Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th September 2001

Kingston Planning Scheme Amendment C8

Janelle (KRAMMED) and your secretary attended the Panel Hearing to listen to the City of Kingston’s submission on September 24 & 25th. KRAMMED and MBCL will present submissions at Mentone Council Offices 10th October commencing at 10 am. The Hearings are open to the public. At Sept 5th MBCL meeting Joan summarised the very complex issue of ‘Density’ in ResCode. The DOI have removed ‘density’ from ResCode guidelines claiming it too crude a measurement. The result is that developers can maximise profits by siting as many units as possible on the block. Terms used now are ‘diversity’ instead of ‘density’ but the out- come is the same with areas around stations targeted for ‘Increased diversity’ (density).

Ward Boundaries Changes

There was lengthy discussion concerning the three Options for possible changes to Kingston’s Ward boundaries. Discussion included whether there was a need for more councillors for the large amalgamated City of Kingston. Stephen volunteered to write/present a submission re this issue. Submissions due 15th September.

Woodlands Industrial Estate / Biosoilids

KCEC’s Special Witness has written offering to discuss further the dumping of sewage sludge in the borrow pit in the industrial estate at Woodlands. The community has been invited to attend a site inspection at Woodlands Wednesday 3rd at 4pm. (following MBCL meeting!) The Minister for Conservation has not responded to correspondence re this issue.

Community Education about Environmental Issues

Anne Martin (CRAG) enlisted the support of KCEC to establish an environmental community education program. The inaugural meeting was well attended with representatives from KCEC, CRAG, The Grange, PPCC, Cr van Klaveren and Council officers Wolfgang Klein and Jonathon Guttman. The media to be used to provide information re environmental events and info. MBCL was also represented by some members wearing two hats!

State Government Ministers Visit to Kingston

PPCC presented a submission to Minister Candy Broad expressing concern about the Victorian Channels Authority plan to deepen the shipping channels in Port Phillip Bay. There is scientific evidence that the proposal may lead to higher tides in the Bay, which coupled with increasingly severe storm surges, could lead to further beach erosion on the eastern side of the Bay especially. Penny also presented a submission to this Minister explaining pollution problems circulating around the Bay from Werribee to be trapped in Beaumaris Bay.

The Parks

Rosemary gave an update on Chiquita Park. Unfortunately the co-ordinator has relocated and there is a need for someone to replace him. Increased medium density housing emphasises the need for a small local park in the area. Suggestions include ringing Simon Crean’s office The Grange was planning a launch of their CD and Booklet about The Grange. Spring Planting Day is Saturday 13th October 9am noon with a sausage sizzle! A web site is being organised for Bradshaw Park while at Braeside Park the Heritage Trail is nearing completion and the sculpture pieces are being installed outdoors. Further news of Bradshaw Park where surplus possum/bird boxes will be donated to other reserves or sold. Replaced plaques are being engraved for photo point monitoring sites which were vandalised. Overwhelming support for the Drills Land concept from local interest groups although some people want the water body fenced to keep dogs out. Melbourne Water and Kingston Council are to meet at Mentone 4th October at 5pm. The proposed name, Squatters Run is being reviewed as some committee members feel it is too generic. Brian E. represented MBCL at a recent Significant Tree Register meeting.

Landscape Foreshore Strategy / Mordialloc Structure Plan

The year long landscape foreshore strategy draft will published in the October edition of Kingston Your City. Watch for this and comment. The Mordialloc Structure Plan is still under wraps which always makes concerned residents nervous. The Structure Plan is over- lapped by Kingston’s Planning Scheme Amendment C*8 Submissions for the Planning Authority which nominates activity centres around railway stations and shopping strips for increased diversity – diversity being a misnomer since it really means Increased Density! So much for two years of community consultation about ResCode!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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