Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st December 2021

Mentone Life Saving Club Precinct Development

DELWP have allowed the removal of a large section of the cliff to allow vehicle access to beach.
We met with coordinator of the project Brad Lewis (Team leader Bushland and Foreshore), he will be attending our February meeting.

Round the table

  • Mordialloc Creek – Litter survey. Due to no fencing policy (Living Links) vegetation has been trampled where the initially installed fencing was. Complaints were made, and fencing has been reinstalled at sensitive areas but not in the Living Links area.
  • People concerned about polluted water pouring into the creek from a drain. Emily Boucher and Melbourne Water were informed. Apparently coming from the pumping station and not a concern.
  • George Woods Reserve. The granitic track has widened and eroded and tree roots exposed probably due to COVID causing increased activity.
  • Need to change Business cards, and to distribute Coast & Creek booklets.
  • Meeting concluded with a presentation to Nina for winning the Victorian Environment Friends Network Best Friends Award 2021.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Newsletter – August 2021

Mordialloc Creek Community Meeting

Mordialloc Creek Wetlands work to commence soon.
Project of Parks Victoria for the whole precinct including Pompies Landing and Attenborough Park.

Mordialloc Creek DELWP/GHD urban design for the future use in view of population increase. Comments from boat owners :

  • Important to maintain park lands for public use.
  • Protect the environment including birdlife.
  • The creek should not be widened.
  • Signs needed to alert visitors to the connection of Longbeach trail.

Removal of Level Crossings at Parkers and Warrigal Roads.

Opportunity to comment on Tim Richardson web site and Your Kingston Your Say. You can also register with LXRA for a Community Consultation and Engagement Session.

City of Kingston Walking & Cycling Strategy

Your Kingston Your Say during September & October. Using a shared digital mapping tool you are able to contribute to mapping out a pedestrian and cycling- friendly Kingston.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th May 2021


Response Letter from Minister R. Wynne’s office regarding the protection of Green Wedge.

Pompei Site.

The developers damaged a Council-managed open drain in an easement at the rear of this site, after notification by a resident a Council engineer is to inspect the drain.
A meeting with Councilor Tim Cochrane is being organized to discuss the future of the site.
Need stakeholder input and support. G.Vines from KCC excellent heritage report on the site should be bought to the attention of T. Cochrane.
DELWP are now landlords of Pompei’s Landing, excluding the former boat shed site.
Plan to contact Mr Pel regarding the blind corner as bikes emerge from under Pompei’s bridge.

Kington City Council Coastal Management Plan.

Refer Council Meeting Minutes 26.4.21 Agenda item 2 regarding toilet facility

Parkdale Yacht Club.

Suggested a letter be sent to DELWP questioning why the plans were passed and voicing our disapproval.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st April 2021


Out – Letter to Minister R. Wynne regarding the protection of Green Wedge.

Pompei Site development.

Second Hearing VCAT. Amenity, noise and vibration concerned not addressed by the developers .
Amended plans rejected.
Concern about an open storm water drain that has been damaged by developers. It is now a Council managed easement.

Peter Scullin Park Plan and Playspace renewal.

Concerns about the vegetation and preservation of understory. And as for the new toilet block to be located near the end of the pier!

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd March 2021


Tony Collins report
KRA notice of AGM March 13 Alan McLean Hall 2pm
Need to fine tune communication between members
Continue to forward on eg Tony Collins report and Mordialloc Creek Community meeting notes

Pompeii Site Development

Amended plans have been submitted and commented on. Back in VCAT’s hands.

The Sporting Globe

Until Council have made a decision on extended hours you can still lodge objections.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd February 2021

Bike Trail

There was concern about the choke point as bike riders emerge from under Nepean Hwy to Pompeii’s landing. Contacted Tony Collins who has maps of area showing the Authority responsible for various areas.

Pompeii Site

VCAT member ruled against developers as there was a lack of amenity such as windows not opening and that noise and vibration issues that needed to be addressed. Amended plans are to be submitted early February.

The Sporting Globe

Objections were sent to Council regarding the application to extend opening hours from 10pm to midnight. Also concerns about large crowds on pavement behaving badly. Purpose of parklets taking up parking places?

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