Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd February 2000

Australia Day 2000

MBCL was allocated a shared tent again this year and we are grateful to our Treasurer for securing a prominent position for both MBCL and CRAG. Special thanks to Johanna for collecting give-a-ways generously donated by Melbourne Water, to Mara for Transport and assisting with information and to Penny, Brian and Nina.

Green Wedge Panel Hearing C2 and C5

Both Brian, representing KCEC and Dingley Village and Johanna, for MBCL, presented submissions at the Panel Hearing into proposed development in the green wedge. The Hearing ran for six days. Kingston Council’s approval of the Kingston Lodge development set a precedent for alienation of non-urban land in the City of Greater Dandenong.1400 houses could be built east of Springvale Road.

Tony Collins (Excel)

Tony attended briefly to inform us of the progress of plans for establishing monitoring points for quarterly recording of plant growth in the Natural Bush Areas.

Woodlands Industrial Estate

MBCL and KCEC sent submissions to Council re the use of biosolids from Carrum ETP to fill the borrow pit at Woodlands Industrial Estate. The EPA called a meeting at Mentone Council Offices to discuss the issue. Members of the Technical Group, the consultants, Golders, the EPA, Melbourne Water and MBCL were represented. Council officers admitted the use of biosolids is experimental & the issues arising are highly technical and complex. As a result, Council has called for an independent report on the use of this low? level contaminated material in a water body in close proximity to Mordialloc creek and the Bay.

Epsom Residential Development

The working party has been working throughout January and February to try to agree on Herb-rich grassy wetland plants remaining in-situ. Brett Donaldson, President KCEC, was a member of the working party as was Damien Cook. At present it appears that two thirds of the plants will remain in-situ and will be protected under the FFG Act. Well done to all those greenies who campaigned in various ways to help achieve this result!

The Parks

What is the current state of play on Chiquita Park? A working bee was held on February 9 to clear blackberries, ivy and coprosma from the Rowan Woodlands. Braeside Park is still waiting for the promised Federal Grant of $35,000 from the sale of Telstra. The upgrade of the sewage main along Governor Road will require a pumping station in Braeside Park. Monier Concrete are re-building a fence at The Grange. Excel will try to get rid of vermin.

Reports: Open Space : Residential Strategy : Mordialloc Precinct

Watch out for these reports. The Open Space Report is available in libraries but MBCL/KCEC who participated in focus groups and sent in submissions have had to ask for a report! As reported last meeting – the Residential Report was evidently too hot to release prior to the Council elections so has been held back. A strategy plan for Mordialloc Precinct has been put out to tender. Let’s hope it’s not another version of the infamous Tract Report circa 1987!

Kingston Lodge (The Waterways!!)

No less than 20 large pieces of earth moving equipment have been seen scurrying around this section of the former green wedge. A pump was also noticed on the north bank of the Main Drain. Was this the cause of extreme discolouration of Mordialloc creek and Bay water? Members can observe this activity from Bowen Road. Ring the EPA if there is evidence of water discolouration in the Main Drain. The construction workers have to abide by the BPEM.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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