Re Wetlands on North bank of Mordialloc Creek Write to the Town Planner, Springvale re their project for a Country Club/Golf course on the proposed wetlands site. Plans have been forwarded to the League. John Scholes, DV&WPA advises that the wetlands proposal depends on funds being made available from the Open Space Program in order to purchase land which comes on the market.
Bradshaw Park
Gates should be locked at night by security personnel to protect this remaining remnant of native vegetation. An ecological appraisal should be completed by Christmas. Bradshaw Park was awarded a Heritage Award in December, 1988.
Parkdale Foreshore Erosion Control
Water has been lapping at the base of the completed erosion control work. League to ask for sand to be carted to Parkdale Beach by the Port of Melbourne Authority to prevent further erosion.\
Indigenous Plant Audit on the Parkdale Foreshore
R. Pearson organised a plant audit on the Parkdale foreshore in the area to be graded in April. A number of plants were found to be in danger of destruction when work commences. These plants include three bushes of Coast Everlasting near Bay Street. David Bainbridge has supplied an updated list of plants suitable for foreshore planting.