Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th March 2019


Tony Collin’s Quarterly Report was received concerning work carried out by Council. During February Parks staff worked with Clare McPhee onsite at Regent’s park to relocate regenerating seedlings of Banksias and Burdarias from within the proposed netball court project construction area. Some seedlings will be provided to local residents and many used as planting stock for the relocated Jack Cuthbertson Memorial Garden which was unfortunately removed to make way for two netball courts. it is pleasing to read that Groves Reserve is now being cared for by the NRA team – Council’s newest Natural Resource Area. Also good news to read that the Peter Scullin Reserve will be planted with approx 80 indigenous coastal trees this Winter, 2019.

Beach Road Boulevard

Kingston Council so resolved to plant both sides of Beach Road with indigenous trees and christening the road a Banksia Boulevard. Some of the younger councillors may be surprised to learn that pre-amalgamation six Bayside Mayors also wanted to call Beach Road a boulevard as a means of protecting it from becoming a heavy transport route for steel trucks from Hastings some of which had crashed on the Charman Road corner. The name change didn’t happen but a curfew.on heavy commercial vehicles using beach Road has been in use since that time.

Melbourne Water’s Strategy of Healthy Waterways

Melbourne Water’s Strategy of Healthy Waterways may align with Living Links in the Dandenong Catchment to carry out reporting and monitoring of data on the condition of the waterways. Mordialloc Creek is under discussion at the moment as a result of the proposed Mordialloc Freeway. Extensive work will be undertaken north of the creek beginning by drilling down into a landfill to provide pylons for an elevated six lane freeway and /or an eight metre embankment to carry the freeway in other sections of the 9km freeway. The elevated six lane freeway will pass over the internationally recognised Waterways Wetlands-harbour for bird life and treasured by the residents. A three week Hearing has just concluded where 135 submissions were lodged, only 35 of these submissions approved of the freeway, with objections on grounds of noise , emissions, disturbance of bird life on the three surrounding wetlands. Contamination of the groundwater as a result of disturbance of acid sulfate soil and pollutants from the landfills could impact on major drains flowing into Mordialloc Creek, the wetlands and eventually Port Phillip Bay.

Mordialloc Creek Committee

Mordialloc Creek Committee met on Lambert Island where DELWP explained the outcome of the Surveyor General’s survey of the land that forms the creek. Apparently a complicated piece of work in which the owners of 35 different allotments around the creek had to be decided. The temporary status of some land is still a cause for concern requiring eventually an act of parliament with amendments. Assurance was given that the temporary status of the land as open space was secure and not at risk of being sold off as it has been public land for so long.!!! Forthcoming dredging of the creek was discussed as was the costly disposal of dredge spoil. DELWP is gathering information from boat owners about boats in the creek, their moorings, waiting lists, sale of boats and charges. The 5th Sea Scouts have had discussions about expanding the scout hall at the George Woods Reserve and making that their base. The removal of the former base on Lambert Island will be costly to remove and dispose of it seems.

Pompei Heritage Hearing

MBCL was one of the presenters at this Hearing but there were two outstanding presenters supporting the listing. Both spoke about the history of boat building on the site but also the Aborigines, early settlers around the creek, fishing, and recreational activities.

Plastic Pollution

A member has reported that he is concerned about the amount of plastic noticed in the creek recently. Another member has reported on the renourishment of Bendigo Creek- perhaps part of the political pledge of $200 million to fix creeks and rivers.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Meeting 18 March reported on a severe collapse of cliff face below Beach Road , Mount Martha. It is so severe that heavy machinery is trying to stabilise the cliffs which if untreated could undermine the road – narrow at this point. Houses opposite the site may be affected eventually. Perhaps an early example of climate change at work.

Sandbelt Chain of Parks

Sandbelt Chain of Parks is under discussion. Information in the February Council Agenda. The proposed freeway may have an impact on a section of the route the shared pedestrian trail.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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