Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th September 2005

Rare Event! A cancelled meeting due to lack of a quorum! A combination of illnesses, prior engagements and work commitments caused the cancellation.. Never-the-less much has happened in the intervening period. Important decisions will have to be made about the sale of parks, the bike path route and landscaping of the Peter Scullin Reserve. Once again Best Wishes to family members who are unwell.

Forthcoming Events

Kingston Environment Groups Network meeting 6th October, 6.30pm at the Fujitsu Building – a presentation by Mike Hill on the Sustainability Accord. Waterkeepers Australia at the Green Building, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton Friday Nov 4 1.30pm 5pm. Worksop to explain the EPBC Act and how the referral and assessment process works. Union of Australian Women Saturday 22 October at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House, 2pm. Cost $5. Guest Speakers Caroline Hirsh and Ann Corcoran. Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM. 17 October. Guest Speaker – Doug Miller from DSE. A good opportunity for MBCL delegates to ask some pertinent questions about the proposed bike road on Kingston’ foreshore! Kingston Council have rejected a ‘back of kerb’ option according to the Leader. Watch For a forum organised by the Friends of Kingston towards the end of October when issues affecting residential amenity, sustainability, community involvement in effective decision making will be topics for discussion.


Two valuable reports have been released this month. They are The Expanding Urban Frontier: Urban Form in Melbourne’s Growth Corridors by Michael Buxton and Jan Scheurer and Sustainable Cities the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage. The latter discusses such topics as Water, Building Design and Management, Transport and Urban Sprawl. Urban Sprawl is discussed also in the Buxton Report. However there is no easy answer to most of these issues. Unless the Government takes control of planning as they have done in the billion dollar re-development proposed for Dandenong. This takes planning out of the hands of local government and removes the right of third parties to object.

Healthy Rivers

Environment Victoria’s Annual report commends people committed to speaking out for their local rivers. Should MBCL speak out about Mordialloc Creek?? Waterkeepers, of which MBCL is a member will provide additional support for river advocates according to the report.

Golf course and Resort Accommodation Keysborough

Despite a stern letter from Rob Hulls stating that the State Government is “committed to protection of Melbourne’s green wedges from inappropriate development” it appears that Dandenong Council was testing the water yet again. Mr Hulls concludes his letter “I will closely monitor the progress of the application and will take appropriate action if I believed that State planning is being compromised.”

Foreshore Vegetation Management Policy

Foreshore Vegetation Management Policy was passed at the Council Meeting 26 September with the modifications recommended by DSE to conform with their policy of Net Gain. A DSE staff member will be present at all future Foreshore Reference Group Meetings. One area of concern is pressure for the removal of indigenous vegetation on the Peter Scullin Reserve to make more room for the annual two day Wine and Food event on the foreshore. At present a landscape plan is being prepared for landscaping of the reserve.

Bicycle Path on the Cliff Tops

A meeting was organised with David O’Sullivan, Kingston Senior Traffic Engineer to hear his suggestions for the proposed bike path alternatives. 13.9.05. The following notes courtesy of Nina revealed that Beach Road is public/Crown land that Vic Roads manages on behalf of the State Government and DSE. David advised that there is no technical reason why the Kingston Section of Beach Road could not be planned similar to the Bayside section-which is what MBCL has been advocating. An attempt is being made to arrange a meeting with Vic Roads Manager, Bicycle Programs. PPCC has an item in their News- letter stating, “damage is now threatening in the narrow, but important vegetated foreshore reserve between Cromer Road, Beaumaris and Mordialloc Creek. KCC’s consultants have indicated a serious blindness to the harm that their recommended bisecting of Kingston’s coastal reserve would do.”


Drill’s Land:- Felix Botannica has finished planting on 9th September. There will be an official launch in October. The water body has been fenced but already vandalised. A pedestrian gate will be installed and a notice erected stating that no animals will be allowed inside the fenced area so that plantings and wildlife are protected. Stage One having been completed, Stage Two will commence in approx. four years time. This will include a dog pond and an island bird refuge. Ideally AGRA would like Stage Two brought forward. Regrettably another piece of parkland could be sold this time a corner of Linton Street Park to the St Kilda Football Club for their social club/gaming venue. They see the South Road site as a high profile location which will attract more custom to their poker machines. Kingston Council voted to approve the sale Monday 26 September with one vote against by Cr Rosemary West.

Chain Saw Massacre

After the destruction of nine Monterey cypresses at Attenborough Park the Diversity Officer, Kingston Council, has informed the community that a chainsaw carving project of one of the stumps would “commemorate” the natural resources of the area and their historical and environmental Values” and that the artwork would provide an opportunity to educate and raise the awareness with young people of the significance of Mordialloc Creek and highlight the valuable natural resources of the area!!!!! Would the awareness of young people be raised more effectively if the park was planted with species indigenous to the area pre-European settlement??

Elections! Elections!

Elections of councillors in November. Will we have a green council after thirty years of neglect of environmental issues or will it be more of the same with some of the old faces resurfacing with the same old pro-development policies? Fingers and toes crossed!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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