Environment Defenders Office
Project Worker, Verity McLucas has sent a flyer outlining workshops about Native Vegetation Law and Policy. The workshops aim to clarify net gain, clauses 52.17, overlays, the Native Vegetaion Framework, conservation and endangered species laws. The workshop includes a comprehensive set of written materials and resources. A time and place can be nominated by our group. There is a nominal charge to cover costs.
Linton Street Park Sell Off
MBCL presented a brief statement in support of retention of open space and parkland at the mediation meeting at the Fufitsu building 19th October. The Mayor and Cr Alabaster were in attendance with facilitator Robin Saunders whose report will be released later.
Further discussion of roof deck policy in particular noise and danger from unattached items being blown or falling from the roof decks.
Mordialloc Creek
Completion of the revegetation program for the north bank of the creek. The program was funded by money from an EPA fine of Nylex for pollution offences This has been a very successful project with trees and understorey flourishing.BBQ well attended by politicians, councillors, Nylex, EPA, Rangers and Friends of Mordialloc Creek
Epsom Residential Estate
The NRA team organised an extremely well attended meeting at Epsom to encourage the development of a Friends Group to care for the Herb-rich Grassy Wetland that MBCL fought so hard to prevent Urban Land Corporation Ltd building on. It is therefore great news that there are residents who will undertake to assist the NRA team to maintain the 4.3 ha wetland all that remains of the original 11 hectares.
Waterways Wetlands
A colourful document produced by Australian Ecosystems claims that “EPA testing has shown that the Waterways wetlands are removing 90% of the nitrogen and 50% of the phosphorous from the Mordialloc Creek water.
Paintball Facility
Brian and Barry Ross spoke at a Council meeting in objection to the establishment of this facility just south of the levee bank separating Waterways wet- lands from the paintball site. Reason for objecting was the disturbance to bird -life on the wetlands. Australian Ecosystems Waterways Facts mentioned above, states that there are 102 indigenous bird species inhabiting and visiting Waterways, fourteen of these are threatened, five species have JAMBA and CAMBA listing. Old quarries in the Chain of Parks would be an ideal place for the paintball activities, however council has given approval for the Springvale road site.
Biodiversity Draft Policy
The final meeting of the Draft Policy left the vexed question of how Kingston can introduce a biodiversity policy which precludes the planting of trees on the 13kms of foreshore for five years without being able to explain why this policy has been adopted, especially as it contravenes DSE Coastal Management Act and numerous other policies. At the conclusion of the meeting a disenchanted member moved (excluding council officers present) that: “This meeting regrets the failure of Kingston Council to plan for the planting of any trees on the Kingston foreshore for the next four years and its inability to provide an adequate explanation for this decision.”
Channel Deepening
Blue wedge Coalition organised displays of signs along the route of the Round the Bay in a Day bike ride. Those of us who took part were encouraged by the comments from riders as they swept passed. A short submission has been sent to Port of Hastings Authority concerning plans for a massive expansion of Hastings port facilities. This could include upgrading the Frankston rail line as a “Preferred short-medium term rail access.” and “Potential regional east-west road freight link ” using Greens Road. Dredging will be required for swing basins, access channels, new port infrastructure and berth pockets. Westernport is a RAMSAR site. Jenny Warfe had a terrific article in the Business Age 24 OCT. PETER SCULLIN RESERVE Planting is taking place on the reserve by an outside crew as a result of a tender. About eight she-oaks and groundcover have been planted near the pier. Banksias have been planted randomly at various places including near the children’s playground and on the beach side of the car park where banksias and she-oaks were pulled out in the grand massacre in March!!! Canary Island Palm seedlings at the corner of Beach Road. Why?
Parks Reports
A working bee at Braeside Park found that it is very dry with Dingley Drain dry. Is this result of the Southern Golf Course drawing water from the drain? Brian to check. The Tawny Frogmouth died at the Grange. An Open Day was held 14th October. Rowan Woodlands have a very attractive poster promoting the park.
Kingston Bay Trail
Back to square one! Council consulted with VicRoads concerning the return of .7 metre of road space to add to the verge of road now used for carparking to create a back of kerb bike track without intruding into the foreshore. The result of council’s consultation about lane narrowing is that VicRoads want to increase the traffic lane and are demanding a one metre buffer as well. Council planners then want a 2.5 metre track with a .5 metre buffer to clear vegetation on the beach side of the track thus making an intrusion into the foreshore of approx 3 metres. KCEC/MBCL have met with council planners and our local member for Mordialloc to see what can be salvaged from the demands of Bicycle Victoria and the Bracks Government for the Rc und the Bay trail. DSE have stated that the trail does not need to be on the foreshore. It could be inland. Or do we say leave the bike paths as they are- on the Mentone and Mordialloc promenades and on the shared track from Rennison Street to the Pier?