The Agnew Report
Glen has found that the state of the launching ramps at Half Moon Bay, Mordialloc, and Patterson River a problem being too shallow to safely launch his boat containing expensive equipment which he uses for research work for reef monitoring in Port Phillip Bay. Glen has been receiving contradictory reports from Melbourne Water and the EPA regarding frequency of dredging and disposal of dredge spoil. Royal Brighton Yacht Club’s plan to double in size could prove an environmental disaster according to PPCC members. Berths would increase from 190 to 382 and the 30metre breakwater extension cause the erosion of nearby beaches. DNRE, Parks Victoria and the EPA had no objection!!
Glen has been travelling again, this time to Loxton SA, and making comparisons with their coastal development and that occurring in Victoria.
Tree Vandalism
Production of this newsletter funded through Melbourne Water’s Community Grants Scheme
Signs have been placed on the poisoned Monterey Cypress on Mordialloc Foreshore and on poles opposite and alongside the ostentatious duplex being built across the road from the tree. $10,000 reward is offered for information. The vandalism got good coverage in The Age, the local papers and the Mariner.
Channel Deepening
Six MBCL members attended a VCA briefing at Frankston TAFE 11th March. It was considered a waste of time since the Brack’s Government seems determined to ignore all alternatives other than deepening the shipping channels in the Bay despite environmental concerns. 15 specialist EES studies with 12 consulting firms consisting of 120 people and costing $1.9 million will take at least 12 months before the Panel presents its findings to the Minister for Planning for approval. Local Bayside residents are deeply concerned at possible sea level rise increasing the erosion of beaches on the eastern side of the Bay.
Kingston Foreshore Advisory Committee
The first meeting of this committee 6th March, was well attended by MBCL members who were relieved to hear residents accept the need to stabilise the dune system with indigenous vegetation to prevent beach erosion, and ultimately loss of their homes if remedial action vas not taken .This policy has been the long term aim of Kingston’s Natural Reserve Area team. Let’s hope that there is now worthwhile co-operation between all parties.
Kingston’s Residential Strategy Amendment C8
KRAMMED has become aware that the Amendment will increase the areas of Increased Diversity (density) in areas which, under the original Amendment C8, would have remained as areas of Incremental Change. Areas under threat are Parkdale beachside of the highway, most of Mordialloc and Chelsea. Changes are not publicised by Planners who are demanding approval by councillors at the April Council Meeting. Increased Diversity means more units in areas mentioned above. Development opportunities on lots. larger than 550-650m-means that incremental change areas will not retain their predominantly single dwelling status.
The Parks Report
Drill’s Land Final Master Plan is being presented to Council for approval. Earthworks are going out to tender. Plans include a salt marsh with low plantings close to the water’s edge. Attenborough Park plans were released March 15/16 at the Wine Food Festival. MBCL’s concerns are with proposed kiosk in the park and planting Moreton Bay Fig trees rather than indigenous species. Peter Scullin Reserve plans also released 15/16 March, feature a bike path located through a revegetated dune area adjacent to the existing shared pedestrian/bike path. Please object to this proposal when making your submissions as being a costly waste of money given the existing shared pedestrian/bike path on the verge of Beach Road from Rennison Street to the Scullin Reserve. Wine/Food Festival has been described as being over crowded, noisy from excessive amplification, and damaging to the environment with bottles,cans food scraps, and trampling and cutting of vegetation to accommodate food vans. A Friends Group has been established to fight Government plans to establish a bus interchange on the gardens at Mentone Railway Station “with or without Council approval. Lecturers at Holmesglen TAFE are taking students to The Grange and encouraging them to join the Friends Group. Friends of Bradshaw Park attended a propagation session at KCC’s Bonbeach depot.
Refurbishment of Toilet Block, Mundy Street, Mentone
Concern that the refurbishment of the toilet block includes a deal with the telecommunication company, Hutchinsons, to include equipment in the building. Council will receive $15,000 per annum from this deal which could lead to precedent for telecommunication monopoles and buildings along Kingston foreshore as each toilet is ‘refurbished’.
Election Results
Thanks to many members who supported ‘our team’ in the recent council elections. Sorry to lose Trevor, but have kept Topsy and gained Rosemary! There are some extremely sore losers on the other side who seem to think they have a god given right to rule! Many thanks to retiring Johanna who was instrumental in reducing some of the horrendous proposals contained in the Mordialloc Structure Plan which features high rise developments in some areas.