Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th March 1998


Letter from SERCO inviting MBCL to meet with them for a briefing.

The Parks

Braeside Park Management plan to rotate rangers between Parks as far afield as the Peninsula. David Sewell, Head Ranger will be based at Rosebud. Mr Sewell claims to be a park developer rather than a conservationist!! Letters have been written. The River Red Gums are still unhealthy cause unknown.
Karkarook Park is going ahead with a ‘hole’ being dug which will eventually become a flood retarding basin. The hole will cope with stormwater from the Bentleigh/Oakleigh region. Before the water flows into the Heatherton Drain it will be diverted into reed filled settling ponds. The ponds adjacent to Warrigal Road will be ready in six months. Later water will flow into a filled sand quarry to become a ‘lake’ and part of the Chain of Parks.
Friends of Bradshaw Park will hold a book launch at the Park on Tuesday, 31-3-98 at 2.30pm. The book or kit is designed for school children visiting the Park.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition / Wetlands Hains Property

The Amendment which proposes to re-zone the Hains land from part General Farming, Stream and Floodway, Garden Industrial and Special Extractive Industry to Public Purposes 10 and 20, Reserves and Residential Zone 1, has been placed on Exhibition from 5 March -6 April. Approval for this change of zoning will permit the 700-800 residential development to proceed in the Green Wedge. The SENSUS Strategic Review of the Keysborough Wetlands Area recommended retention of the Green Wedge. There is still time to lodge an objection to this overdevelopment and loss of open space.

Mordialloc Foreshore / Coastal Action Plan / Height Limits

The third meeting of the enlarged Kingston Foreshore Strategy Committee met 24-3-98. KCEC/MBCL had one representative on this large Committee which is looking at ways to ‘develop Mordialloc as a tourist destination. Height limits have been lifted in the area from Centreway, Mordialloc, south towards the creek. There have been hints of a ‘hotel and conference centre’ in this constricted area. The public will eventually be given an opportunity to comment. Kingston Council has invited the DNRE, Parks Victoria, Tourism Victoria and others to work on this scheme. Is this a little like inviting a tiger to tea with Tom the cat?

Mordialloc Creek

Melbourne Waters Compliance Report into water quality is supposed to be available. We requested a copy 20-2-98. Still waiting.
The Draft Stormwater Agreement has been released. Kingston CEO chairs the Stormwater Committee. Asked for a copy of the report, 11-2-98. Still waiting.
Groundwater studies are being carried out by Sinclair Knight Mertz. The consultants are monitoring bores. So far they report that the groundwater pollution from the many landfill sites in this area has only spread a short distance from the tips.
2/3rds of the Mordialloc Creek water flow has been diverted down Patterson River. Melbourne Water claims that the National Water Sports Centre needs the water to counteract blue green algae in Patterson River.

Medium Density Housing / Height Limits in Bayside Suburbs

As a result of a petition objecting to high rise developments around the Bay sent to Mr Maclellan and others, three KCEC/MBCL members were invited to meet the Minister at Nauru House, March 5th. Altogether there were six Liberal politicians and three Dept. of Infrastructure staff with us to listen to Mr Maclellan defend his support for the Good Design Guide. However, at the conclusion of the 1 hour meeting we were given a document, Medium Density Housing and Residential Development Action Plan, which claims to advise individuals, the community, the Housing Industry, Councils and State Govts. what they can do! It amends some of the Good Design’s Guidelines and, hopefully, will provide greater protection for residents.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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