Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th June 2001

The Parks

Anne Corcoran, Federal Member for Isaacs, believes that Chiquita Park remains at risk with no indication that the threatened sale of the land by the Defence Department will be stopped by the Howard Government. Construction of the Federation Trail is well on the way in Braeside Park with the assistance of a $36,000 grant. Community involvement is essential so the artists are working with a range of schools and community groups to make tiles for the km trail. Ron attended the Friends of the Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens at which Dr John Wamsley was guest speaker. Bradshaw Park had a good grass planting session with grasses supplied by Excell nursery. The Friends group have written an article about the importance
of retaining foreshore vegetation for the next newsletter. Drills Land may be re-named Squatter’s Run. Melbourne Water will construct a fence along the Wells Road side of the Park. A shared bicycle/pedestrian bridge is being built over the creek 30 metres downstream from Wells Road. $50,000 may be provided by Council for landscaping Drills Land. Friends also planted grasses at The Grange. Aviary wire has been placed along the bottom of the surrounding fence to prevent rabbits and rats entering the Park. A tent found in the Park was probably liberated from a near by school. Odours from the tip next door are unpleasant.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

PPCC members helped to swell the numbers when Bayside Council organised a demonstration to protest at the Brack’s Government’s failure to consider Rickett’s Point as one of the nominated Marine National Parks in Port Phillip Bay. Stephen asked PPCC to consider reducing subs to $40 for groups with membership of over 100 and $35 for groups with membership under 100. This would greatly assist MBCL financially and we thank Stephen for suggesting this proposal. PPCC is well endowed at present and in fact, has to pay tax!.

Foreshore Vegetation

DNRE was contacted and asked to supply a list of Acts or By-laws which could be used by Council to protect foreshore vegetation from vandalism. Bayside Council has a Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO). The Crown Lands Act can be used and DNRE advises that it is treating the Victorian Coastal Strategy as policy guidelines. The Kingston Environment Officer is working on the issue of the best means to inform people of the value of foreshore vegetation with the assistance of a work placement person..

Mordialloc Structure Plan

The Plan was launched quietly at the Mordialloc Sailing Club. Disposable cameras were provided to enable those present to photograph both the positive and negative aspects of the study area. It is also important for residents to respond to the survey sheets provided by the consultants, GHD, because Mordialloc is next on the list for ravishment by developers. The community is being given the chance to indicate what they want to happen in their community – so let’s tell them!

Melbourne Metropolitan Strategy

Brian will write to Lindsay Neilsen, the DOI supremo, asking that the green wedge be protected from further development. The Defenders of the Green Wedge have had a victory after Frankston Council refused developments in the south east corner of Frankston’s section of the wedge.

Chain of Parks

A linear park is planned along Dingley Freeway and Westall Road. On the Osborn Road/ Clayton Road corner the old tip has been re-vegetated reasonably successfully.

Biosolids Woodlands Industrial Estate

A mediation meeting organised by VCAT for 21st May was cancelled by both Melbourne Water and Council’s legal team without advising the community groups. This seems to be rather arrogant. The date for the actual VCAT Hearing, after much debate again with the legal people, will be August 6.. It would help our case if as many people as possible could attend the Hearing when KCEC’s and MBCL’s cases are heard.

Waterways (Hains Development)

KCEC President was invited to attend the opening of the estate by John Pandazopoulos MP. The development was referred to in the local media as “housing in Melbourne’s man-made swamp”! Blocks are selling for up to $280,000 per block. A 10 minute video of the wetlands complex concludes with a statement “In memory of Jack Cuthbertson”. Jack’s family are investigating.

Clean Oceans Foundation

Glen Agnew suggested that Sally Mitchell of the Foundation contact MBCL/KCEC to explain their objectives. Like many other environmental bodies, the Clean Oceans group are dissatisfied with Melbourne Waters record of complying with regulations and carying out adeqaute monitoring. The Foundation is attempting to encourage the EPA to take stronger action when MW don’t comply with regulations. The EPA should fine and record non-compliance. Legislative action is required to address these issues. In addition there is a massive waste of storm water and sewage effluent which could be utilised by the community. The group has 300 members since December 2000.


Kingston Council Officer, Robert Beattie, decided to resolve the impasse with the EPA and Melbourne Water regarding the replacement of a sign at the Melbourne Water drain at Mentone by adopting the DIY principle and ordered a sign which is now in place. However, the sign is not as well worded as the earlier sign was.


The Rescode document, replacing the Good Design Guide and VicCode 1, has now been released for comment. Unfortunately major concerns such as Neighbourhood character have not been addressed. Planning decisions will be made by local government planning officers thus absolving the State Government from the inevitable flack that will certainly fly. Applications to be heard at Panel Hearings for Rescode have to be in by July 6. A public Information session for Rescode will be held at Moorabbin Arts Centre July 13 between 11am – 1.30pm.

Submissions Submissions

Anyone interested in submission writing will find that there are plenty to choose from at the moment:-
“Our water, our future.” The EPA is revising the SEPP (Waters of Victoria) “Planning for the future of our water”. A Victorian Government Initiative.
Interim: Victorian Plantation Mangement Position Statement. University of Melbourne. Hazardous Waste Siting Implementation Project. State Government of Victoria. Chairman Dr Peter Brotherton, Vice President ACF


KRAMMED has an important petition to sign asking that Preferred Neighbourhood Character is residents preferred character – and not that of the local government planners!
Plea for improved public transport petition also requires signatures.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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