Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd December 1997


Reports Received:

  • Regulations for Personal Water Craft (Jet Skis)
  • Kingston Environmental Report
  • Transport of Industrial Waste. Prescribed Waste Transport Regulations Soon to be released: Marine & Coastal Study (Areas to be nominated for marine parks and aquaculture in Port Phillip Bay.)
  • ARUP Transport Study.

Wetlands Hain’s Property

John Phillips, Group Property Manager, Portland House, reports a slight modification to their plan for residential development of rural land in the Green Wedge, the so called Hains property. Housing will occupy 38% of the site. This will permit a slight increase in the buffer zone. The complete wetland will cost $7 million to construct before the 600-800 residential estate goes ahead. 2 million cubic metres of earth will have to be moved to provide fill for the residential section of the site. The resultant hole will become a”lake”with a clay lined bottom to prevent the upwell of saline groundwater. Some experts claim that a clay lining will not prevent the intrusion of saline groundwater. Such questions need to be addressed before Council gives approval for this controversial development.

Mordialloc Creek

As part of the Hains wetland development Melbourne Water announced that as of Xmas 1997, there would be 2:1 split in water flow between Patterson River and Mordialloc Creek. Patterson River will receive 2/3 of the flow: Mordialloc Creek 1/3. MW claims that because Mordialloc Creek is a tidal estuary boating will not be affected! Consultants reports also raises questions about the effectiveness of the proposed wetland system in treating both high and low flow stormwater run-off. The report goes on public exhibition in February.

Activity Node Mordialloc Foreshore

The Victorian Coastal Strategy was released in December. Mordialloc is one of the Bayside sites classified as an Activity Node. An Activity Node is designated to be the area where there will be a concentration of recreational, boating and commercial activities. Food outlets will be encouraged as will developments by private firms such as Mirvac! Kingston Council has engaged consultants to prepare a Foreshore Strategy for Mordialloc. This is another development to be watched lest we lose our limited public open space on the foreshore to commercial development.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th November 1997


Letter received re a Community Farm Project from Bayside Permaculture Group. Submissions have been sent re Kingston Bicycle Integration Strategy, Options for the Management of Personal Water Craft (Jet Skis) on Port Phillip Bay and Westernport (Parks Victoria), Marine & Coastal Final Report outlining Marine Parks location and areas suitable for aquaculture.

Bradshaw Park

Friends of Bradshaw Park have sent a letter to Serco stating that the Friends groups should not necessarily be expected to undertake work that Serco hasn’t completed or that has not been written into Serco’s contract. At present Serco does some weeding or spraying of weeds and planting according to the Management Plan.

Beach Road

The City of Kingston has continued to insist that they have no alternative to classifying Beach Road as RDZ1 following a Ministerial Directive. The officers claim that this is purely a planning issue and won’t necessarily mean an increase in freight traffic when Webb Dock extensions are completed. However if a planned widening of Governor Road to four lanes to complete an East/West link to Nepean Highway goes ahead, it will encourage HCV’s to continue to use Beach Road.

Bicycle Path Beach Road

Thank you to all those who have made submissions re the proposed bicycle path extension from Charman Road to Mordialloc creek. No decision has been made as yet but we hope that common sense prevails and that no attempt will be made to site the bike path through the sensitive foreshore area on the cliff top.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st October 1997

Attenborough Park Trees

M.Hayler donated a sum of money to Kingston Council to be used for the purchase of 3 Monterey Cypress trees to be planted in Attenborough Park. The Cypresses were planted by the first settlers 150 years ago and can be regarded as having historical significance just as the Canary Island palms in Main Street, Mordialloc have significance as a WW1 memorial avenue. Whilst MBCL is a committed supporter of planting native species in the city, we feel that trees of historical significance also have a place. J. Cuthbertson volunteered to speak to Council Staff about this proposal and/or the return of the donation.


The Hains Draft plan for wetlands is causing concern because the size of the proposed residential development (600-700 houses). This leaves no room for an adequate buffer zone for the wetlands along the Mordialloc Main Drain. The “lake” in the centre of the development is also a questionable feature. There needs to be an overall view of the flood plain with the aim of restoring the hydrology with riparian vegetation.
Clean Up Australia is interested in this wetland project and may offer assistance at the appropriate time. A Wetland Committee is to be formed with representatives from Latrobe University.

Dandenong Catchment Implementation Committee (CIC)

The CIC Committee met 15-10-97 at the Melbourne Water depot, Coleman’s Road, Dandenong. A comprehensive report was given on MW’s Drainage scheme for Dandenong Catchment, including the cost of providing drainage for each development (approx $20,000 per development) with dual occupancy requiring additional charges to cater for increased run-off. 100 metres wide wetland system is being constructed at Brown’s Reserve, Mordialloc.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd September 1997

The Parks

Bradshaw Park. The Annual General meeting was held 18-9-97.

Braeside Park. The Environment Management Document was completed but out of the $200,000 which will be used for maintenance of roads, playgrounds and grass cutting, there has been no provision for conservation of natural resource areas or fencing to prevent animal intrusion. Spring planting Festival Sunday 5 October 10am 4pm

Karkarook Park Sand mining has commenced. The large holes created will eventually become lakes in the park.

KCEC Report on Wetlands

Negotiations are continuing in an attempt to acquire sufficient land on the north bank of Mordialloc Main Drain to establish a functional series of wetlands. The present draft plan has a large lake occupying the centre of the site with a small series of wetlands (10% of the site) in the WAG easement! This plan would allow residential development to proceed without achieving wetlands large enough to filter stormwater run-off before it enters the creek and Bay.

Dandenong Catchment Implementation Committee (CIC)

The new committee of the Port Phillip Region CIC, met on 3-9-97. B.Hampel (KCEC) and M.Rimington (MBCL) are community representatives for the Dandenong Creek Catchment and Mordialloc Creek. The Committee should be a means of monitoring water quality and works in the Mordialloc Creek Catchment.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th May 1997

Apologies for the lack of a June MBCL meeting but unfortunately your secretary was ill. Much has happened in the interim in the conservation area. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have queries or concerns.
President MBCL ph. 9 580 2018 Secretary MBCL 9 580 2706


Bradshaw Park The Open Day held in April resulted in an excellent response with 120 people attending the combined tour and sausage sizzle. R. Pearson and S. Calvert-Smith acted as tour guides. Much interest was shown and it is hoped that may more will join the Friends group. A Probus group was also taken on a tour of the Park in May.

Braeside Park Members of the Friends group met with the Area Manager, Ian Christie, to discuss the concept of the Haines property south of the Park being incorporated into Braeside. However a letter received from Mrs Tehan indicated that funding for the purchase of the Haines property by the State Government was unlikely. The possibility of a public fund to raise the $4 million required to purchase the property from David Haines was suggested.

Karkarook Park The Official Opening of the park was postponed possibly because of tender negotiations with CSR/BORAL Concrete who will mine for sand in the area. We have since learned that the City of Kingston has allocated a section of the park off Warrigal Road for a car park!


The President of KCEC, Dr Hampel and Christine Ca/ma, Friends of Braeside Park, have met with Mrs Tehan, Mr Geoff Leigh, MP, Mr David Lean, MP and Victorian Trust for Nature re funding for the purchase of the Haines land for the extension of Braeside Park and linear wetlands along the north bank of the Mordialloc Main Drain. The most recent meeting with Mr Stephen Haines, indicated that the Haines Company wish to proceed with residential development on the land which is zoned rural and which comes within the boundary of the Green Wedge. The proposal is for housing with a “lake” frontage.

Theme Park Land

86 hectares on the corner of Hutton and Springvale Roads, Keysborough was offered for sale 19-5-97. The board stated that the land was suitable for a golf course, conference centre or Theme Park!!!!!!. Whatever is proposed for this site will impact on the wetland concept.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd April 1997

Parks Reports

Bradshaw Park
During a severe storm in April six trees came down including three over the walking track. They had to be removed. Plants sold well on Kingston Festival Day at the Gerry Green oval. An Open Day was held on Saturday 19th April at Bradshaw Park. A fine day was laid on for this event. Further reports awaited!

Braeside Park
The recently appointed new manager of the Park will shortly be going on long service leave as will several other Park staff. City of Kingston sought plants from the Braeside Nursery to plant on a roundabout in Chelsea and in the sand quarry area near Henry Street, Clayton.

Karkarook Park
Information has not been supplied to the committee as to the progress and status of the negotiations between Melbourne Parks and the sand mining company as yet.

Signage on Drains on the Foreshore

There is some progress from Council on the placement of the signs warning swimmers of the danger of swimming near drain outlets on the beach after heavy rain, however not all drains will have signs since Council officers feel that some drains very small local catchment area. Melbourne Water appears to be very reluctant to place a sign on their monster drain at Mentone warning people not to swim near the outlet.

Mordialloc Creek

As part of MBCL’s six hours of consultation with SERCO a meeting has been arranged with a Natural Resources staff person to discuss management plans for the north bank of Mordialloc Creek upstream from Chute Street.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th March 1997

Parks Reports

Bradshaw Park A new bigger White sign has been erected at the southern end of the park. Open Day 19th April. The number of people attending working bees is increasing with 10 or 11 people volunteering. Weeds at present are under reasonable control.

Braeside Park Geoffrey Leigh, MP for Mordialloc, visited the Park to discuss with Ron Pearson and Christine Cama, the future of the Haines property. Friends of Braeside would prefer to see the land become part of the Park. Developments in the area bounded by Springvale, Governor and Boundary Roads are gradually encroaching on the park. Two KCEC members will meet with Marie Tehan, Minister for Conservation, to discuss the Haines property issue.

Wetland Seminar

250 people attended a very successful Wetland Seminar in March at the Chelsea Town Hall. Support for the Melbourne Water wetland concept along the Mordialloc Main Drain came from the CEO of the City of Kingston, Melbourne Water and the many environment groups present at the seminar.

South Eastern Non-Urban Study of the Green Wedge

The study has been released and whilst strongly supporting the wetland concept has also left the way open for some low density residential development in some sections of the Green Wedge such as the Haines property and land south of the Hutton road (the former theme park land).

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th February 1997

Parks Reports

Bradshaw Park Open Day April 19, 10am. A feature will be guided tours of the park every hour. There is a letter boxing campaign for new members. The gates have not as yet been replaced.

Braeside Park Woodlands Industrial Estate is moving closer to the freeway reservation with more and bigger buildings on the eastern boundary of the industrial estate. The picnic area inside the park will be duplicated with a lake on the western boundary. There will be eight car parks within the park. The Friends invited Geoff Leigh M.P. for Mordialloc to discuss buying the Haines property south of the park to add to Braeside. The Friends will write to explain how the proposed freeway will affect the park.

Karkarook Park The grass fire in February destroyed 5000 recently planted trees Boral is trying to whittle away Melbourne Parks? conditions concerning restoration prior to commencing sand mining.

Assessment of Serco

Council is carrying out out an assessment of SERCO’s management of natural resource areas. MBCL mentioned lack of staff-insufficient to maintain the foreshore and other areas?

Foreshore Signage

Richard Whately, Melbourne Water, was contacted about the lack of signs on the large outfall drain at Mentone, warning people not to swim near the mouth the mouth of the drain. MW is deciding on the wording for the sign. Brian McNamara, City of Kingston, has decided on the wording for signs for all the drains (16) from the pier to Charman Road, Mentone along the foreshore.

Mordialloc Creek

Before bank stabilisation on the creek bank from Chute Street to Heatherton Drain takes place, MBCL have asked SECO to meet on site and discuss the method of bank stabilisation. This will be ne of the allocated consultation periods written into the SERCO Contract for assistance to voluntary groups.

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