VCAT Hearings
Following KRAMMED’s success at VCAT with the decision to refuse a permit for 334-339 Station Street, Chelsea on grounds of density and poor design, Chairman O’Leary refused the proponent’s request to bring the fourth storey of 541 Main Street forward level with the third storey. Well done, Nina and Brian who were given permission to speak at the Hearing! Residents of Melrose Street are still waiting to learn the outcome of the Dan Murphy’s application to exit into their street. VCAT Hearing was in February.
Residential Zone 3
Residential Zone 3 submissions were due 31 March. Res 3 imposes a height limit of 9 metres or three storeys in Incremental Change Areas. If the proposed development has a pitched roof then 2 storeys applies however if there is to be a flat roof then the development may be three storeys – though still within the 9 metre height limit unless the site is on a slope then the development may be 10 metres. Activity centres (500 metres from a transport hub) may have greater heights and Neighbourhood centres (Aspendale, Dingley, etc) may have a height limit of four storeys in their shopping strips.
Concrete Crushing Panel Hearing
Concrete Crushing Panel Hearing is being heard March and April. The main issues for local residents are increased traffic, noise and toxic dust from the demolition material to be crushed in three sand quarries on Kingston and Clayton Roads. MBCL’s concern is leaching from the stormwater pond, water from which will be used to spray stock piles of demolition material containing arsenic, lead and asbestos. Water will flow back into the pond to be – re-sprayed onto the roads, machinery and end product. The pond is not clay lined so that contaminated water could leach into groundwater and major drains flowing into Mordialloc creek. Our submission will be presented April 26.
Foreshore Coordinator
Foreshore Coordinator, Belinda Ainley attended and outlined her role in Kingston council. organising working groups involved in volunteer work on the foreshore–community education with displays and visits to schools and community groups to explain the importance of indigenous vegetation to stabilise cliffs and dunes. Belinda will coordinate a survey of native water rats in Kingston as an extension of Bayside Counicl’s study in their area. MBCL was invited to work on the survey along the foreshore and creek banks.
Monterey Cypresses
Monterey Cypresses are under threat in Attenborough Park and on the Pompei site. Three trees are claimed to be dangerous in the park and nine trees on the east side of the creek. We have been given the arborists report on the trees and would like to check the trees with a view to possibly saving some by removing suspect branches, or using cables to anchor the limbs.
Biodiversity is to be discussed at the next Environment Groups Network meeting. A paper will be presented by Bill arguing for a Biodiversity Strategy for Kingston. A suggestion is that priority should be given to planting species indigenous to the area, particularly large trees which at present seem to be under threat from developments, or the real or imagined danger from falling branches causing large insurance claims on council. Discussion about street trees (not considered to be part of the biodiversity according to some councillors!!) Should street trees be monoculture ‘groves’ or a variety of trees chosen by residents for their nature strips??
Bicycle Path Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek
Bicycle Path Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek strategy was to be presented at Council meeting 29 March. However due to unresolved and alarming matters concerning the route of the path along the cliff tops at Mentone necessitating removal of indigenous vegetation, and rejection of the verge of Beach Road option, the presentation has been deferred until the April Council meeting. There will be a further Steering Committee meeting to consider these issues. Meeting of the Steering Committee at Fujitsu Building 4pm -6pm. AprilĀ 6th.
Natural Resource Area Team Leader
Natural Resource Area Team Leader offered to meet with us to discuss issues of mutual interest. Our involvement was encouraged in the forthcoming review of the Landscape Guidelines. Apprehension about what might be sought by some parties when the review is under way. There is continual pressure from the Festival coordinator to remove vegetation on Mordialloc foreshore to make more room for the Wine & Food once a year binge. for example. There has been a suggestion of “multiple uses” for the foreshore taking priority over providing an environment with native vegetation providing shade and shelter for visitors 365 days a year. On a positive note, the NRA team now have responsibility for management of the Epsom Herb- rich Grassy Wetland. Catherine Costelloe will also be involved as an adviser, perhaps. It was felt that Kingston needs to find a replacement for the role that Doug Evans carried out so well. The Bonbeach depot is an impressive facility unfortunately workers are in danger from golf balls from the abutting Patterson River Golf Club.
Bradshaw Park
Friends of Bradshaw Park’s working bee propagation at Bonbeach depot was cancelled due to the afore mentioned flying golf balls. Instead members weeded at the park and cleared away storm damage. Mordialloc Village Committee is assisting with the installation and funding of a cover for the water pump.
Mordialloc Creek
Mordialloc Creek propagation working bee at Bonbeach in February was also cancelled. The next working bee will be in April. Mordialloc College were scheduled to remove litter from the creek banks Friday March 4.
Photopoint Monitoring
Further discussion required about the continuation of this exercise. It has been suggested that MBCL could fulfil a more useful role in another area which would be of more benefit to the NRA team.