Green Wedge
There appears to have been some light at the end of the tunnel with the report from Barry Ross, Secretary, defenders of the Green Wedge after a deputation to see the Planning Minister, Richard Wynne. Sustainability Victoria has now acknowledged that the Kingston/Dingley Waste Hub should be located in an industrial area. However the Minister is still considering the Alex Fraser lease application for a further 15 years for the concrete crushing business to remain on Heatherton Road.
Bay Trail
Will certainly cause headaches for builders further down the track. Nice new concrete curbing at the Antibes car park will have to be removed when the Bay Trail reaches that point it seems!
Attenborough Aboriginal Garden
The Attenborough Aboriginal Garden is expected to be finished in July.
Beaumaris Fossil Sites and Sea Ledges
A deputation to Labor Member, Tim Richardson, 12th June to acquaint him with the importance of the site. A dozen fascinating fossils collected by a local resident at low tide after the fossils had been washed up onto the rocks, were on display. These fossils are eagerly sought after by Melbourne Museum where they will eventually end up. There is now a fine for anyone found with a shovel digging into the red rocks trying to find fossils.
Hands Off Our National Parks
Good News! The Andrews Government has committed to reviewing the excessive and exclusive development and leasing arrangements approved by the previous government.
Wiki Leaks?
A whisper that just possibly Kingston Council planners are prepared to protect the significant foreshore vegetation in the next section of the Bay Trail. Planning for the final section to Mordialloc Creek may be under way.