Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd February 2005

VCAT Hearings

A tremendous win for KRAMMED at VCAT with the proposed three storey development at 334-339 Station Street, Chelsea refused on density and poor design grounds. Janelle’s presentation, as always, was impressive. Peter Soding, representing Council, also impressed with his low key demolition of the proponent’s case. Pity is we didn’t have Pete for 541 Main Street! Gleaming white footpath constructed in Melrose Street unfortunately facilitates ‘Dan Murphy’s’ reasons for seeking an exit for semitrailers into Melrose Street Result of VCAT Hearing uncertain as yet. MBCL has lodged an objection to the use of a flood plain in Chelsea Heights for residential development albeit two thirds will remain as a Melbourne Water flood retarding basin. Three concrete crushing plants proposed for former sand quarries in Heatherton will impact on the amenity with noise and possibly asbestos dust. Three of the major drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek pass through the sites. Further research required to check whether these facilities will also impact on water quality in the creek and Bay. MBCL will be represented at the forthcoming Panel Hearings. A further VCAT Hearing to resolve issues between Council’s understanding of the Chairman’s ruling in the earlier hearing and that of the developer of 541 Main Street, Mordialloc. Nina and Brian hope to be allowed to speak at the Hearing.

Bicycle Path Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek

Bicycle Path Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek has aroused serious concerns with environmental groups in Bayside and Kingston since it is proposed to construct the path on the cliff tops at Mentone and Parkdale rather than on the verge of Beach Road. The plan to demolish established vegetation on the foreshore at Mordialloc to construct a third path has been abandoned by the Council fortunately. There are still negotiations underway between DSE and Council over the use of the existing shared path way on the verge of Beach Road at Mordialloc. Hopefully common sense will prevail.

Foreshore Vegetation

Unfortunately under-storey was removed from foreshore vegetation around the Scullin Reserve resulting in further loss of branches in the recent severe gales. Trees were also lost on the Hazel Pierce Park. We need to ensure that there is replanting with indigenous species and replacement with understorey plantings to stabilise remaining trees.

Mordialloc Pier

MORDIALLOC PIER does not appear to be in the Alcohol Free Zone extending from Main Street to the foreshore. The Pier, we are told, comes under Parks Victoria’s jurisdiction. However a phone call to Parks Vic’s office at Patterson River only produced further puzzlement. The Parks person was unaware of the exclusion of Mordialloc’s pier. Nor could one of Council’s senior managers throw any light on the subject. We await further developments. This matter arose because of the drinking and litter resulting from people on the foreshore and creek precinct celebrating Australia Day.

The Parks

Attenborough Park Nina reported on the establishment of a junior skateboard facility in the park. We concur with Mara and Judy that this facility should have been placed in the Jack Grut Reserve, the original site. However Nina and Brian were out voted by the rest of the committee despite their valiant efforts. We thank them for at least making sure that it wasn’t placed on the limited space on the foreshore already under pressure from an increasing number of major commercial events. The location of the facility is clear of the Vic-~ Road alignment and there will be no night lighting. However, it was pointed out that there is usually garbage left by skaters which could blow into the creek creating further litter problems. Kingston Council has distributed 8000 leaflets to Moorabbin residents seeking support for the sale of Linton Street Park (or part thereof) to enable St Kilda Football club to build a social club, with poker machines, on the South Road section of the land. A new Court House to be built on the old Gas and Fuel Site, on Nepean Highway will result in the loss of hundreds of mature trees planted in the 1920s mainly eucalypts with some exotics so the rampage continues. Chicquita Park Vegetation and Open Space studies finished in December. The retention of open space/parkland and protection of vegetation is supported. Kingston Council seeks assistance from the State Government with a view to retaining the park as parkland. Port Phillip Eco-System is supporting the Friends Group in an attempt to raise sufficient funding to buy the entire park. This may be possible if the Supreme Court valuation is based on open space rather than a residential zoning for the park. Friends of Mordialloc Creek were planning a propagation day at Bonbeach

Deepening Shipping Channels in Port Phillip Bay

As part of the continuing campaign to prevent the dredging of the Bay, the Blue Wedge Coalition asked members to visit their local politicians and seek support for rejection of the dredging option and especially the draconian Channel Deepening (Facilitation) Bill which the Hon Peter Batchelor introduced to Parliament in December. It will be debated in the Autumn Sittings 2005. The purpose of the Bill is to establish a legislative frame- work, by changing the Victorian Constitution using Clause 26, to preclude any appeal against a decision of the Minister, or the granting of an injunction, to ensure that no action can be taken in the courts which might have the effect of delaying the project.

Melbourne 2030 Issues

Three issues are emerging as threats to the residential amenity of middle ring suburbs, especially for people living in Increased Diversity Areas referred to as Activity Centres. As stated in the last newsletter, Mary Delahunty’s parting gift was to decree that RES 3 will apply to all residential areas that is 9 metres or three storeys. Heights in Activity centres could be much higher. Accompanying higher density living is the increase in noise, especially music emanating from pubs, clubs and festivals – as well as partying neighbours. This has already become an issue in the inner city and is well underway in Mordialloc. Finally, Kenneth Davidson in The Age spelt out what we have been saying to M2030 devotees since its inception – that without an improved and expanded PT M2030 won’t be able to achieve its objectives.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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