Parks Reports
Bradshaw Park A new bigger White sign has been erected at the southern end of the park. Open Day 19th April. The number of people attending working bees is increasing with 10 or 11 people volunteering. Weeds at present are under reasonable control.
Braeside Park Geoffrey Leigh, MP for Mordialloc, visited the Park to discuss with Ron Pearson and Christine Cama, the future of the Haines property. Friends of Braeside would prefer to see the land become part of the Park. Developments in the area bounded by Springvale, Governor and Boundary Roads are gradually encroaching on the park. Two KCEC members will meet with Marie Tehan, Minister for Conservation, to discuss the Haines property issue.
Wetland Seminar
250 people attended a very successful Wetland Seminar in March at the Chelsea Town Hall. Support for the Melbourne Water wetland concept along the Mordialloc Main Drain came from the CEO of the City of Kingston, Melbourne Water and the many environment groups present at the seminar.
South Eastern Non-Urban Study of the Green Wedge
The study has been released and whilst strongly supporting the wetland concept has also left the way open for some low density residential development in some sections of the Green Wedge such as the Haines property and land south of the Hutton road (the former theme park land).
Beach Road HCV Traffic
Beach Road has been upgraded to a Category 1 road which will mean heavy commercial vehicles from Webb Dock, City Link and Docklands increasingly use Beach Road to access the industrial areas in Braeside, Keysborough, Bangholme and Dandenong. Residential streets in Mordialloc are already under extreme pressure from 15,000 vehicles per day using Governor Road and White Street as an alternative route to industrial areas. As a result of the upgrade B-doubles may soon be seen on Beach Road.
MBCL Activities During March
Our President J. Cuthbertson has, been invited to speak at the Beaumaris Conservation Society and the U3A about the wetland concept.
S. Calvert-Smith has very kindly volunteered to attend the General meetings of the PPCC.
Anne Martin, CRAG and M. Rimington attended a Quadrant Survey at Richmond into the performance of the EPA. Environment Victoria and the ACF were also represented.
Despite the early inclement weather large crowds appeared at the Gerry Green Reserve when the sun came out. Thanks to the generosity of the EPA the League was able to provide tertiary students & primary and secondary teachers with useful information for their courses and students. A steady trickle of requests are being received from VCE students for information about the foreshore and creek.
MBCL was represented at the HOOP Rally in the Carlton Gardens to protest at the threats to our parks State wide. (Hands off our Parks)
Your secretary is grateful for the offer from Diane and Mara, for assistance in the preparation of reports and submissions. Thank you!