Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd November 1999


An information session introducing plans for the Kingston Lodge residential and wetland development will be held at Mentone Council Offices, Mentone at 4.30pm Monday 29th November. Council will accept comments from groups and individuals concerning this controversial development. Stephen Hains will be present.

Significant Tree Register

Could members bring along their comments and ideas for a Significant Tree Register currently being considered by Council Environment Officers? It is hoped that this Register, coupled with a By-Law, may prevent the wanton destruction of mature trees on development blocks.

The Parks

Water testing at Braeside Park involves two Friends volunteers one day once a month to test five sites. A draft report on tests prepared by a volunteer is being published. Kingston Council is reported to be using a school to monitor water quality in Mordialloc Creek. When queried a council officer was uncertain of Melbourne Waters monitoring sites which are at Wells Road bridge and Pillars Crossing only. Glen Agnew is monitoring Dunlops Drain, Lake 3, Woodlands Industrial Estate and Mordialloc Creek with his own equipment. It was decided to write to Kingston CEO and Melbourne Water asking what is being done to monitor the Creek, mosquito larvae and algae blooms in Lake 3. The cost of chemicals for monitoring is $600 per year.
Open Day at Braeside Park was successful with 34 people attending a Heathland walk with Ron. Friends of Karkarook Park now has 6 members and automatic opening and closing gates with a people counter attached. Rangers are required to spend twenty minutes each day counting the golf balls which lob in the Park from the adjoining golf range! Our taxes at work! There were 1600 applicants for 12 positions with Parks Victoria.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th December 1995


Outgoing John Standish re Shell Oil Pipeline, David Hodge re Kingston Bicycle Strategy Geoff Leigh re Parcel Dispatch from Mordialloc station, Foreshore Vegetation, KLSP, John Bayley re KLSP
Geoff Goode re “Windows” Michael Lee & Rod Atkinson re Optus Cables.
Incoming Community Festival Day Sunday 24th March 1996, Lyn Allison re Port Melbourne Tower Block. City of Kingston Grant Information, Clean up Australia Information.

Community Festival Day 24th March

Suggestions and assistance would be very much appreciated!

Braeside Park / Sandbelt Park

Progress has been slowed down at Braeside due to rain. Planting in Karkarook Park is being carried out by Braeside Park rangers and volunteers.

Kingston Bicycle Strategy

Due to Council amalgamations there has been numerous changes of staff handling the bicycle planning. David Hodge, the person now in charge of the strategy, assured the League that we would be included in working party discussions and that our 1992 proposals for a path along the Mordialloc Main Drain would be considered. However, it appears that a steering Committee consisting of cyclists and schools have been meeting for some time! A meeting with the consultants, Loder & Bayley, recently is reassuring in that the consultant is familiar with our proposals and welcomes our submission.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris Cliffs

Glen will contact Chris and, Council re the listing. The Bayside Times reports on the nomination of the Beaumaris fossil site for National Estate listing. It is hoped that the listing will include the cliffs from Keefers to the Charman Road corner.

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