VCAT Hearings
Members have been attending VCAT hearings concerning local residential developments that will have an impact on environmental and residential amenity. 9 Bear Street decision disappointingly approved an intensive unit development including a number of bedrooms without windows resulting on reliance on reflected light from other rooms and reliance on mechanical ventilation for the entire building. Hardly environmentally sustainable living, rather developments like this, encouraged by government, resembles third world housing.Entry /exit onto busy Albert Street will increase traffic congestion close to a railway station, bus stop and school. The large timber yard development, also on Albert Street, will add to this congestion. Trucks use this street to access industrial sites at Braeside. An oversize MacMansion in Bertram Street on the north side of an existing single storey dwelling will preclude the use of solar panels and sunlight into habitable rooms of this home. A single dwelling does not require a planning permit under today’s planning regime so there are no grounds for objections.
Happy to report two new recruits for the Waterwatch team – Bronwen and Alan have begun training. An oil spill was reported in the lower reaches of the creek Wednesday. Some concern about print company, Rollspack, seeking to increase its solvent emissions and discharge of waste to the environment at Braeside. Some of this waste will be discharged to the sewer system. Community rally 11am Sat July 31st requesting that the creek be dredged.
Kingston Parks Report
Stage 2 of the Master plan to determine priorities. Linkages of Mordialloc Creek, foreshore, Braeside Park and Eel Race Drain to cover recreation and habitat.
Heatherton Park and Moorabbin Reserve have had working bees and planting days. Concern over Chinese Elm trees planted in Heatherton Park.
Braeside Park will have a National Tree Day planting 31 July.
Friends of Mordialloc Creek’s National Tree Planting Day Sunday 1st August. Meet near the Jack Grut Reserve 10-1pm
Aspendale Gardens Residents Association
AGRA met 12 July to discuss Yammerbook completion Stage 2, Mordialloc Creek Industrial development between Waterways & Wells Road bridge and secondary drain wetland corridor from Mordialloc to Edithvale wetlands. Brian Earl and Scot Watson carried out Yammerbook soil and water tests December 2009 and found the soil was quite acidic but the water was alkaline.Further tests were carried out after rain . Liaison with the appropriate agencies before further work is undertaken was suggested.
Extension to the Kiosk Mordialloc Creek
The current lessees of the Tour de Café have applied to have two pergolas erected on the west and north side of the kiosk to provide shelter. MBCL members felt that this was the thin edge of the wedge and would lead to a more permanent expansion and privatization of Crown land . Members remember the ‘incremental creep’ of Windows on the Bay onto the foreshore after being given permission to only occupy the footprint of the existing small kiosk /change rooms,1984. (We have long memories)
Heritage Issues
Hertiage issues were raised in relation to the 9 Bear development in Mordialloc’s heritage precinct including the Masonic Lodge, St Nicholas Church (also undergoing alteration ), the primary school and water tower.The unit development will detract from this historically significant part of Mordialloc. The State government’s enforcement of high density housing in activity centres around transport hubs means that older suburbs will lose the character of their neighbourhood because most of their historically significant buildings are located around railway stations.
Museum on the Pompei Site
was also discussed. Wooden boat building was an important draw card to Mordialloc for people from all walks of life It is gratifying to learn that council intends that this site will be retained as a boat hire, maintenance and repair precinct as part of the Mordialloc Structure Plan.
Climate Change & Biodiversity Reference Group
Clime Change & Biodiversity Reference Group has been formed Representatives from MBCL and KCEC are part of the group. The precautionary principle is being used in VCAT hearings now when an applicant seeks to build on flood prone land . Mordialloc has 11,000 flood prone properties. A recent case reported in the Planning News, July 2010, involved a property in Mordialloc – two double storey dwellings on a site 400 metres from the coast.Although Kingston’s drainage engineers “had not expressed concern” the Tribunal took the precautionary measure and directed that the application be referred to the flood plain manager.