Parks Reports
Bradshaw Park Open Day April 19, 10am. A feature will be guided tours of the park every hour. There is a letter boxing campaign for new members. The gates have not as yet been replaced.
Braeside Park Woodlands Industrial Estate is moving closer to the freeway reservation with more and bigger buildings on the eastern boundary of the industrial estate. The picnic area inside the park will be duplicated with a lake on the western boundary. There will be eight car parks within the park. The Friends invited Geoff Leigh M.P. for Mordialloc to discuss buying the Haines property south of the park to add to Braeside. The Friends will write to explain how the proposed freeway will affect the park.
Karkarook Park The grass fire in February destroyed 5000 recently planted trees Boral is trying to whittle away Melbourne Parks? conditions concerning restoration prior to commencing sand mining.
Assessment of Serco
Council is carrying out out an assessment of SERCO’s management of natural resource areas. MBCL mentioned lack of staff-insufficient to maintain the foreshore and other areas?
Foreshore Signage
Richard Whately, Melbourne Water, was contacted about the lack of signs on the large outfall drain at Mentone, warning people not to swim near the mouth the mouth of the drain. MW is deciding on the wording for the sign. Brian McNamara, City of Kingston, has decided on the wording for signs for all the drains (16) from the pier to Charman Road, Mentone along the foreshore.
Mordialloc Creek
Before bank stabilisation on the creek bank from Chute Street to Heatherton Drain takes place, MBCL have asked SECO to meet on site and discuss the method of bank stabilisation. This will be ne of the allocated consultation periods written into the SERCO Contract for assistance to voluntary groups.
Re-Afforestation – Attenborough Park
Negotiations are continuing about the acquisition of Monterey cypresses to be planted in the park. The cypresses make a statement at the gateway to the peninsula and are of historical significance as they were planted by the first settler in the area.
The Agnew Report
Sadly this will be the last Agnew Report for some time. Glen has found, for health reasons, that he has had to resign from all his conservation activities and organisations. We hope that Glen may feel able to continue with this important work at a later
date. Glen’s most recent work was recent work was to video the entire length of the Mordialloc Creek catchment from the head waters to the mouth of the creek. This video was shown at the MBCL meeting 5th Feb. and at the Wetland Seminar 8th Feb. The educational value of this initiative is enormous. Well done, Glen!