Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th February 2001

Village Committees

Congratulations to Joan on her election to the Mentone/Parkdale Village Committee. Penny, Brian and Mary remain as members of their respective committees and are able to keep the environment to the fore at meetings. Penny has been able to give first hand reports on the water quality problems with Mentone and other bayside beaches this summer. The EPA was testing the water at Mentone each day during January and had to give a low risk report for most of the month. At present warnings against eating mussels taken from Port Phillip Bay have appeared in the press.

Photopoint Monitoring

Tony Collins, Excell Natural Bush Area Team Leader, Water was present at the Feb. meeting and presented us with an attractive hard copy report of the photopoint monitoring so far. The report is on the web page. The third round of monitoring has just been completed with Stephen filling Penny’s place this time.

Excell Report

The problem of blackberries on the Mentone cliff tops was discussed. They will be dealt with in the second half of the NRA contract. when it is hoped to enlist the aid of green corp troops to assist with maintenance and revegetation. A major problem is the vandalism of foreshore vegetation caused by residents on Beach Road seeking to’improve’ their views It was moved that MBCL write to Kingston Council asking that an education program be commenced via the local papers informing residents that vegetation plays an important part in stabilising dunes and cliff tops. Also that signs warning of heavy fines for the destruction of vegetation be placed at sections of the foreshore where there is evidence of destruction,. Two further motions addressed the problem of lack of communication between Kingston Council Customer Service and Excell, and the responsibilities of Friends Groups.

Attenborough Park

Planned to meet with the Team Leader of Parks to discuss the plans for Attenborough Park which is at present being used for overflow parking from Doyles Hotel.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st October 1997

Attenborough Park Trees

M.Hayler donated a sum of money to Kingston Council to be used for the purchase of 3 Monterey Cypress trees to be planted in Attenborough Park. The Cypresses were planted by the first settlers 150 years ago and can be regarded as having historical significance just as the Canary Island palms in Main Street, Mordialloc have significance as a WW1 memorial avenue. Whilst MBCL is a committed supporter of planting native species in the city, we feel that trees of historical significance also have a place. J. Cuthbertson volunteered to speak to Council Staff about this proposal and/or the return of the donation.


The Hains Draft plan for wetlands is causing concern because the size of the proposed residential development (600-700 houses). This leaves no room for an adequate buffer zone for the wetlands along the Mordialloc Main Drain. The “lake” in the centre of the development is also a questionable feature. There needs to be an overall view of the flood plain with the aim of restoring the hydrology with riparian vegetation.
Clean Up Australia is interested in this wetland project and may offer assistance at the appropriate time. A Wetland Committee is to be formed with representatives from Latrobe University.

Dandenong Catchment Implementation Committee (CIC)

The CIC Committee met 15-10-97 at the Melbourne Water depot, Coleman’s Road, Dandenong. A comprehensive report was given on MW’s Drainage scheme for Dandenong Catchment, including the cost of providing drainage for each development (approx $20,000 per development) with dual occupancy requiring additional charges to cater for increased run-off. 100 metres wide wetland system is being constructed at Brown’s Reserve, Mordialloc.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th February 1997

Parks Reports

Bradshaw Park Open Day April 19, 10am. A feature will be guided tours of the park every hour. There is a letter boxing campaign for new members. The gates have not as yet been replaced.

Braeside Park Woodlands Industrial Estate is moving closer to the freeway reservation with more and bigger buildings on the eastern boundary of the industrial estate. The picnic area inside the park will be duplicated with a lake on the western boundary. There will be eight car parks within the park. The Friends invited Geoff Leigh M.P. for Mordialloc to discuss buying the Haines property south of the park to add to Braeside. The Friends will write to explain how the proposed freeway will affect the park.

Karkarook Park The grass fire in February destroyed 5000 recently planted trees Boral is trying to whittle away Melbourne Parks? conditions concerning restoration prior to commencing sand mining.

Assessment of Serco

Council is carrying out out an assessment of SERCO’s management of natural resource areas. MBCL mentioned lack of staff-insufficient to maintain the foreshore and other areas?

Foreshore Signage

Richard Whately, Melbourne Water, was contacted about the lack of signs on the large outfall drain at Mentone, warning people not to swim near the mouth the mouth of the drain. MW is deciding on the wording for the sign. Brian McNamara, City of Kingston, has decided on the wording for signs for all the drains (16) from the pier to Charman Road, Mentone along the foreshore.

Mordialloc Creek

Before bank stabilisation on the creek bank from Chute Street to Heatherton Drain takes place, MBCL have asked SECO to meet on site and discuss the method of bank stabilisation. This will be ne of the allocated consultation periods written into the SERCO Contract for assistance to voluntary groups.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th December 1996

The Parks

Bradshaw Park
Work is on-going. The signs have not yet been erected or replaced. A new gate is required.

Braeside Park
The Dingley Drain is being monitored by the Braeside staff. The management of the Park is also supervising the red gum stand in the Woodlands Industrial Estate. MBCL will write to Mr Leigh in support of Friends of Braeside Park’s request that the Haines property be purchased to become part of the Park wetlands.

Heritage Listing of Beaumaris

Lisa Milley, City of Bayside Environment Officer, has confirmed that she has nominated the entire cliff section from Ricketts Point to Cliff Grove for Heritage Listing.

Bangholme Cemetery

A visit to the manager of the cemetery in November resulted in information about. the difficulties experienced by the management in attempting to establish a cemetery in swamp area with a high water table.

Re-Afforestation of Attenborough Park

Negotiations are continuing with Council re the location. and planting of young cypresses in order to retain the historical aspect of the approach to Chelsea. The DVCAC are also planning to seal the car park and re-vegetate with native species.

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