Forthcoming Events
Kingston’s Natural Resource Area famous Christmas Party for Friends Groups Sunday December 7th. at Bonbeach Depot. Kingston Planning Scheme Amendment C32 Panel Hearing November 19th. This amendment affects land throughout Kingston that has been identified by Melbourne Water as being liable to flooding during a severe storm of 1 in 100 year intensity. Please check plans for the alteration of access to Pier Road and removal of vegetation on the Peter Scullin Reserve. Objections to be lodged before 21st November. Guest Speaker Michael Norris is campaigning to save the “last remnant on earth of a sandbelt landscape with majestic Yellow Box trees- some about 200 years old”. Red Gums also on the former CSIRO site at Highett. Bayside and Kingston Councils are producing the “Highett Structure Plan” for the site. The draft totally ignores the remnant vegetation. Contact Michael on Ph. 9598 3092 if you would like to help.
Photopoint Monitoring
Photopoint Monitoring was undertaken again by MBCL members for Natural Resource Area records. Two posts are missing- one in the Mordialloc Creek Reserve and one at Herbert Street on the foreshore.
Natural Resource Area
Supervisor, Tony Collins reported on the exciting direct seeding trial currently underway along the Carrum/Bonbeach foreshore – the only one of its kind in Australia. Belinda Ainley, Foreshore Coordinator, organised a bus tour to see this work and the sand erosion problems which the NRA team have to contend with. Tony explained how the direct seeding trials worked with Friends groups, school groups, residents, etc participation. Sand fences are used to initially stabilise dunes but these have been destroyed in the recent gales. Kingston Heath: Students from Holmesglen TAFE have designed a bridge to the little island. Cr West supports this scheme! NRA are working with Melbourne Water to create a green corridor along the Creek. Removal of Coprosma and Box thorn from the south bank of the creek. Fran is in contact with Year 9 students from Mordialloc College. Hopes to discourage cubby house building using native veg along the creek banks. Jana advises that the Zoo wants Coprosma to feed to the animals. The Zoo will collect contributions!
Beach Renourishment
Bill moved and David E seconded a motion “that a cooperative approach between all bayside councils be adopted to the question of beach renourishment, as a means of dealing with storm surge damage.”
Kingston Foreshore Reference
Kingston Foreshore Reference sub-committees will be involved in assisting with displays in three shopping strips, and on the foreshore in summer, to distribute information about the importance and responsibility of maintaining foreshore vegetation, discouraging littering and stabilising the dune system to protect infrastructure on the foreshore. Penny and Stephen have been photographing the cliff section of the foreshore and noting illegal paths, seepage and tree vandalism.
Kingston Environment Network
Much discussion about how the network will attract Friends groups. A motion moved Joan E. seconded Bill H. that “the document as amended be sent to steering group for approval. When/if accepted sent to all listed environmental groups in Kingston inviting them to attend a meeting to make comment on the document to ensure that the proposed network meets with maximum possible approval.”
Mentone Station Friends Group
Mentone Station Friends Group held a working bee. The horse trough is not to be moved. The Council gave $40,000 to the Group in addition to the Govts.$30,000 for beautification work.
Friends of Bradshaw Park
Friends of Bradshaw Park visited Braeside Park 20th September and had a walking tour with Ranger. Saw an echidna under a log. River Red gum Woodland is suffering from the saline water table while the Manna Gum Woodland appears to be dying from drought and development pressure with nutrients and pollutants in the run-off. Water table measurements began 3 years ago and are ongoing. The Dingley Drain is clogged with litter from the freeway. The feral fence is too expensive to maintain- often damaged by falling trees and vandalism. Foxes and rabbits present therefore. Woodland wetland has attracted many ibis. David Digby is preparing a maintenance budget for Drill’s Land but weeds are smothering the plants. Planting along the north bank of Mordialloc Creek between old Governor Road and new pedestrian bridge – Melaleuca, Ericafolia, Bidgee Widgee and sedges. Melbourne Water and Council have prepared a planting program for the south bank and divided the area into four zones.
Painted Lamp Posts
Painted Lam Posts in the Mordialloc shopping strip are the work of Judy Fields and helpers! They look great! Two less attractive features have appeared in Main Street – a violent shade of green paint now disguises the old police station. It seems garden supplies will be sold there while the developer awaits approval for the five storey monstrosity initially proposed. A wine bar on the other side of Main Street has aroused some concerns in some quarters.
Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM
Port Phillip Conservation Council AGM 24th October was held minus the guest speaker who However he sent answers to the couldn’t be present because of George Dubya’s visit! However he sent answers to the questions he was going to be asked! PPCC members met with Carlo Carli and a POMC apparatchik. The impression given was that “the project was fully supported by the Brack’s Government on economic grounds and that the Government hoped to find a way around any So there goes the Bay! environmental consequences that may arise from the EES studies.”
SOS, VLGA at RMIT 15th November to debate Melbourne 2030. Be there!