Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th December 2006

Happy New Year Everyone!

Let’s hope the holidays have restored energy and enthusiasm ready to step once more into the fray.
Council officers have been busy over the Christmas break working to organize a meeting to present three options to the public of proposed routes for the bike track. The options are: Council’s preferred option for a cliff top path (formalizing informal tracks according to the CEO at a media briefing), The VicRoads option (widening the traffic lanes on Beach Road to accommodate club riders at the weekend mainly), the PPCC/KCEC/MBCL option of standardizing Beach Road traffic lanes to conform with narrower lanes in Bayside and utilize the existing kerb/verge alongside Beach Road to form a shared path. This option means that the informal paths on the dune/clifftop grassed areas would continue to be available for pedestrians free of fast moving wheeled vehicles.
An article in the Age Wednesday,31″ January, “Share and share alike” quoted Mr Vincent, VicRoads claiming “they spend $8 million every year ..creating wider footpaths in outer suburbs to make space for a bike lane up the kerb, on the road side of the footpath,” Well! Well! January proved to be busy month for three MBCL members who prepared submissions and presented them to the Panel Hearing held at the Kingston Club 22nd/23rd January. We were asked to emphasize the importance of retaining the character and heritage values of Mordialloc Activity Centre and request mandatory height limits which are unfortunately likely to be four storeys in some areas especially on the east and west side of the Frankston rail line.

Coastal Vegetation of the City of Kingston

Jeff Yugovich’s research paper, July 2006, reports that “Coastal sand dunes from Bay Street south to the City boundary appears once to have supported Coast Banksia Woodland.” Regrettably only two mature Banksias remain on the foreshore south of Mordialloc Creek.

Melbourne Water Beach Outlets

A final meeting 23rd November to discuss options for removal or alteration to the outfall for the Marina Road and Ashmore Avenue drainage outlets referred to the cost of realignment to Mordialloc Creek of the Ashmore Avenue outlet versus a short outfall with a jetty over. Realignment to the north for the Marina Road drain was worth further consideration however this would bring the drain excessively close to the fragile eroding Beaumaris cliffs. Rock armour would be required to stabilize the foot of the cliffs. RW pointed out that Janice Munt MP had offered money to remove council drains in return for Council providing money for Chicquita Park. The drains referred to are Melbourne Water drains. It will cost $5 million to relocate the Marina Road drain because some Bayside residents don’t like the appearance of the drains crossing the beach.

Planning Decisions

The Pace development 6 Bear Street/89 Albert Smith, Mordialloc was refused by Council and will probably go to VCAT.
The Paintball Games CentreĀ  Springvale Road, Aspendale is not proceeding. The application was withdrawn.
Parkdale Plaza Saga continues with the proponent not complying with VCAT directions. MW and JF are watching developments closely.
541 Main Street is rumoured to be under new management.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th October 2006

Environment Defenders Office

Project Worker, Verity McLucas has sent a flyer outlining workshops about Native Vegetation Law and Policy. The workshops aim to clarify net gain, clauses 52.17, overlays, the Native Vegetaion Framework, conservation and endangered species laws. The workshop includes a comprehensive set of written materials and resources. A time and place can be nominated by our group. There is a nominal charge to cover costs.

Linton Street Park Sell Off

MBCL presented a brief statement in support of retention of open space and parkland at the mediation meeting at the Fufitsu building 19th October. The Mayor and Cr Alabaster were in attendance with facilitator Robin Saunders whose report will be released later.


Further discussion of roof deck policy in particular noise and danger from unattached items being blown or falling from the roof decks.

Mordialloc Creek

Completion of the revegetation program for the north bank of the creek. The program was funded by money from an EPA fine of Nylex for pollution offences This has been a very successful project with trees and understorey flourishing.BBQ well attended by politicians, councillors, Nylex, EPA, Rangers and Friends of Mordialloc Creek

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd August 2006

A Sincere Vote of Thanks once again to members for their commitment to the daunting task of trying to combat the cavalier attitude of some local government officials with regard to the environment. For example for the past two years members have spent countless hours researching, debating and surveying residents in an attempt to find the best option for a safe, environmentally friendly route for the Round the Bay bike trail. An invitation to KCEC to make a presentation to councillors September 4 provided a small glimmer of hope!! A trillion thanks to members who door knocked homes for the survey, to Dr Earl and Nina who compiled a statistical report on survey results to E-mail to councillors, to Brian who spent hours preparing a power point presentation and to Stephen for his tremendous contribution in measuring Beach Road lanes to prove that the wide Kingston lanes could accommodate a back of kerb bike track rather than located on the cliff tops.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Grand Opening Sunday 10th September at Wells Road close to Mordialloc Creek Bridge. The culmination of years of planning to convert neglected piece of land into an important addition to Kingston’s wetlands/parkland thanks to the determination of AGRA, Melbourne Water and to Nina who has found time in her busy schedule to organise the opening Well done all!

Mordialloc Creek

National Tree Day Planting.. About 40 people planted 800 mixed plants- grasses, groundcover and shrubs beneath the existing tree canopy along old Wells Road opposite the factories. Mordialloc College and Yarrabah held their National Tree Day planting along the creek Friday 28-7-06. At Bonbeach 13 volunteers planted 400 plants on the foreshore but not one tree because of Kingston Council’s policy of not planting trees for five years in that location and indeed along the whole 13 kms of foreshore!

Paintball Facility Aspendale Gardens

As a result of a mediation meeting which AGRA and Barry Ross attended (on MBCL’s behalf) the site has been modified because Melbourne Water required the proponents to build bridges over Smythes Drain which runs through the property. The facility will now be located to the north between Smythe’s Drain and the levee bank of Mordialloc Creek. Stephen Hains withdrew his objection so apparently doesn’t consider that it will devalue his expensive Waterways development.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th July 2006

Looking Forward

As this exceptionally busy financial year draws to a close we are faced with three or four major projects still to be resolved:- the route of Kingston’s section of the Round the Bay bike trail, replanting the Peter Scullin Reserve after the disastrous “ecological thinning” carried out with DSE permission, and Mordialloc’s Structure Plan to go to a Panel hearing due to pressure from developers for increased building heights in some sections of the activity centre. MBCL and members will be presenting submissions.

Mystery of the Disappearing Submissions

On three occasions recently MBCL members have hand- delivered or faxed submissions to Council on the due date, or the day before, to be later informed and/or reported in Council Minutes that “No submissions were received” or that the subs arrived too late! This matter was raised at the Village Committee meeting and will be investigated we were told.

Mordialloc U3A

Mordialloc U3A invited MBCL to speak to the group about Kingston’s open space and parkland. Heatherton Park and Beazley Reserve was part of the presentation but much interest was shown in loss of parkland as well as the Chain of Parks concept. Melbourne Water’s plan to utilise holes left after sand mining for water storage and/or flood retarding basins also created interest.

Waste Transfer Station

Waste Transfer Station, Malcolm Road, Braeside was approved by VCAT despite objections from abutting premises. Southeast Water, Melbourne Water and the EPA did not object despite a triple interceptor being required to trap water used to wash trucks. The interceptor won’t prevent clay sediment or toxic materials flowing into drains, the creek and Bay. VCAT claimed the waste station was an appropriate operation in an Industrial 1 Zone.

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