Election Success!!!
Congratulations to MBCL President Johanna van Klaveren who ran a clean, green campaign and defeated four male contestants to win the seat of Carrum Carrum.
On being announced winner, Johanna graciously and publicly acknowledged the community work of ex-Councillor Nixon. Unfortunately a vitriolic campaign of misinformation about the newly elected councillors is being run in the Liberal funded Chelsea Independent??? newspaper.
The Parks
Braeside Park
River Red gums have been planted in the park to lower salinity levels. A $6000 fence has been provided to keep grazing cattle from the trees. A $33200 Federal Community Grant has now been received to create a Federation Community trail to include Koori culture, scar tree identification, Carrum Carrum swamp history, the heathland and old race course. A fox eradication program is underway. The Web page saga has been resolved as Ron has achieved his aim of having a staff increase for the Park! With six rangers operating Ron has removed his comments from the web page! Burns in The Grange may have been deliberately lit. Unfortunately 4-5 pine trees have been cut down to enable a new fence to be built around the park. A working bee at Rowland Woodlands removed coast wattles. A burn was carried out to encourage re-vegetation. Bradshaw Park had an ‘unofficial’ burn which extended 20 metres into the park. Rosemary West made the saving of Chiquita Park a plank in her election campaign.
Open Space
The Open Space Report was finally released and, although both MBCL and the KCEC, had made submissions two years ago which were included in the report, we had to ask for a copy of the report. It was only reluctantly sent to our groups to enable us to make further comment. There is cause for concern over proposals to sell off small neighbourhood parks to finance developments on larger parks. The small parks will be monitored for five years to see if they are used. We believe that a 40 year time frame at least is necessary to assess whether the parks are required given that there is likely to be considerable demographic changes in Kingston as a result of the Residential Strategy report due to be released now that the election is over.
Green Wedge Panel Hearing C2/C5
A meeting was arranged with Minister Thwaites advisers re the retention of the green wedge east of Springvale Road in the market garden area where there is a residential development of 1400 houses proposed. We requested that the SENUS report be adopted and that major developments be halted until the Bracks Governments Metropolitan study be completed. The Panel report was released to Councils this week.
Street Tree Register
Submissions were due March 10. There has been little publicity about this issue.
Marine & Coastal Study
This report recommends amongst other things that aquaculture sites be increased at three locations in Port Phillip Bay – at Beaumaris from 6 to 25 ha, Dromana from 3 to 300 ha, Mt Martha from 3 to 300 ha. CSIRO scientists are horrified at this proposal because of the likely increase in nutrients in the Bay – already at a dangerous level. MBCL and PPCC have made submissions to the Environment Coastal Council.
Foreshore Strategy Landscape Plan
Council is seeking Federal/State funding for a landscape plan for Kingston foreshore. Current uses and values will be assessed, Simon Cropper (Botanicus) will undertake a vegetation survey. There will be an archaeological study and assessment of Koori sites. A Steering Committee will be formed. We have strongly argued that environmental groups must be included on this committee if only to keep our members informed but also to contribute valuable local knowledge. Kingston Council are implementing a whole council environment policy.
The effect of electrolysis on boats moored in Mordialloc Creek was queried. Elaine volunteered to make further enquiries.
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Congratulations to Stephen who has been appointed Treasurer of PPCC as well as KCEC . This is a most responsible position especially with the GST looming. A boardwalk was commenced on Dromana foreshore before (14 days before) submissions were due in! A vehicle track was bull-dozed on the steeply sloping foreshore.