlands Industrial Estate / Biosolids
A member of the Hazardous Waste Consultative Committee has expressed concern at the proposal to fill the borrow pit ‘lake’ with biosolids fearing that it may set a precedent for use of toxic material as fill in other water bodies.
Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition
A seat surrounded by trees in memory of Jack Cuthbertson has been approved by Council. Jack was a President of both MBCL and KCEC and was a tireless worker for the community and conservation. An Environmental Advisory Committee advocated by Cr van Klaveren as a means of raising the profile of the environment in Kingston Council was welcomed by the Environment Officer.
Submissions to ResCode 2000 are due August 11th by 4.30pm. The Draft Code is far from satisfactory for residents and also Planners. Residents will not have the right to object to one or two dwellings on a site for example. The areas nominated for ‘significant change’ (meaning high density) by Kingston planners are likely to raise the hackles also.
Mordialloc Creek
The clearing of the former Port of Melbourne Authority land near the railway bridge over the creek has commenced. Hopefully this land will be incorporated into the Creek Reserve for landscaping.
Mordialloc Traffic Study
The Traffic Study has not resolved issues in Governor Road and surrounding streets. The widening of Governor Road south of Braeside Park to Boundary Road will be completed 2001. The extension of South Road to Boundary Road, the first stage of the Dingley Freeway will soon commence and may relieve some of the traffic problems caused by through traffic in Mordialloc and surrounds.