Leisure / Landscape Studies
Both these studies are available for perusal in libraries and at council offices. Please take time to study them carefully and make a submission. It is important to stress the importance of retention of foreshore vegetation in view of the letter boxing of foreshore residents by a Mentone resident who is making outrageous requests and claims about foreshore vegetation removal. These people need to be reminded that the foreshore is for the benefit of ALL Melbourne residents and not just the minority who live on Beach Road and wish to improve the value of their property
Mordialloc Traders Street Party 18 March
MBCL was invited to set up a display in the Main Street on Sunday 18 March. This proved to be very successful with Council produced leaflets on suitable indigenous plants for coastal gardens being eagerly sought. The photographic display of foreshore erosion in the 1970s and the success of erosion control today as a result of re-vegetation of the foreshore with native trees and grasses attracted wide interest and support for the retention of the plantings.
Photopoint Monitoring
June will be the next photopoint monitoring exercise Water Photos were also taken as a separate exercise by MBCL, of cliff top vegetation to monitor the illegal and deliberate destruction of vegetation on the cliff tops between Mentone and Mordialloc.
Port Phillip Bay / Mordialloc Creek
GPS monitoring of Mordialloc Creek by Parkdale Research during March highlighted the extremely low level of water in the creek with boats sitting on mud well above the water level at low tide. Small boat owners are angry claiming that their $500 pa fees are excessive given the poor maintenance and lack of adequate water being released into the creek. Unfortunately the low water level has resulted in unpleasant odours emanating from the creek – a common problem in the 1970s.
The Parks
Attenborough Park is to be included in the Mordialloc Structure Planning soon to commence. There has been concern expressed in the Village Committee and community generally about Bridge hotel patrons commandeering the park for car parking. Parking it was felt, should be designated and used by boat owners and visitors wanting to picnic. People parking outside the small number of designated parking spots would then be liable to fines. Chiquita Park Friends have received good publicity in their campaign to persuade the authorities to save the park for community use rather than residential development. A previous ranger has returned to Braeside Park. More money is to be spent on conservation in the form of supervising volunteers doing the conservation work! Ron has articles in Friends Newsletter concerning the success, after a struggle, to propagate Wedding Bush and the addition to the Park plant list of seven plants found during Ron’s work collecting some of the rarer seeds. Bradshaw Park is applying for security lights for the shed.
Drills Land Committee
Nina presented a report of meetings concerning a Master Plan for the land. While the meeting of interested parties was amicable there is a potential conflict between residents who want access for dogs (off lease?) and wildlife habitat for migratory birds. Other issues include linking Drills land with Browns reserve, buffer zone for residents, a car park, a picnic area and the problem of water salinity. A working group has been set up to work on a concept plan taking into account environmental values.
Port Phillip Conservation Council
Stephen reported on the Brighton baths issue with the PPCC presenting a submission to VCAT. Stephen also attended a meeting about Chiquita Park. Residents suggest that the $2 million required to buy the park could be funded from National Heritage Funds.
Clean Up Australia Day
Members who participated in the Clean Up Australia Day were grateful for the assistance given by the Excell crew who supplied trucks, phones, time and lunch for the volunteers.
Mobile Phone Towers
Seven suburbs have begun a campaign requesting the Federal Government to give councils greater control over the siting of telecommunication towers. Residents in Glen Eira had a victory in VCAT over the siting of a tower in their neighbourhood. Park Orchards residents are fighting against the erection of a 40 metre tower in their green and leafy suburbs. It is hoped that Kingston council officers may take a more pro-active role in protecting residents from the aesthetic, environmental and health impacts from the siting towers in close proximity to residential areas, schools, kindergartens and nursing homes.
Meet Closed at 4.07pm. Well done, Pres!