Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th February 1992

Parkdale Foreshore Development

A small number of local native plants have been located growing along the Parkdale foreshore which appear to be the only remaining specimens within the City of Mordialloc. It is thought that in the case of several species that the plants concerned are the last single plants of the species growing along our foreshore. As they form part of the diverse local environment every effort should be made to ensure their survival.
When the next stage of development work proceeds on the Parkdale foreshore these plants are in danger of being destroyed. Great care must be taken to make sure they are not destroyed as in that event none would remain in the Mordialloc municipality.
It is recommended that Council staff investigate the situation and be quite certain that they know precisely where these plants are located so that they may take positive action to protect them before further development work proceeds. If after all alternatives have been explored, it is impossible to protect them in their present position, plants should be removed and replanted in another suitable, similar location by Parks and Gardens staff who have had extensive experience in transplanting local native plants.
The importance of protecting these plants from being destroyed forever cannot be overemphasised. As soon as is possible these plants should be used for propagating additional plants for the municipality. With their particular genes these plant species have evolved over many years (centuries ?) and have been programmed to prosper in their own particular environment. Their inbuilt characteristics make them suited for continued growth in the area.
The plants concerned are among the following, all of which only exist in small numbers along the Beaumaris Mordialloc foreshore :

  • Carpobrotus rossii
  • Distichlis distichophylla
  • Tetragonia tetragonoides
  • Sarcornia quinquiflora
  • Sarcornia blackiana
  • Helichrysum paralium
  • Alyxia buxifolia
  • Spinifex hirsutus
  • Carex pumila

Bradshaw Park

The report on Bradshaw Park by a BIOSIS officer will shortly be available. There is still concern that the park is not locked at night by the security firm. Council staff have been asked to check this matter.

Parkdale Foreshore Erosion Control

R. Pearson and David Digby have carried out an audit of the native plants growing in the area of foreshore on which erosion control work will shortly resume. It is proposed to ask for an inspection of the site with the Acting City Engineer in order to plan the protection of the plants.

Mordialloc Foreshore

Work is continuing on the renovation of foreshore buildings. No decision has been made by Council about the Nicholson shed which shelters habitual drinkers. The League favours the removal of the back wall of the shelter to improve the appearance of the building and also to allow people to see the beach. The concrete light pole in front of the shed is to be shortened and the wires put underground. Two other redundant poles to be removed.

Coast & Creek Booklet

If funding becomes available we will be able to commence work on revising the booklet.

Mayor’s Community Day

Due to illness and bereavements amongst our members, it was decided not to organise a stall this year. The SGAP will be selling plants so the public will still have the opportunity to purchase native species.

Mordialloc Creek

The EPA’s report on the sampling of Mordialloc North and South beaches over the summer have again been misleading with the geometric mean giving the impression that the water has been clean, whereas the beach has a high E-coli reading for two to three days after heavy rain. The League will continue to ask Council to place a sign, similar to that at the mouth of Kananook Creek, warning people not to swim near the mouth of creeks and drains after heavy rain.


John Bayly, Springvale Council has advised that plans for the Country Club have been modified and could include a wetland segment. He invites us to inspect the plans.

Guest Speaker

We look forward to Mr Glen Agnew’s report on his research work on the reef off the Horse Paddock. Glen will be present at our meeting 7-4-92. Please come along and meet Glen.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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