Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th February 2014


Kelvin Thomson’s invitation to join Victoria First. Issues to do with population policy. Joining fee $10.

Walter presented a ten page essay dealing with important political issues currently being debated in the community.

Beaumaris Fossils and Sea Ledge

Nomination for Heritage Listing. Letter received from Canberra advising that MBCL nomination did not meet Cultural and Heritage criteria . We believe the nomination did deal with these issues and asked for clarification especially relating to Aboriginal occupation of the foreshore. Celeste Ward, in her research, dealt with sand drifts and tidal flows in Beaumaris Bay and its effects on the Rickett’s Point Marine Sanctuary . Celeste has given Judy approval to use her material when an application is made for the Beaumaris Cliffs to be included on the Victorian Heritage. Neil Oliver’s Australian version of the BBC program Coasts featured Beaumaris Cliffs!

Public Transport

A new group, STOP, plans to publicise transport issues on the Frankston Line. Concern is that the enormous cost of the east west tunnel, if it is built, will deprive suburban trains, trams and buses of funds to address existing problems such as grade separation at rail crossings or extending train services to Tullamarine, Doncaster or Rowville. STOP plans to lobby passengers at stations and street stalls with information about the cost of the east west tunnel as well as damage to the river environment, Royal Park and Zoo animals. Volunteers are invited to join STOP and assist with lobbying Sandbelt politicians. (Sandbelt Transport Options . STOP)

Friends of the ABC

Friends of the ABC is a group that meets at CafĂ© Black Parkdale monthly. The Friends also plan to lobby politicians to prevent privatisation of the ABC, cutting funding and programs. The Abbott Government plans to sell the ABC’s Asia Network which operates on a policy of ‘soft diplomacy’ which aims to show neighbouring countries something of Australian lifestyle and culture.

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