An information session introducing plans for the Kingston Lodge residential and wetland development will be held at Mentone Council Offices, Mentone at 4.30pm Monday 29th November. Council will accept comments from groups and individuals concerning this controversial development. Stephen Hains will be present.
Significant Tree Register
Could members bring along their comments and ideas for a Significant Tree Register currently being considered by Council Environment Officers? It is hoped that this Register, coupled with a By-Law, may prevent the wanton destruction of mature trees on development blocks.
The Parks
Water testing at Braeside Park involves two Friends volunteers one day once a month to test five sites. A draft report on tests prepared by a volunteer is being published. Kingston Council is reported to be using a school to monitor water quality in Mordialloc Creek. When queried a council officer was uncertain of Melbourne Waters monitoring sites which are at Wells Road bridge and Pillars Crossing only. Glen Agnew is monitoring Dunlops Drain, Lake 3, Woodlands Industrial Estate and Mordialloc Creek with his own equipment. It was decided to write to Kingston CEO and Melbourne Water asking what is being done to monitor the Creek, mosquito larvae and algae blooms in Lake 3. The cost of chemicals for monitoring is $600 per year.
Open Day at Braeside Park was successful with 34 people attending a Heathland walk with Ron. Friends of Karkarook Park now has 6 members and automatic opening and closing gates with a people counter attached. Rangers are required to spend twenty minutes each day counting the golf balls which lob in the Park from the adjoining golf range! Our taxes at work! There were 1600 applicants for 12 positions with Parks Victoria.
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Rosebud is in the fortunate position of having too much sand! There has been a 30-40 metre increase over the last 40 years. Dredging the channel to provide access for the yachts also provides sand for the beaches.
Epsom Training Facility Development
The Report of the Panel Hearing into the Epsom development proved disappointing in that the Panel ignored many of the arguments presented regarding the conservation of the Herb-rich Plains Grassy Wetlands and the impact on the residential amenity due to increased traffic on White Street and 4000cars on MacDonald Street. Council will make a decision about the Epsom development December 20. In the meantime letters have been sent from MBCL to the ACF, Greening Australia, ARCUE, VNPA, Field Nats, Environs Australia, Environment Victoria, Sheryl Garbutt ALP Minister for Conservation, John Thwaites Min for Planning, Jenny Lindell, Bay Rescue, Dr Andrew Bennett School of Ecology Monash, PPCC, Claire Millar the Age Environment reporter. Claire Millar said she was interested but so far there has been no response from any of the above. If MBCL members could speak to local councillors expressing their concern or write to any of the above it would be much appreciated.
MBCL members had an information morning in Mordialloc Main Street, Friday 19 November, Plans of the 450 residential development and Option B, with plants in-situ and 320 houses, plus Jasons excellent photos of plants in flower, were on display. 100 signatures were collected in three hours. Nina and Brian took the display to another location where more signatures were added. Thanks for assistance, Brían, Nina, David, Jason, Brian, Stephen.
Doggy Posts
Some of the offending doggy posts on the foreshore have been removed and signs warning dog owners of the dire consequences of walking their pets on the foreshore will be relocated or placed on existing sign posts. Lack of communication between council officers caused the contretemps it seems.
Woodlands Industrial Estate
Nina reported on a meeting at Braeside with Golders Associates, consultants for the work to dewater and fill Lake I with biosolids. Golders claim that the biosolids will be contained between clay liners and be “safe” – there will be no leaching into the groundwater. The use of biosolids from the Carrum Treatment Plant for this purpose is experimental. The EPA have called for comment on the proposal before a works permit is granted. The dewatering of the lake commenced on Tuesday. Carrum Treatment Plant won’t accept water from the lake so it is being pumped into Mordialloc Creek. The EPA says that this is the least worst of six options!
One of the Braeside Park rangers is concerned about the land between the Woodlands wetland and Braeside Park. It should become part of Braeside he thinks.
Chiquita Park
This Federally owned park is to be sold off by the Department of Defence because they consider it to be “surplus to requirements”. Council can’t afford to buy the park but hope that it would remain “for the community’s use”. The park has a stand of Cherry Ballart trees worthy of preservation.
Spring Valley Golf Club
Kingston Council wish to sell 4.7150 hectares of land known as Heatherton Park. It is claimed that the money will be used to develop the remainder of the park. A meeting will be held 1pm Sunday December 5 at the Ian Court Playground. Please try to attend and support those who are trying to save our open space and parklands from sale or development.
Council Elections
Council elections will be held in March 2000. Interest is being shown by some prospective candidates. If you know anyone who would be prepared to stand especially if they have “green” credentials, please encourage them!
Summary of MBCL Activities 1999
It has been a busy year with Foreshore and Residential Strategies on the agenda as well as Traffic Studies for the Mordialloc Precinct. Village Committees, KCEC meetings, Port Phillip Catchment Committee meetings have been attended and information passed on to members. Recent months have been especially busy with members attending the following seminars:-
Agenda 21, Women in Government (JvK), Sustainable Development (JvK), The Senate Enquiry into the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Bill (MR), the Environment Defenders Office Seminar into the implications of the EPBC, the Epsom Panel Hearing. This month we were asked to accompany a group of primary students and their parents on a Sunday morning walk along Mordialloc foreshore and point out important features and plants. Of course, there have been numerous, time consuming submissions called the last ones written so professionally by our President, Johanna, for the City of Greater Dandenong plans for development in the green wedge. (C1, C2, C5)
We were saddened by the death of Jack Cuthbertson and miss his counsel and willingness to support environment groups campaigns.
We were delighted to welcome new members – the Egglestons and the Earls.
Without your unfailing support, dear members, we would not exist so once more:
Thank You all! Season’s Greeting and a Y2K Free New Millennium