Landscape Study
Have you made a submission to the Landscape study? As interested Stakeholders, MBCL members can make a submission. It is especially important to stress the need to maintain and protect foreshore vegetation.
Broadcasts Broadcasts
KCEC Secretary, Glenda Byrne, arranged for Mara and Brian to speak on Southern FM Radio in April. Mara spoke eloquently of the need to retain, protect and maintain foreshore vegetation to prevent erosion of cliff tops and to add to the aesthetics of the coast line. Brian spoke on two occasions explaining environmental concerns with Melbourne Water’s proposal to fill the Woodlands borrow pit with bio-solids from the Carrum Treatment plant.
Drills Land
Despite Melbourne Water being less than encouraging about restoring their saline affected retarding basin, a working group is proceeding with a concept plan for wildlife habitat and attractive open space. Cr van Klaveren is hopeful of obtaining money from the council budget to assist with the work.
The Parks
Attenborough Park has officially been included in the soon to commence Mordialloc Structure Plan which will be the subject of broad community consultation. Chiquita Park (3 acres =11⁄2 ha) has been the subject of a well organised campaign by those seeing the need to retain this park to compensate for continuing over development in Kingston with subsequent loss of parkland. Ron has contacted DNRE to establish if there are vulnerable plants, and wild life. There are An attempt will be made to register an old eucalypt on the Heritage list. KCEC will seek to register trees with National Trust Bradshaw Park Friends invited Friends of the Grange to a barbecue and chat. An enjoyable time was had by all. The PPCC AGM will be held at Williamstown, 30 April. PPCC are working on draft policies for cables and pipes at locations around Port Phillip Bay. They also recommend that remaining land in Port Phillip Bay be retained as open space and that there be strict guidelines for any commercial use proposed. Deepening of the Heads with possible higher tides in the Bay affecting developments on land vulnerable to inundation was discussed. The Proposed new Docklands suburb would be vulnerable.
Green Wedge
Pressure continues on the green wedge especially from the Frankston Council. Defenders of the Wedge presented submissions at Panel Hearings in March. The recently appointed Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure is a firm believer in ‘urbanisation’ which does not auger well for Kingston residents who are rapidly losing the ‘liveability’ of their bayside suburb. The Greater City of Dandenong approved a 2200 housing development in their section of the green wedge. Brian met the Minister for Planning at a Parliament House barbecue and presented him with a Defenders of the Wedge brochure, but as with all the workshops and consultations about ResCode and the Metropolitan Strategy, the Labor Government has not listened to community whose views were consistently and clearly expressed at all these meetings.
Mordialloc Creek
Prior to the recent rain small boat owners with boats moored in the creek have complained about the low levels of water. The boats were literally sitting on mud. Two thirds of Dandenong Creek water is diverted down Patterson River so Mordialloc Creek is dependent on storm water run-off from the major drains such as Heatherton, Settlement, Dunlops and the Centre Swamp drain which is fine in wet weather but not during dry periods. The creek was smelling as it used to in the 1970’s recently. It would be interesting to know how much water the Hains development is withdrawing from the creek flow for its large open water body and ‘wetlands’. Evaporation may also be responsible for loss of water from this development therefore requiring a top up of creek water during dry periods. This matter was referred to in a consultants report prior to the commencement of the development. Special thanks to Glenn who gallantly transported us at the height of the rain storms on Monday, to various sites to check on the stormwater flow in drains and creeks and the amount of water lying on the Epsom and Hains residential development. Food for thought as in-fill development continues in low lying flood prone areas of Kingston.
Metropolitan Strategy
A public meeting concerning the Metropolitan Strategy will be 1st May 6-9.30pm at the Kingston Arts Centre, Moorabbin. It is important that as many people as possible attend.