Guest Speaker Tricia Phelan
Tricia Phelan from Power to Change was guest speaker at the February meeting. Power to Change is a joint initiative of Environment Victoria, Climate Action Network Australia, Native Conservation Council of NSW, Greenpeace and WWF. The campaign is focused on local action and seeks to work with local communities in Melbourne’s south east for the next two months. Solutions are outlined in the campaign such as helping people to change over to Green Power which is the brand for Government accredited renewable energy products. The introductory letter from the campaign organiser stated:- “MBCL has demonstrated a commitment, among other things, to protect foreshore vegetation in the area. We are concerned about the impacts of climate change on the foreshore and hence we would like to work with MBCL to heighten local awareness about these impacts. ” For further information c/- Environment Victoria 9341 8116
Drills Land
Comprehensive minutes of the Drill Land committee meeting 7th February were tabled. Remarkable progress has been made in establishing a lake and creating an island. Unfortunately funding is not available to complete Stage 2 in the next 3 year plan. Plans for completion are ready and supported by Melbourne Water at a cost of $50,000. The committee will explore other avenues for necessary funds.
Landscaping of the Peter Scullin Reserve
Removal of under storey in the Reserve is concerning. Members inspected the site and decided to request a meeting with the council officer responsible for the project. Under storey is to be removed before the annual two day Wine and Food event March 18 despite the landscape architect recommending that no vegetation be removed before replacement plantings are in place. While the proposal to plant extensively with Banksias is welcome, these trees are slow growing leaving the area exposed for visitors to the foreshore on the other 363 days of the year.
Mordialloc Creek Bridge Widening
At the February meeting Mara moved that MBCL ask Council public to organise a public meeting with VicRoads so that they can provide plans for comment. Council advises that plans are to be available “soon”. Questions related to bridge widening were also raised by Judy at the Feb. meeting of the Mordialloc Village Committee. MBCL has also requested a meeting with Janice Munt to discuss this issue.
Mordialloc Structure Plan
Mordialloc Structure Plan will be released for public comment within the next two weeks. Interim height controls for Mordialloc expire in June and July and Council has to have planning controls and Statutory Regulations in place before then as well as Design and Development Overlays (DDOs). The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) is also to be reviewed after three years. A busy time ahead, folks!
The Grange Carpark Extension
The Grange Soccer Club Carpark Extension was raised by Penny. The Friends group was not advised or consulted about this takeover and were naturally affronted by the actions of a senior council manager and Ward councillor. There is fear that the supposed temporary layout for an important soccer game will become a permanent alienation of this public open space by asphalting the car park area. It was moved that MBCL write to Council about continuing and latest loss of public open space.
Round the Bay Bicycle Path
The Department of Sustainability & Environment has produced a series of documents entitled Sustainable Neighbourhoods. The Practice Note entitled Using the Mobility & Access Management Provisions provides examples of constructing bike paths similar to our recommendations for the Bay Trail from Charman Road to Mordialloc Creek. The DSE supports trialling the Copenhagen Model in the CBD and inner city areas. This is identical to our preferred option for the shared path (on the verge of Beach Road) in Kingston rather than destroying foreshore vegetation with a costly cliff top path.
AN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER has been appointed to Kingston Council. KCEC made the acquaintance of this officer so that he is aware of active environmental groups in the City of Kingston who wish to be kept informed of environmental projects and are prepared to offer assistance forums. Next stop a meeting especially on matters of climate change and biodiversity with the CEO for a similar reason to alert him to the need for a more balanced view of solutions to environmental problems within the City.
Dixon Street Toilet Car Park Tree Destruction
Because the police received one complaint about alleged anti-social behaviour at the toilet block they requested that Council remove two mature tea-trees alongside the toilet block on Beach Road so that the police could check the toilet as they drive passed. This resulted in the destruction of a she-oak also on the beach side of the toilet block. This tree was cut off at ground level. Will this set a precedent resulting in vegetation removal on the foreshore every time there is an alleged incident?
Roof Decks
Roof Decks are becoming the latest blight on the residential amenity of our suburbs. In some Increased Diversity Areas (Activity Centres also) roof decks provide the only private open space. This policy permits developers to cram as many dwellings as possible into the development irrespective of the impact of noise and over shadowing of neighbours from the owners. of roof decks. In bay side suburbs there is also demand for roof decks for the views. KRAMMED is lobbying Council to adopt a roof deck policy similar to Bayside’s roof deck policy. Support of Bayside’s policy is recommended.
Beach Clean Up
Sunday March 5th at Bay Street car park Mordialloc Foreshore.