Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th September 2000


Outgoing:- Stratcorp. comments on Draft Leisure report, Dandenong Planning Scheme Amendments C2 & C5, Planning Panel re Merri Creek Freeway proposals, Prime Minister re GM food copies to Senator Hill& Kim Beazley, Local Paper re Kingston’s Interim Residential Design Guide.

Photopoint Monitoring

Water The photos taken in August are being developed as a record of growth in the revegetated areas of the foreshore and creek reserves. The next photo session will take place in November. Nina queried who was responsible for maintaining the south bank of Mordialloc creek up to Wells Road. Weed infestation is significant. Nina also queried when the moon-scaped ‘wetland’ near Brown’s Reserve would be enhanced possibly with landscaping.

Parkdale Research

MBCL President and secretary were taken on an extensive tour of the Dandenong Creek Catchment during August. The Liverpool flood basin, Jells Park and the Police Paddocks were amongst areas inspected. This gave an insight into the need for pollution control in the upper catchment and also into the need for extensive flood retarding basins due to accelerating residential development in flood prone areas.

Earth Repair Foundation

Members listened to a presentation from members of the Earth Repair Foundation who are collecting signatures for a public petition for the permanent protection of the nation’s high conservation value native forests.

Port Phillip & Westernport Native Vegetation Plan

The Dandenong CIC are seeking comment on the Native Vegetation Plan and we are indebted to Robert Pyne who kindly offered to review the document and prepare a submission on behalf of MBCL and the KCEC. Thank you, Robert for the excellent presentation.

Beach Wall Erosion Mentone

Stephen reported that there has been extensive scouring of the retaining wall at Mentone after a storm. This has necessitated Kingston Council having to replace the sand which washed away the following week. It seems that the previous Kingston Council agreed to take responsibility for replacing the sand erosion caused by this Melbourne Water drain which is, as expected, acting as a groyne.

Dandenong Council’s Planning Amendments – Green Wedge C2 & C5

Members of MBCL, KCEC and Carrum Lowlands have met with the Dandenong Council’s Statutory Planning Officer re council’s intention to support development North of Hutton Road resulting in a population of 10,260 residents in the green wedge despite the fact that the Brack’s Government has still not released the Metropolitan Strategy. Members also met with Jeff Anson (DOI) at Nauru House. No assurances were given re the retention of 10n-urban land. Casey, Frankston and Dandenong all have applications for residential development in the green wedge – a total of approximately 5000 plus houses.

Hains Development (Waterways)

MBCL and KCEC members met with Kingston Council Planners to seek assurances that water quality monitoring would be part of the EMPS to ascertain if the wetlands were meeting water quality standards which were claimed for this development. The query arises because it is understood that a Sydney firm, Australian Water Technology (formerly Water Eco-science) has successfully tendered for Melbourne Water’s water quality monitoring requirements. Environment groups seek assurance that water quality monitoring will still be conducted despite the, no doubt, extra expense involved due to privatisation of this important service.


The earthworks are proceeding behind high hessian enclosed fences on Epsom. We can only assume that the Herb-rich grassy wetlands are being protected – but by whom? Uncertain if Kingston council environment officers are keeping an eye on this development.

The Parks

Rowan Woodlands is progressing satisfactorily.
Chiquita Park There is still no news on whether this park will be sold or retained.
Braeside Park The propagation nursery has produced 20,000 plants but volunteers have asked to increase their output to 40,000 in 2001! One of their most valuable committee members has resigned after 10 years sterling service.

Kingston’s Stormwater Management Plan

This document acknowledges that progressive urbanisation leads to substantial changes in both quantity and quality of water discharged from the catchment… in some cases overloading old drainage systems with subsequent flooding of properties, houses and roads.. “each new development or increase in density will cause increase in downstream flows, the cumulative effects of which will only be recognised in a major storm event which causes significant damage and loss.” The Kingston council has not released flood overlays which will indicate that a quarter of this city is flood prone.. Kingston’s Residential Strategy is proposing increased housing density in areas in close proximity to the creek and other flood prone areas. Referring to water quality monitoring, it is suggested that the cost of water quality monitoring could be lowered by limiting analysis to indicators that can be measured on site preferably on a weekly basis by a nearby resident !!

Draft Amendment to the Kingston Planning Scheme C8

Amendment C8 is on public exhibition until November. Unfortunately many residents likely to be affected by the amendments are probably unaware of its existence.
The entire foreshore area from Patterson River to Charman Road, Mentone is designated as an area for increased diversity (read density).
Members of KRAMMED and MBCL attended the Panel Hearing at Nauru House into ResCode 2000 and presented their submissions.

Kingston Foreshore Leisure and Landscape Study Steering Group Report

It was reassuring to learn that as a result of a number of focus group workshops and a telephone survey of 300 residents, the response indicated that people didn’t want change and commercialisation of the foreshore — they preferred the status quo! The next meeting will discuss landscape proposals.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

The dredging of Bay shipping channels to allow much larger tankers to berth will affect tides and sea levels – with interesting results for the eastern, most vulnerable, side of Port Phillip Bay during the increasing number of severe storm surges due to climate change, according to CSIRO studies.
PPCC are opposing Sam Newman’s Brighton Baths development. A cafe will seat 80 and the proposed restaurant will seat 120 people. The 168 car park will cost $550,000 and will require widening of a road on the environmentally sensitive foreshore. Bayside Council approved the development. All nine councillors voting in favour.

Hockey Field Kevin Hayes Reserve

The hockey field was rolled up and taken away to be installed at Cheltenham. The decision to site the hockey field on a flood retarding basin next to Heatherton drain was taken in the heady days of Mordialloc Councillor’s all too ready acceptance of the fast talking member of the Queensland white shoe brigade who promised the councillors a RSL Taj Mahal on the Doug Denyer Reserve. It didn’t happen but the soggy hockey field did!

Victorian Greenhouse Strategy Discussion Paper

The Discussion Paper may be obtained from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Closing date for submissions is November 17, 2000.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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