No reply as yet from the SEC re the removal of redundant electric light poles on Beach Road nor Vic Roads re providing a pedestrian crossing on the West
side of the Wells Road bridge.
Bradshaw Park
Friends of Bradshaw Park meets once a month and sends Councillors and the City Engineer. Foxes in the park are still a problem and a newsletter to all a means of removing them is being considered.
Mordialloc Foreshore / Kiosk Restaurant
The League has responded to three applications for planning permits for the foreshore.
- An application for an ice cream vendors van to permanently occupy a parking space in the Pier Road car park. The car park has been reduced in size due to landscaping work and this will reduce the number of spaces available still further.
- The restaurant kiosk has applied to have two signs and a flag on or near the building. The Ministry for Planning and Environment is reasonably satisfied with the proposed signage.
- The restaurant has also applied to have a quarter of the floor space of the building occupied by a bar area which will be licensed to sell alcohol without food from 7am to lam the following morning.
The League, in its response to the application for a bar area, stated that the consumption of alcohol without food should be confined to the bar area only.
Mordialloc Creek Pollution
During the period of heavy rain in December, January and February the beaches north and south of the pier were badly discoloured. The EPA reports reveal that Mordialloc beach exceeded the E-coli count on nine occasions. Information about leachates from tips in the Springvale/Oakleigh area caused concern when it was reported that the Brighton layer of the water table had been contaminated with leachates. The clay lid which slipped off a filled tip in Springvale, was probably responsible for the muddy appearance of the creek and Bayside beaches. Vic Roads also had a problem with leachates from the tip preventing work proceeding until the area had been “de-watered”
The Agnew Report
Glen has completed a three week comparative study of turbidity at Pebble Beach Jervis Bay. Pollution at Eden is comparable to the situation existing in Port Phillip Bay at present. A full report is due shortly.
Braeside Park
There has been no response from Mark Birrell concerning the proposed freeway route through Braeside Park.
Open Space Report
The MBCL submission has been sent to the City Engineer.
Mayor’s Community Day
MBCL will occupy tent No.38 on the Community Day. Plants, paintings and literature will be available for perusal or purchase. We hope to be joined by several other conservation group representatives to add interest to the stall. Hope to see you at the Parkdale Recreation Reserve, on Sunday 28th March.
We would be delighted if you could join us 6th April to hear our guest speaker.